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Thread: shaving. + electrics

  1. #1

    shaving. + electrics

    how long does it take u to get a full beard?

    my 5 o clock shadow dosnt come the day i shave

    which is kinda good i dont gotta shave alot.

    who uses one of those electic razors i bought one for like 300$ and it seams to be pretty much useless are electrical shavers really that bad or do i got a bad one / doing it wrong length?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    i dont use electric razors because they burn my neck and dont get close enough to make the day. if i dont shave every day my wife dont kiss beard is like sand paper and rubs her raw. never grew a beard in my life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    how long does it take u to get a full beard?

    my 5 o clock shadow dosnt come the day i shave

    which is kinda good i dont gotta shave alot.

    who uses one of those electic razors i bought one for like 300$ and it seams to be pretty much useless are electrical shavers really that bad or do i got a bad one / doing it wrong length?
    If you paid $300. they saw you coming. Isn't it strange that testosterone makes the hair on your body grow faster everywhere but on your head. Usually balding men are more potent. More DTH.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Real men use straight razors, electrics are for pussies!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Real men use straight razors, electrics are for pussies!
    I always use a razor on the pussies I shave

  6. #6
    i can literally go 1 week without shaving and look like its been one day. its kinda good because i dont gotta shave much. but any longer and my hair dosnt look great. i really cant grow a beard. i dunno if im lucky or i must have some super low levels somewhere. but i decided to try a electric because they are made out to be excelent and fast and yeh it was a major loss to the pocket

  7. #7
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i can literally go 1 week without shaving and look like its been one day. its kinda good because i dont gotta shave much. but any longer and my hair dosnt look great. i really cant grow a beard. i dunno if im lucky or i must have some super low levels somewhere. but i decided to try a electric because they are made out to be excelent and fast and yeh it was a major loss to the pocket
    I would get my test levels checked.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I would get my test levels checked.
    does it really effected by test that much? some people in general arnt hairy? i been small / short alot of my life im 18. 5'7 or so. 165 lbs. not really that small but not big. maybe im not explaining acurate or giving right description. but if test has a big thing then maybe i should get it checked..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    does it really effected by test that much? some people in general arnt hairy? i been small / short alot of my life im 18. 5'7 or so. 165 lbs. not really that small but not big. maybe im not explaining acurate or giving right description. but if test has a big thing then maybe i should get it checked..
    yes it is testosterone that effects hair growth, once you go on AAS involving test, your facial grows 10x faster (i hear)
    I would def get my test levels checked if i was you, who knows... maybe you legit ride to AAS with a script!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    im 18. 5'7 or so. 165 lbs. not really that small but not big.
    No, you're really that small - Tom Cruise"ish" sized.

  11. #11
    ok i will get my test levels checkd. what makes low test levels. i hope not getting hit in the balls lol or i definetly got low
    well i shaved 24 hours ago almost and i can not see like any change. i could just see my slightest of hair after i shaved and it hasnt changed... so that means i could definetly have low test ? shoulda known somthing was wrong alot of hard work not much gain oh also how long after u go to doctors do the tests take?
    Last edited by Foskamink; 11-10-2006 at 08:05 AM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    No, you're really that small - Tom Cruise"ish" sized.
    damn i should use that one to get the ladies!!! but he is ripped

  13. #13
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    mink , you are only 18, dont worry, i am sure your test levels are fine, not every one can grow a beard, or grow one quickly, if you are concerned about your test levels, get some blood work and tell them you want your test levels checked as well.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    you should be happy you dont have to shave EVERYDAY. man i hate doing it

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    you should be happy you dont have to shave EVERYDAY. man i hate doing it
    yeh its great. i like being clean shaven or having just stubble so its nice not having to.

  16. #16
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    Dont worry growing facial hair does not mean you have low test levels. One your 18 and some people just cant grow beards Keauno Reeves(sp) grows in blotchy as hell so do a couple of my cousins. It doesn't mean you have low test levels.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    i have a 5'oclock shadow at 7am ><

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    This is me after one day.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	images.jpg 
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ID:	75458  

  19. #19
    yeh when it starts to go to beard its blotchy. but i dont mind... i love the fact im not that hairy. like my back ect and stuff dont get any. not common to but i seen some ugly ass people

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    mink , you are only 18, dont worry, i am sure your test levels are fine, not every one can grow a beard, or grow one quickly, if you are concerned about your test levels, get some blood work and tell them you want your test levels checked as well.

    Exactly dont worry to much.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    I shave with a straight blade. Good old barbershop style. It is THEE ONLY way to shave my friends. You should all try it. It feels amazing, I mean its like getting a babreshop shave EVERYDAY in your own house, Its super clean, looks amazing and **** when you can maneuver one of those things like a champ as I have mastered girls are really impressed (NO SHIT).

    I suggest everyone get one, electric razors are garbage plain and simple. How can anyone expect to get it as close when there is a metal guard in between the blade and your face?

    Go out and buy one, they are cheap, they dont gather up disgusting gunk that gathers in between mach 3 blades or other similar razors and its honestly just fun.

