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So I've had this little problem with my wife lately, I'd like to call it communication about bills. I get the mail because she's too lazy to, and if I dont get it it will stack up in the box. Well, first strike is I keep getting a ****ing pediatric bill for my stepdaughter which is addressed to us and is in her fathers name, it's been coming here for a year and a half and I'm sick of it. I ask my wife every month, is this something you need to pay? "Oh, it's his, we dont need to pay it" well I say, dont you think you need to give it to him or contact him and have it forwarded to his address? She'll put it aside and forget about it. 2 months ago I added her to my Express charge card because I got sick and tired of her bitching about how she has no clothes!!! So she goes and gets $120 worth of shit, I wasnt that concerned because the min. payment every month is like $10, shit, we can pay that off in 2 or 3 months I said to myself. Last month bill comes in, I say to her "Is this something we need to pay?(she diceided she wanted to handle the bills for awhile) No, its not due until next month she says. I get out of work this morning hungry and tired and as I'm driving home I egt a phone call telling me the ****er is 2 months late!!! So I pay it w/ a debit card over the phone, then go home to get my mail which has more shit addressed to her ex ****ing husband, and I blew up on her. She filed for bankruptcy 2 years ago because her ex left her w/ a bunch of shit she couldnt pay for which was in her name, she TERRIBLE w/ money. So I said thats it, she's ****ing cut off, every week I want her damn check, she's getting an allowance, I'm taking care of everything, and I'm going to know whats what from now on. Oh yeah, to top it all off I get a bill this morning for her wisdom tooth she had pulled 7 months ago, says we owe them $300, she's been telling me every ****ing month that she's waiting on one from the insurance company because they are covering that amount, I call today and find out that they arent covering it, thats what we owe them. I told her, if you dont know something just tell me or call somebody, dont just ****ing wait like it's going to go away!!! I'm sick of financial surprises because of my wife's laziness/lack of communicating to me. She's cut I say, CUT OFF!!!