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Thread: Thats it, my wife is cut off!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    Thats it, my wife is cut off!!!

    So I've had this little problem with my wife lately, I'd like to call it communication about bills. I get the mail because she's too lazy to, and if I dont get it it will stack up in the box. Well, first strike is I keep getting a ****ing pediatric bill for my stepdaughter which is addressed to us and is in her fathers name, it's been coming here for a year and a half and I'm sick of it. I ask my wife every month, is this something you need to pay? "Oh, it's his, we dont need to pay it" well I say, dont you think you need to give it to him or contact him and have it forwarded to his address? She'll put it aside and forget about it. 2 months ago I added her to my Express charge card because I got sick and tired of her bitching about how she has no clothes!!! So she goes and gets $120 worth of shit, I wasnt that concerned because the min. payment every month is like $10, shit, we can pay that off in 2 or 3 months I said to myself. Last month bill comes in, I say to her "Is this something we need to pay?(she diceided she wanted to handle the bills for awhile) No, its not due until next month she says. I get out of work this morning hungry and tired and as I'm driving home I egt a phone call telling me the ****er is 2 months late!!! So I pay it w/ a debit card over the phone, then go home to get my mail which has more shit addressed to her ex ****ing husband, and I blew up on her. She filed for bankruptcy 2 years ago because her ex left her w/ a bunch of shit she couldnt pay for which was in her name, she TERRIBLE w/ money. So I said thats it, she's ****ing cut off, every week I want her damn check, she's getting an allowance, I'm taking care of everything, and I'm going to know whats what from now on. Oh yeah, to top it all off I get a bill this morning for her wisdom tooth she had pulled 7 months ago, says we owe them $300, she's been telling me every ****ing month that she's waiting on one from the insurance company because they are covering that amount, I call today and find out that they arent covering it, thats what we owe them. I told her, if you dont know something just tell me or call somebody, dont just ****ing wait like it's going to go away!!! I'm sick of financial surprises because of my wife's laziness/lack of communicating to me. She's cut I say, CUT OFF!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hotel California
    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 09:41 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    You have to take charge SS.

    Dont let her eff it up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Oh ya, most women shouldnt be allowed anywhere near a bank acct man. I could have told you that. They've got no common sense at all when it comes to money.

    My ex bought a 700$ pair of Jimmy Choo's one day, whatever the **** a jimmy choo is. 700$!!! For shoes!!!!!!!! Does she know how much gear or bike parts I could buy with that???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    God bro thats sounds like my sister,,lol,,true,,

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    So I've had this little problem with my wife lately, I'd like to call it communication about bills. I get the mail because she's too lazy to, and if I dont get it it will stack up in the box. Well, first strike is I keep getting a ****ing pediatric bill for my stepdaughter which is addressed to us and is in her fathers name, it's been coming here for a year and a half and I'm sick of it. I ask my wife every month, is this something you need to pay? "Oh, it's his, we dont need to pay it" well I say, dont you think you need to give it to him or contact him and have it forwarded to his address? She'll put it aside and forget about it. 2 months ago I added her to my Express charge card because I got sick and tired of her bitching about how she has no clothes!!! So she goes and gets $120 worth of shit, I wasnt that concerned because the min. payment every month is like $10, shit, we can pay that off in 2 or 3 months I said to myself. Last month bill comes in, I say to her "Is this something we need to pay?(she diceided she wanted to handle the bills for awhile) No, its not due until next month she says. I get out of work this morning hungry and tired and as I'm driving home I egt a phone call telling me the ****er is 2 months late!!! So I pay it w/ a debit card over the phone, then go home to get my mail which has more shit addressed to her ex ****ing husband, and I blew up on her. She filed for bankruptcy 2 years ago because her ex left her w/ a bunch of shit she couldnt pay for which was in her name, she TERRIBLE w/ money. So I said thats it, she's ****ing cut off, every week I want her damn check, she's getting an allowance, I'm taking care of everything, and I'm going to know whats what from now on. Oh yeah, to top it all off I get a bill this morning for her wisdom tooth she had pulled 7 months ago, says we owe them $300, she's been telling me every ****ing month that she's waiting on one from the insurance company because they are covering that amount, I call today and find out that they arent covering it, thats what we owe them. I told her, if you dont know something just tell me or call somebody, dont just ****ing wait like it's going to go away!!! I'm sick of financial surprises because of my wife's laziness/lack of communicating to me. She's cut I say, CUT OFF!!!
    I think the worst part is that she knows she has to pay the bills and lie's to you !!! That would piss me off !! And whats the deal with the ex, No f'n way bro, his mail to your house ?? The only thing that should come to your house with his name is child support...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    fvck yeah put her on a allowance

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    put ur foot down my dad used to be like that till my mom div him because of it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    And bro, consider yourself lucky 120 buck for clothes is nothing for a woman...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    And bro, consider yourself lucky 120 buck for clothes is nothing for a woman...

