Originally Posted by
Mike Dura
It sounds like you're worrying too much. This state of mind puts you "one-down" and leaves you at a major disadvantage. If she senses, for example, an absence of confidence from you, or something a bit neurotic and tense, all bets may be off (i.e., no puss).
Better to come from a position of power, confidence, and ease. How? Work yourself into a state of mind were there are no worries and no ulterior motives on your part (towards her). Focus instead on just being her friend (specifically, being a good listener): Get her talking about herself and limit your responses to reflecting back (i.e., restating whatever she expresses). Be sure to adress feelings in these restatements, e.g., "it sounds like you feel nervous about this up-coming bio exam, what do you plan on doing?" Never give advice!
Just listen and see what happens and don't neurose (e.g., over her intentions or where it's leading). Things will happen on their on if you don't sabatoge the whole thing with your insecurities. Tolerate the uncertainties of the situation and what will happen will happen. Either way, it's all good!