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Thread: I hate my gym

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Las Vegas

    I hate my gym

    I pay a lot of money to belong to my gym, about $50/month. They gym is pretty big. IOt has a pool, basketball court, racquetball courts, aerobic room, 2 cardio room, and a pretty big weight room. They never repair any of the machines in a timely manner. The freeweights and DB's are good but the machines are all 10+ years old.

    Anyway, they put up a sign about 8-10 months ago that says "only employees of ******* Athletic Club are allowed to train people." Cool, I can understand that they don't want some freelance trainer making money off of their junk equipment that by the way, was paid for 10 years ago when the owner burned down the gym!!!
    So a few weeks ago it all started. One day I was at the gym at around 4:30 (the busiest time of the day for the gym). All of a sudden I start seeing a group of 10+ 15-16 year old girls wandering around aimlessly and staring at all the equipment. I was like WTF?, does the Highschool not have a gym?
    I'm watching these girls do all these different exercises with the worst form and no clue what they are doing. They are circuit training so they completely took over the whole friggin gym.
    I was doing pulldowns. I had my bag, belt, straps and towel laying right next to the damn machine. I finish my first set of pulldowns and stand up next to the machine to wipe my face and take a swig from my water bottle. Then, I turned back around and this 15 year old bitch and 3 of her friends just took over my machine. I was standing there like....WTF are you doing?
    I was nice and just let them work in and I finished my sets. I was so F'n mad by this point that I went up to the front desk and said to one of the sales reps:
    "Hey, when I signed up for the gym, I thought i joined LAC (abbreviations for club), not LHS (abbreviations for local high school). Why is the freshman girls cross-country team working out here?"

    He said "Actually, it's the soccer team"; kinda smirking.
    I almost punched him in his fuking grill.

    I said, "well why the **** are they here at 4:30 in the afternoon, the busiest time? Can't they come in at a different time?, I mean, they took over the whole gym and they don't even know why the hell they are doing"

    He just said "hey, they have a right to use the gym too"

    I said "yeah right, I'm gonna line up 15 of my buddies and come in every day at 4:00 on the dot and take over the whole ****in that cool?"

    He just walked away at this point and said "I don't know what to tell ya." top it all off, the guys training them don't even work for the gym like the rules state! They are 2 young punks that coach the team and have no clue what they are doing. I mean, I watch these girls lift and think to myself..."what the fuvck are they doing over there?"

    The funny part is that these guys have no certification whatsoever. What are they doing training ANYONE????? I have seen them in the gym when they lift and they are a joke. The 2 guys, or coaches, have been lifting at the gym for a while. They ought to know better than to bring that shit in the gym at the busiest time of the day. And why wouldn't the trainers say anything to them? You know, like, "hey guys, maybe you should find a better time to do this".

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    i would be pissed as hell, i would def talk to the manager if it continues, if it happend once i would let it slide, twice pushing it but 3 thats it

  3. #3
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    Jan 2005
    As bad as it sounds......tough. They do have the right just as much as you do to workout . I am not saying its easy but you have to deal with it. You think i like waiting for grandpop to get off the seated row machine as he does 15lbs 500 reps ? No. I don't run around like a baby either. Suck it up or go at a different time.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    As bad as it sounds......tough. They do have the right just as much as you do to workout . I am not saying its easy but you have to deal with it. You think i like waiting for grandpop to get off the seated row machine as he does 15lbs 500 reps ? No. I don't run around like a baby either. Suck it up or go at a different time.

    it's the only gym in town other than the student rec center that cost $8 million.

    Would you be pissed if 2 douche bags at your gym came in with 10 of their frat brothers and took over all the squat racks doing SDL's with 10 pounds?

    As far as them having a right to use it....yeah you are right. But I also have the right to be a dick when they get in my way or take my machine.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    it's the only gym in town other than the student rec center that cost $8 million.

    Would you be pissed if 2 douche bags at your gym came in with 10 of their frat brothers and took over all the squat racks doing SDL's with 10 pounds?

    As far as them having a right to use it....yeah you are right. But I also have the right to be a dick when they get in my way or take my machine.
    Wrong again.

    So when you are doing squats and i walk up to you and say move D***head because i can do double your squat weight, you think thats right ?

  6. #6
    yeah they have a right to be there. I'd ignore them. But..if they took over my machine...I'd tell them I wasnt done and to move...

