I have downloaded a DIVX movie from a porn site but it needs a userid and password each time it is viewed and it expires in seven days. Is there anyway to crack these files so you dont need a useid and psddword ?
I have downloaded a DIVX movie from a porn site but it needs a userid and password each time it is viewed and it expires in seven days. Is there anyway to crack these files so you dont need a useid and psddword ?
hold your horses. what format is the movie in...bcse if its wma ...it uses DRM and up to now....ppl have been trying to crack it to no avail.
The format is .divx
hmm...what player are you using to play this...i sure hope its not windows media player....if it is...why dont you try to use VLC - http://www.videolan.org ...i never heard of a divx beign password protected bfre either...imma research this pronto..thanks for the heads up.
I am using the the Divx player that is at www.divx.com If I use WMP is opens the file but it looks like crap and sais go find the codec. I will try the VLC now
Last edited by Kale; 11-13-2006 at 12:29 AM.
ok...back from my windows days...i recall ppl saying...NEVER USE DIVX player to play divx files...i cant recall why.this might be the reason...try using a third party client like vlc...maybe mplayer...even real player...also make sure you have all your codecs installed properly. This is a complete windows codecs file ( codecs are needed for proper audio / video playback) - http://www.free-codecs.com/download/XP_Codec_Pack.htm
That software opens the file and I can hear the soundtrack OK but the picture is just a bunch of moving jumbled pixels
thats your codecs kale...or lack there off...you need poper codecs to properly decode / encode media. install the xp codec pack ( im guessing your on windows OS) if not let me know. I do this for a living ...we will find a solution
Thanks man you are a great help I didnt think I would get a response to this at all. I installed the codecs you gave me but I still get the same result from both WMP and VLC, just a bunch of jumbled pixels. And yes, I am using Windows XP
Well ...when you d/l pr0n from shaddy websites there is a chance of d/ling corrupted material. Perhaps you can pm the exact source of this movie / show to me..and i will take a look at it..and tell u where it stands.
The site is www.gamelink.com. They are huge and definitly not shady. They have a section that contains all there divx movies that can be downloded.Originally Posted by rafael
The files are not corrupted because I paid for it and you need to use a userid and password to play the file each time you open it. I have already opened it and watched it but I want to keep it longer than seven days
while i browse this..u may want to try torrents for your pr0n viewing pleasure. All the torrent movies i know of..come in .avi format and never give u a hassle
so far..im seeing movie rentals / for sale here ( u can buy minutes....ermm..rent divx movies...i dont see any free section lol
Last edited by rafael; 11-13-2006 at 12:55 AM.
There is no free sectionOriginally Posted by rafael
it would seem then that the media is beign encrypted to prevent piracy. I never heard of divx beign encrypted bfre...only wma with their stupid DRM ( digital rights millenium bull****)
so it cant be cracked ?Originally Posted by rafael
as far as i know...no...same goes for divx - vob . i asked on the proper forum..ill see if they come up with anything. Ill keep u posted
as far as i know...no...same goes for divx - vob . i asked on the proper forum..ill see if they come up with anything. Ill keep u posted
as far as i know...no...same goes for divx - vob . i asked on the proper forum..ill see if they come up with anything. Ill keep u posted
as far as i know...no...same goes for divx - vob . i asked on the proper forum..ill see if they come up with anything. Ill keep u posted
ow no...my browser seems to have quadroopled posted..sorry about that...im looking for a feature to erase the doubles but cant find any..again.sorry.
Originally Posted by rafael
That feature was taken away quite a while ago. Really appreciate your help dude
i didnt really help with anything..but anytime lol. i can help with anything puter related. Just hope my dream will come true one day and everyone will use linux :X
Rafeal you said you do this for a living?? what is it that you actully do????
Have you tried the "K-lite codec pack" kale ? This has made me able to play almost all videos. You amy need multiple different players as well.
I use K lite codec pack and it has allowed me to watch many things that were previously scrambled.
I think you should just stop watching porn kale it will make you go blind and have hairy palms.
i operate and maintain linux servers. Admin sorta thing.
K-Lite didnt work either damn itOriginally Posted by perfectbeast2001
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