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Thread: PS3 lines forming already!

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    reminds me of the south park episode where cartman is waiting for the release of the Nintendo WEE "Cmmooon,Cmmooooooon"!!!!
    "Butters you black asshole you didnt unfreeze me!"

    Yeah I def agree with the disgust of nerds in this country get a life

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I just got into work and the Sony line turns the corner and goes from Madison avenue all the way to 6th avenue. If you don't know, a New York City avenue equals about 3 city blocks. As I walked by looking at one guy says "wow, he is big" I said back "you people don't have jobs?" I'm thinking about going down stairs and taping a "GET A LIFE!" sign to the glass.
    Thats a great point, these people lives are so insignificant that they cant 3-4 day vacations to wait in line for a video game console that they will then spend countless hours playing....... wow

  3. #83
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    My thing is how can so many people get off of work? I can see college age but there are people down there in their 40s.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    My thing is how can so many people get off of work? I can see college age but there are people down there in their 40s.

    yea i was thinking about that last night bro. what kind of man would put his job on hold for a week to get a video game system?

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    The $100 preorder does not guarantee that you'll get one when they get stock. You could get yours in January when there is enough stock available. If I don't get one now at full price I have to wait till after Christmas. At least I can use my employee discount after Christmas.

    Not to disagree with you Carlos but I was the first online to get a preorder at EB games and they called me yesterday telling me I can pickup my PS3 at midnight Thursday so my preorder is good.

  6. #86
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    the one dude postponed his engagement and the other guy quit his f**kn job

    that is the funnies shit ive ever read before.

    ps3's already breaking up happy homes

  7. #87
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    my brother was trying to preorder on off ebay a few months ago for like 1400 dollars. that shit is just retarded.

  8. #88
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manwithin
    Not to disagree with you Carlos but I was the first online to get a preorder at EB games and they called me yesterday telling me I can pickup my PS3 at midnight Thursday so my preorder is good.
    I know some companies are taking deposits on stock they don't have. You have to wait until they get it.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I know some companies are taking deposits on stock they don't have. You have to wait until they get it.
    Yeah. EB Games and Gamespot are pretty well known to do that crap.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Motion
    Yeah. EB Games and Gamespot are pretty well known to do that crap.
    For the 100-200 stock they will get they will take 500 deposits.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by manwithin
    Not to disagree with you Carlos but I was the first online to get a preorder at EB games and they called me yesterday telling me I can pickup my PS3 at midnight Thursday so my preorder is good.
    They are already predicitng malfunctions and problems with the thing, for example, it's having a lot of trouble playing older PS and PS2 games...good luck!

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    They are already predicitng malfunctions and problems with the thing, for example, it's having a lot of trouble playing older PS and PS2 games...good luck!

    yea i heard the ps2 had all kinds of problems when it first came out. it wouldn't surprise me if the ps3 is the same way

  13. #93
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    I went to the best buy next to my school and there were about 12 tents set up. there was also a PS3 on display, and the guy playing it like it was given from Christ looked exactly like the nerd playing WoW in the South Park episode!! lol it was hilarious. it looked no different than 360 btw

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    They are already predicitng malfunctions and problems with the thing, for example, it's having a lot of trouble playing older PS and PS2 games...good luck!
    The games thing is no big deal, the issue is with about 200 out of almost 10000 games, and besides why buy a new system to play the old games? If your gonna drop $600 on the PS3 you would think you did it for a reason.

    I have heard about the controller battery issues though.

  15. #95
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    my buddy arranged to have a couple friends wait in line and buy it for him in exchange for free supps

  16. #96
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Guess who has a PS3 right in front of him.

    They're setting a couple up in our lobby so people can play them and I asked if I could have a few minutes with one before they take it down. The guy is opening the box now.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Guess who has a PS3 right in front of him.

    They're setting a couple up in our lobby so people can play them and I asked if I could have a few minutes with one before they take it down. The guy is opening the box now.
    Shit go grab it and run. They are saying that by x-mas they will be selling for like 200k.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Guess who has a PS3 right in front of him.

    They're setting a couple up in our lobby so people can play them and I asked if I could have a few minutes with one before they take it down. The guy is opening the box now.

    Hey, are the same lines forming for the Wii? Check your PM's, if your not busy on that PS3. Thankyous!

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Shit go grab it and run. They are saying that by x-mas they will be selling for like 200k.
    Man the thought crossed my mind. Grab this shit and go run down stairs and start a bidding war with the people in line! DO I HEAR $50,000... $60,000!

    On my next job application: Why did you leave your last job? "I sold one of our display PS3s for $60,000."
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Man the thought crossed my mind. Grab this shit and go run down stairs and start a bidding war with the people in line! DO I HEAR $50,000... $60,000!

    On my next job application: Why did you leave your last job? "I sold one of our display PS3s for $60,000."

    No your next job will be making license plates in jail.