  7. #7
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    i think the gym owners should have used a little common sense and been more considerate to the hardcore gym users and booked this session at a quiter time. that way there aint gona be a problem wif regular users

  8. #8
    its a hard knock life for us

  9. #9
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    yeah they have a right to be there. I'd ignore them. But..if they took over my machine...I'd tell them I wasnt done and to move...

    This would be the best/civil way to handle it. You know it is possible to be polite and get your point across.

    Please tell me you are'nt one of the "i can lift more than him so i am the god of this gym" type? I ****ing hate assholes like that.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  10. #10
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    i would be pissed as hell, i would def talk to the manager if it continues, if it happend once i would let it slide, twice pushing it but 3 thats it
    OMG Some of you guys are the biggest babies. The girl used my machine. I'm sure they have some kind of arrangement to use the gym. They arent there for free. If you keep complaining they are going to tell you to come at a different time. Not 10 girls. Also not the high school that they have some arrangement with.
    As far as them bringing their own trainer I'm sure that was part of the agreement with the high school. Why do you even care who is training them?
    And because they aren't certified. To become a certified PT is easy as shit. A cert. means absolutely shit to me. I was cert. I know how easy it is.

  11. #11
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    24 hr fitness where I go to lets them come in but they must be gone by 4:30 some of these high school girls have their shlt down when it comes to training. Some girls though have no clue what they are doing do you know how many times I see girls pull the bar on the cable pulldown machine all the way to their stomach?

  12. #12
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 09:21 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Take advantage of the situation. You should ask one of the highschool chicks out!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Take advantage of the situation. You should ask one of the highschool chicks out!

    (he said what every one was thinking )

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I would go to another gym.Sounds like you pay way to much anyway

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    I pay a lot of money to belong to my gym, about $50/month. They gym is pretty big. IOt has a pool, basketball court, racquetball courts, aerobic room, 2 cardio room, and a pretty big weight room. They never repair any of the machines in a timely manner. The freeweights and DB's are good but the machines are all 10+ years old.

    Anyway, they put up a sign about 8-10 months ago that says "only employees of ******* Athletic Club are allowed to train people." Cool, I can understand that they don't want some freelance trainer making money off of their junk equipment that by the way, was paid for 10 years ago when the owner burned down the gym!!!
    So a few weeks ago it all started. One day I was at the gym at around 4:30 (the busiest time of the day for the gym). All of a sudden I start seeing a group of 10+ 15-16 year old girls wandering around aimlessly and staring at all the equipment. I was like WTF?, does the Highschool not have a gym?
    I'm watching these girls do all these different exercises with the worst form and no clue what they are doing. They are circuit training so they completely took over the whole friggin gym.
    I was doing pulldowns. I had my bag, belt, straps and towel laying right next to the damn machine. I finish my first set of pulldowns and stand up next to the machine to wipe my face and take a swig from my water bottle. Then, I turned back around and this 15 year old bitch and 3 of her friends just took over my machine. I was standing there like....WTF are you doing?
    I was nice and just let them work in and I finished my sets. I was so F'n mad by this point that I went up to the front desk and said to one of the sales reps:
    "Hey, when I signed up for the gym, I thought i joined LAC (abbreviations for club), not LHS (abbreviations for local high school). Why is the freshman girls cross-country team working out here?"

    He said "Actually, it's the soccer team"; kinda smirking.
    I almost punched him in his fuking grill.

    I said, "well why the **** are they here at 4:30 in the afternoon, the busiest time? Can't they come in at a different time?, I mean, they took over the whole gym and they don't even know why the hell they are doing"

    He just said "hey, they have a right to use the gym too"

    I said "yeah right, I'm gonna line up 15 of my buddies and come in every day at 4:00 on the dot and take over the whole ****in that cool?"

    He just walked away at this point and said "I don't know what to tell ya." top it all off, the guys training them don't even work for the gym like the rules state! They are 2 young punks that coach the team and have no clue what they are doing. I mean, I watch these girls lift and think to myself..."what the fuvck are they doing over there?"

    The funny part is that these guys have no certification whatsoever. What are they doing training ANYONE????? I have seen them in the gym when they lift and they are a joke. The 2 guys, or coaches, have been lifting at the gym for a while. They ought to know better than to bring that shit in the gym at the busiest time of the day. And why wouldn't the trainers say anything to them? You know, like, "hey guys, maybe you should find a better time to do this".

    honestly bro, i get annoyed when the gym is really busy, but i dont think its quite right to get so angry about it

  17. #17
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Take advantage of the situation. You should ask one of the highschool chicks out!
    Amen to that one.........

    i mean ewww

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hmmmm 10+ 16yo's on the lat pulldown.... Did you sniff the seat afterwards

  19. #19
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    If they get in your way again, just stick it in their pooper.