    Well they need to wake the **** up I say, $120 is alot to me

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Well they need to wake the **** up I say, $120 is alot to me
    Maybe my girls high maintience, just to get her hair done is 250 bucks, and thats once a month, Not to mention i give her about 200 a week cash to leave me the fvck alone..

  12. #12
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Maybe my girls high maintience, just to get her hair done is 250 bucks, and thats once a month, Not to mention i give her about 200 a week cash to leave me the fvck alone..
    Haha sucks to be you bro,my girl gives me money for nothing and still takes me out all the time and buys me shit and gets me out on bond$1000and a ton more shit hell she even bought my letro and clomi and drove me to go pick up my cycle.god damn i love that girl. N o she does not give me money Because I dont have a job or anything because I have 2 jobs and i go to school.Im not one of those dicks that live off ther old laady.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    Shes afraid..

    Has she gone for debt counciling? Maybe there r bigger underlying issues.

    But yes do not put her in charge of the bills.. big no no

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    St. Paul, MN
    i would be sick and tired of that mess too. its good to see you taking control of the situation. AT LEAST SOMEBODY IS!

  15. #15
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    Haha sucks to be you bro,my girl gives me money for nothing and still takes me out all the time and buys me shit and gets me out on bond$1000and a ton more shit hell she even bought my letro and clomi and drove me to go pick up my cycle.god damn i love that girl. N o she does not give me money Because I dont have a job or anything because I have 2 jobs and i go to school.Im not one of those dicks that live off ther old laady.
    You better hope she dosent leave your ass !!!! But i'd rather be in control, plus i let her do what she wants, and i do what i want, were pretty open with each other, she wont even come to my house without callin, as for lawyers i keep one on retainer, dont need him much any more but always good to have, im usally out of jail before the cuffs are off...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I agree you should be taking care of the bills. But taking her check from here and giving her an allowance? How controlling can you be? If money is tight i think you should sit down together and make a budget up. Money problems can end a relationship.

    BTW $120 on clothes is nothing. Loosen up. Man i have jeans more then that.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    You better hope she dosent leave your ass !!!! But i'd rather be in control, plus i let her do what she wants, and i do what i want, were pretty open with each other, she wont even come to my house without callin, as for lawyers i keep one on retainer, dont need him much any more but always good to have, im usally out of jail before the cuffs are off...
    No she isnt gona leave me,I dont ask for anything.we are both very good to each other and she knows i apreciate her. and I do about the same for her.but as for the legal situation,It was a possesion ticket from about a year ago that finally cought up with me.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Well they need to wake the **** up I say, $120 is alot to me

    Bro, I spend that on clothes monthly, and I dont buy a ton of clothes :shrug

    A pair of jeans, socks, couple of t-shirts... bang, 120$ gone easily...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Maybe my girls high maintience, just to get her hair done is 250 bucks, and thats once a month, Not to mention i give her about 200 a week cash to leave me the fvck alone..
    You pay that every month for her hair????? You need to shit can her ass.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Bro i hope she is good looking and good to you.

    That is some thing i would kill my wife over. Your doing the right thing. you need to take over all teh bills and financees in your home. You credit is attached to them all as well.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    You pay that every month for her hair????? You need to shit can her ass.
    Bro this is New York City, nothing is cheap, and she says she does it for me LMAO !!!!!

  22. #22
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    No she isnt gona leave me,I dont ask for anything.we are both very good to each other and she knows i apreciate her. and I do about the same for her.but as for the legal situation,It was a possesion ticket from about a year ago that finally cought up with me.
    Ya gotta watch, your past can always come back and kick you in the ass............

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    How is she doing BTW?

  24. #24
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    You pay that every month for her hair????? You need to shit can her ass.
    i agree, thatsa sin to pay 250 for hair a month!

  25. #25
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    i agree, thatsa sin to pay 250 for hair a month!
    Guys thats just part of it, There's dinners, vacations, shopping, the whole nine yards, ya also gotta understand im not 20 y/o and workin and goin to college, im already established and a little older.. But if i want to keep what i got, i do the right thing, and i dont have a problem with that..

  26. #26
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    Aug 2004
    I don't blame you onw bit, i cannot ****ing understand why some people are unable to project into the future about savings/bills etc..

    I might be in debt but i am at least in control of what goes out. Why some people cannot balance a checkbook is beyond me.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    i agree, thatsa sin to pay 250 for hair a month!
    Man i just wonder where you guys live of if your girls just doesn't tell you what it cost. My ex didn't really have long hair it was around 200 and my girl now has extensions. It cost her about $500 every other month

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Man i just wonder where you guys live of if your girls just doesn't tell you what it cost. My ex didn't really have long hair it was around 200 and my girl now has extensions. It cost her about $500 every other month
    Holy crap, that's more than my car payments!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Some Fort out there...
    I wouldn't even give her an allowance

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