    But beware, if you cut yourself with one of these you will know it, this aint no baby shit.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Real men use straight razors, electrics are for pussies!


  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Mid Atlantic
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Real men use straight razors, electrics are for pussies!
    Oh, this thread is about shaving your face. I would not use a straight razor on my nuts, electrics only. If you can shave your nuts with a straight razor, you truly have some nerve and a steady hand (and better eyesight than me).

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i can literally go 1 week without shaving and look like its been one day. its kinda good because i dont gotta shave much. but any longer and my hair dosnt look great. i really cant grow a beard. i dunno if im lucky or i must have some super low levels somewhere. but i decided to try a electric because they are made out to be excelent and fast and yeh it was a major loss to the pocket
    consider yourself lucky bro. in a couple years your gonna wish u didnt have to shave everyday

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I shave with a straight blade. Good old barbershop style. It is THEE ONLY way to shave my friends. You should all try it. It feels amazing, I mean its like getting a babreshop shave EVERYDAY in your own house, Its super clean, looks amazing and **** when you can maneuver one of those things like a champ as I have mastered girls are really impressed (NO SHIT).

    I suggest everyone get one, electric razors are garbage plain and simple. How can anyone expect to get it as close when there is a metal guard in between the blade and your face?

    Go out and buy one, they are cheap, they dont gather up disgusting gunk that gathers in between mach 3 blades or other similar razors and its honestly just fun.

    But beware, if you cut yourself with one of these you will know it, this aint no baby shit.

    your more man then me bro, shaving the boys with a straight razor is a serious death wish if you slip up

  26. #26
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    Nov 2004
    I wish i had a light beard. What sicks is when you have to save 2x a day. If i shave at like 6am and im going out at night around 9. I will have to shave again. I have only tryed an electric razor a few time. That thing killed my face. I have no clue how people use them.

  27. #27
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    My hair grows really quickly. If I don't shave everyday, my facial hair gets pulled out by the razors. The Mach 3 is the only blade that does not rip it out, and I can sometimes go 2 days without shaving. By day 3 or 4 though, I need to use a beard trimmer first and then shave with a blade or razer.

    If I shave in the morning (9:00) then by dinner time it looks as if I did not shave that day. If I need to go out after dinner, I will have to shave again.

  28. #28
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    electric shavers are useless in my opinion.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    My hair grows really quickly. If I don't shave everyday, my facial hair gets pulled out by the razors. The Mach 3 is the only blade that does not rip it out, and I can sometimes go 2 days without shaving. By day 3 or 4 though, I need to use a beard trimmer first and then shave with a blade or razer.

    If I shave in the morning (9:00) then by dinner time it looks as if I did not shave that day. If I need to go out after dinner, I will have to shave again.
    Same as me. It sucks.

  30. #30
    the new gillette fusion 5. are the 5 blade razors, and mach 3 has nothing on them. i tell ya get that new fusion 5. and they also have a extra blade to trim finely arround ur sideburns or nose ect. they got 5 straight blades and a one on the back side.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I have seen that in the store. It looke huge to shave with. Have you tryed it yet ?

  32. #32
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    I use the fusion and i like it alot. I tried the power one but i didn't like it at all.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I have seen that in the store. It looke huge to shave with. Have you tryed it yet ?
    yeh i use the fusion alot, always. only tried electric twice. the fusion is 10 times better them mach3. for example. if u let ur hair grow a little and dont shave every day the fusion is 10 times better then mach3. but if u shave everyday im sure the fusion is still better. its well worth it. also i hate all the gillettes with battery movement i feel its anouying and does nothing, surprised to see alot of people saying how great mach3 is, advice is to try the fusion, mach3 is last years technology, the fusion is definetly the greater weapon

  34. #34
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    Nov 2004
    When i run out of mach3 blades i will buy a fusion and give it a shoot. Hell i'm going to see if i can get one for free from there web sight.

    Gillette use to send out the mach3 samples for free.

  35. #35
    just a question. how many shaves do u get out of ur mach 3. i shave once every 4-7 days usually and i find one the second use, they are horrible and just ruin my skin and arnt very friendly to use.

  36. #36
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    If i shave eod i can get 2.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    When i run out of mach3 blades i will buy a fusion and give it a shoot. Hell i'm going to see if i can get one for free from there web sight.

    Gillette use to send out the mach3 samples for free.
    They probably don't send free blades out anymore because the price of steel is through the roof right now. Those fvckin blades are so damn expensive!!! It's like $20 dollars for 4 blades. What a racket.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    They probably don't send free blades out anymore because the price of steel is through the roof right now. Those fvckin blades are so damn expensive!!! It's like $20 dollars for 4 blades. What a racket.
    That is true. It's such a ripoff just to shave. What ever happened to the good old days. When shit was only a $1

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    China is building the biggest dam in the world and that's why steel is so expensive and also why there is a shortage of cement and steel here in the US.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    China is building the biggest dam in the world and that's why steel is so expensive and also why there is a shortage of cement and steel here in the US.
    Well i guess it's good that we still have something to offer the world.

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