  21. #101
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    They'd probably all jump you for that ps3...
    Carlos goes to jail and is beat up...ROFL

  22. #102
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    a van down by the river!
    i was wondering why i saw a bunch of idiots sitting in lounge chairs outside of best buy yesterday!!now i know why!! there wer only 3 or 4 people waiting

  23. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    No your next job will be making license plates in jail.

    that or air force ones

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Shit go grab it and run. They are saying that by x-mas they will be selling for like 200k.
    200K??get the fck out!!! ridiculous if anyone pays that much for it,i will puke!!! how about people learn patience, wait 6 months, and than you can go in a store and pick one off of a shelf and buy it at its regular price and not have to camp outside like a hobo for 2 wks in the rain and cold like an animal. this makes alot more sense to me.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    200K??get the fck out!!! ridiculous if anyone pays that much for it,i will puke!!! how about people learn patience, wait 6 months, and than you can go in a store and pick one off of a shelf and buy it at its regular price and not have to camp outside like a hobo for 2 wks in the rain and cold like an animal. this makes alot more sense to me.
    Shit that is nothing. You rember the Elmo that sold for 1mil. They were telling on e-bay for 2 300k a pop.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Shit that is nothing. You rember the Elmo that sold for 1mil. They were telling on e-bay for 2 300k a pop.
    was that the tickle me elmo doll?it solf for a million??!?!?!? unbelievable!!

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    was that the tickle me elmo doll?it solf for a million??!?!?!? unbelievable!!
    Yes that is the one.

    People have to much money.

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    My thing is how can so many people get off of work? I can see college age but there are people down there in their 40s.
    they have no life and no job, only wy they could do this. what job would let you miss an entire wk and what kind of idiot would use their vacation time to do something so dumb?

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Yes that is the one.

    People have to much money.
    i had one of those damn dolls, i worked in a department store at the time and they sold them to employees first, i gave it away as agift, if ikne i could have got a 100k for it, i would have sold that damn thing!

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i had one of those damn dolls, i worked in a department store at the time and they sold them to employees first, i gave it away as agift, if ikne i could have got a 100k for it, i would have sold that damn thing!
    I bet you feel like shit now.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I bet you feel like shit now.
    certainly do!

  32. #112
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I played the PS3 on an HD LCD and the shit looks hot. I played a racing game and a first person shooter game. I didn't get the names of the games because I was playing in an SVPs office and he got a phone call and I got scurried out of his office.

    We're putting 26 PS3s down in our atrium and 6 will have internet access. The atrium is open 24 hours. We have extra security to guard all of the PS3s. They're setting them up so the idiots online downstairs can geek out and play them all night.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  33. #113
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    I have a picture in my head of a bunch of skinny geeks fighting over who gets to play next!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  34. #114
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    a van down by the river!
    geeks and children

  35. #115
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    the southpark episode that makes fun of this is really funny.

  36. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I played the PS3 on an HD LCD and the shit looks hot. I played a racing game and a first person shooter game. I didn't get the names of the games because I was playing in an SVPs office and he got a phone call and I got scurried out of his office.

    We're putting 26 PS3s down in our atrium and 6 will have internet access. The atrium is open 24 hours. We have extra security to guard all of the PS3s. They're setting them up so the idiots online downstairs can geek out and play them all night.
    They should put you down there for security to eat little people that try to steal the stuff!

  37. #117
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    I want one really bad, but the time and money is not worth it. Again I bet by next May it'll be $399

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    my buddy arranged to have a couple friends wait in line and buy it for him in exchange for free supps
    free supps!?! riiiiight... lmoa.. more like exchange for a stockpile of gear ..

    i told my girl to wake up at the crack of dawn and head over to circuit city, which is right next to a sams club, to better the chances of picking up a couple of ps3's.. I however, will be sleeping while she waits these lines... im a bad man

  39. #119
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    i think the fact for waiting/wanting a ps3/360 is stupid, when the 360 came out it was like a feeding freezy, very stupid imo

  40. #120
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    Crowds, gunfire greet release of coveted PlayStation 3
    POSTED: 8:51 a.m. EST, November 17, 2006

    NEW YORK (AP) -- Days of waiting paid off for Sergio Rodriguez, one of the relatively few able to buy Sony's PlayStation 3 when the coveted console went on sale early Friday.

    He was among the die-hard gamers and entrepreneurs across the country who braved foul weather and heckling by passers-by all week for the chance to shell out $500 or more for the sleek game machine.

    With shortages resulting from production problems, many had camped out for days without knowing if they'd be going home empty-handed. At some stores, the crowds got rowdy and stampeded for the shelves, injuring a man in Wisconsin and forcing authorities to shut down a Wal-Mart store in California.

    In Connecticut, two armed thugs who got wise to the PS3's high price and tried to rob a line of people waiting outside a Putnam Wal-Mart store at 3 a.m. One person who refused to give up the money was shot, state police said. In Lexington, Kentucky, four people waiting outside a Best Buy were hit by BB pellets, though none was seriously injured, according to television station WKYT, whose own reporter was hit as she interviewed buyers.

    Rodriguez had been waiting outside the New York Circuit City store since Sunday for the a midnight launch event, and he was the first to walk away with the PS3 as people still standing in line outside the store cheered.

    "This is the best game ever. It's so worth the wait," the 25-year-old graphics designer said. "Some people may call me crazy, but I really love to play."