    Seriously though, they do have the same right to be there as you do. Maybe go a half hour earlier/later if it really bothers you?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Las Vegas
    It's definitely NOT the girls' fault, they don't know any better....they are 15-16 years old. I'm not mad at the gym for letting them in either. I'm mad because they could have talked to the two coaches (who should know better) about coming in at "down" times.

    If you work out at a gym everyday and you have been lifting there for a while, why would you be a dick and bring in a youth group at the busiest time? IT'S A DICK MOVE on the coaches part
    have some respect for the guys you lift with everyday.

    It has nothing to do with girls using the's when they don't know any better and just jump in on your machine when they feel like it, or strip your bar down when you go to get a drink of water. The "coaches" should teach them some gym etiquette.

    DSM......your probably the guy doing the curls in the squat rack. And if you did come over to me and said that shit...I'd beat your face in with a 20lb. DB
    Last edited by Triple X; 11-14-2006 at 06:57 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    I'm not mad at the gym for letting them in. I'm mad because they could have talked to the two coaches (who should know better) about coming in at "down" times.

    If you work out at a gym everyday and you have been lifting there for a while, why would you be a dick and bring in a youth group at the busiest time? ITS A DICK MOVE
    have some respect for the guys you lift with everyday.

    It has nothing to do with girls using the's when they don't know any better and just jump in on your machine when they feel like it. The "coaches" should teach them some gym etiquette.

    DSM......your probably the guy doing the curls in the squat rack. And if you did come over to me and said that shit...I'd beat your face in with a 20lb. DB
    You might be able to get away with pushing little 16 yr old girls around but come around here and try it. (damn vegas guys)

    A gym is there to make money not cater to your every need. If it pisses you off that much then workout at home.

    Its just kind of funny that you are 32 and I am 25 and still have more common sense then you. I thought you were suppose to get wiser with age
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 11-14-2006 at 07:00 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    go at night geese.
    and or make them feel real uncompfortable with heavy weight and loud ass grunts sweat and blood

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Hmmmm 10+ 16yo's on the lat pulldown.... Did you sniff the seat afterwards
    dude, thats harsh. I would never sniff the seats, Id wait till theyre not lookin and climb into the air ducts to watch them in the locker room... if only i could fit in there

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    It's definitely NOT the girls' fault, they don't know any better....they are 15-16 years old. I'm not mad at the gym for letting them in either. I'm mad because they could have talked to the two coaches (who should know better) about coming in at "down" times.
    They probably come after school or practice. What are they going to go home and come back to train at 8 when is slower. They are high school kids training for there school sports that's the time they train.

  25. #25
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    THis my friend is the reason i train at 6am in the morning, no crowd and no 15 year old bitch.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Hmmmm 10+ 16yo's on the lat pulldown.... Did you sniff the seat afterwards

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    You might be able to get away with pushing little 16 yr old girls around but come around here and try it. (damn vegas guys)

    Its just kind of funny that you are 32 and I am 25 and still have more common sense then you. I thought you were suppose to get wiser with age
    .......and bigger! See what you have to look forward to!

    Haha....common sense would tell you not to pick fights with someone older and bigger than you!

    Let me're from Jersey?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    .......and bigger! See what you have to look forward to!

    Haha....common sense would tell you not to pick fights with someone older and bigger than you!

    Let me're from Jersey?
    The bigger they are the harder they fall my friend. No slimy jersey guy here

    Good ole Philly Philly.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    The bigger they are the harder they fall my friend. No slimy jersey guy here

    Good ole Philly Philly.
    I didnt know your from Philly. Me too. I'm moving to N. Jersy next week though.

  30. #30
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    are you gona pee in their butt.LOL

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    are you gona pee in their butt.LOL

    I'd pee in one of 'ems butt! She looks 17 though!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I didnt know your from Philly. Me too. I'm moving to N. Jersy next week though.

    Nice to see locals around here. I work in SJ at the moment.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    .......and bigger! See what you have to look forward to!

    Haha....common sense would tell you not to pick fights with someone older and bigger than you!

    Let me're from Jersey?

    god i can hardly wait to see what i look like at 32

  34. #34
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    (he said what every one was thinking )

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    I'd pee in one of 'ems butt! She looks 17 though!
    try to do it at the gym then when your done tell them not to come back because it is your gym

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