    With Sony promising only 400,000 systems for the nationwide launch, the chance of disappointment was high. While retailers tried to keep expectations low, lines snaked around the block at many stores -- even those that weren't going to begin sales until later Friday.

    Saby Madrigal, an 18-year-old college student who worked for a month at a liquor store to save for a PS3, waited in line outside the Circuit City for 24 hours without success. Still, she vowed to keep looking.

    "For the work we had to do to get all the money to get the stupid system, I'm going to search every single store in town," she said. "I don't care, I'm going to get it."

    Some who saw long lines at the midnight launches simply went to another location, with later openings and smaller crowds. Nonetheless, about 50 people were in front of Ahmad Mustafa, 24, outside a New York Best Buy with only 34 units available.

    Ernie Ferreira, 22, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, who was visiting relatives in New York, was No. 4 in line and didn't mind waiting for the store's 8 a.m. opening.

    "Only seven or eight hours, I can handle that," he said. "I did it three nights already."

    Nathaniel Lord, who camped out for three nights at a Best Buy in West Hollywood, California, spent more than $700 on a console and game.

    "I thought about going home to shower first because I haven't showered in three days, but I think I'm just going to get another energy drink, log on and get started," said Lord, a recent graduate of California Institute of the Arts.

    Sony, which has contended with laptop battery recalls and trails rivals in key products such as music players and liquid crystal displays, is counting on the PS3 to maintain and build its market lead in consoles.

    Some customers were buying PS3 machines for themselves or as gifts, but many were hoping to resell them at a profit. Units were fetching several thousand dollars early Friday at the eBay Inc. auction site.

    James Salterio, 27, explained the reason for his two-day camp-out outside a Houston, Texas, Target store: Greed.

    "I'm gonna sell mine," Salterio said, figuring he could make $1,500 to $4,000. His 21-year-old brother, a gamer, wanted company in line, so Salterio decided to make a profit in the process.

    "It's capitalism at work," he said.

    Edgar Alcala, 18, who grabbed one of the first spots in line at San Francisco, California's Sony Metreon Mall on Wednesday morning, said he was looking forward to a warm, dry bed and a hefty profit.

    "When I get home, I'm going to take a quick picture of it, slap it on eBay and go to sleep," Alcala said minutes before the store's doors opened at midnight Friday.

    Potential customers braved freezing temperatures in Fargo, North Dakota, and heavy rain and winds in Baltimore, Maryland, and other East Coast locales.

    "Katrina could come through here and I wouldn't switch," said Marco Cajas, 20, of Baltimore. "I spent the night on the cold street."

    Even a volunteer for former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina asked for help in getting a PS3 -- from Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which the potential 2008 presidential candidate frequently criticizes.

    Edwards said the volunteer "feels terrible" about seeking the console from Wal-Mart a day after his boss criticized the retail giant, saying it doesn't treat its employees fairly.

    Wal-Mart accused Edwards, the Democrats' vice presidential candidate in 2004, of not wanting to wait his turn.

    Short supplies and strong demand were feared to be a formula for trouble as the PS3 hit store shelves, a half-year late because of problems completing work on the console's built-in, next-generation DVD player.

    In Palmdale, California, authorities shut down a Super Wal-Mart after some shoppers got rowdy late Wednesday. In West Bend, Wisconsin, a 19-year-old man ran into a pole and struck his head racing with 50 others for one of 10 spots outside a Wal-Mart.

    Many stores reported calm.

    At a Best Buy in Boston, Massachusetts, with 140 machines for sale, employees simply gave out tickets for the first 140 in line so that everyone else could go home.

    At San Francisco's Sony Metreon mall, a "sacred scroll" notebook kept track of the first 505 people in line so they could go to the bathroom or pick up food without losing their spots. Some got wristbands guaranteeing a unit.

    There was even a vibrant economy in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Restaurants not only delivered pizza and wings, but also dispatched workers to hand out menus. The Dick's Sporting Goods store nearby sold camp chairs and more than a few tents.

    Even as retailers drummed up publicity by throwing parties and inviting celebrities, Best Buy Co., Circuit City Stores and others warned customers all week that supplies would be tight.

    Sony promised the 400,000 machines in the United States for Friday's launch and about 1 million by year's end. Worldwide, it was expecting 2 million this year, half its original projections.

    Jack Tretton, executive vice president at Sony Computer Entertainment America, said retailers will be receiving new PlayStations daily -- expedited by plane rather than ships.

    "At some point we want to get to some degree of normalcy, but that remains to be seen," Tretton said, adding that seeing all the people camped out and lined up for the console "kind of makes all the effort worth it."

    Enthusiasm for the PlayStation 3 wasn't dampened by its high price tag -- $500 for the basic model with a 20-gigabyte hard drive and $600 for the 60-gigabyte version, which also has built-in wireless.

    By contrast, Nintendo's Wii, which goes on sale Sunday in the United States, retails for $250. Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360, which had a year's head start over rivals, sells for $300 to $400.

    Sony crammed the PlayStation 3 with the very latest in cutting-edge technology, and it dominated the previous generation of consoles with 70 percent of the global market.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

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