24 hours to live, what would you do, who would you screw??
24 hours to live, what would you do, who would you screw??
is your name mase?
Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
lol it was just on the radio for some reason..
damn thats an old song...1997? 98?Originally Posted by FranKieC
Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
Prob has to do with me listining to 90's rap on the jukebox
I would spend it visiting family and close friends. Oh and it would definately be a cheat day LOL
Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
and lol to the cheat day
Randy ORton
I would probably screw anything i could get my hands on considering the fact i wouldnt want to spend my last 24 hours hunting down someone to screw.
id go visit all the places in the city that people tell ya is too dangerous
i'd be rushin the station squeezin the imph.
i'd be waitin' to get to hell and bust down satan.
Id prob go to a ferrari dealership, rob the new 599 take it to mexico, sell it and buy hookers and food for the next 18 hours.
i would kill president bush. if i could find him and get a gun
You'd all see me on TV. Check this out...
Hillary Clinton would be giving a press conference, talking about rasing taxes, Dick Durbin, presidential race, etc. on national TV then in midsentence..
"Why yes Mr NY Times reporter, I have been thinking about my presidential bi....." BAM! You'd see Phreak run on stage and just BLAST her haggard old ass in the mouth from the side without her even seeing it coming. Oh what a glorious day, it would make me die a happy man....that and a bottle of Cialis and Jessica Simpson in my jail cell afterwards....
Originally Posted by Mizfit
I would probably not know what to do. Too hard to decide, I would want to be in some tropical place but the travel time would waste half the day...
good question, i have no idea
i dont think ud make it to jail.Originally Posted by Phreak101
Great song!
Does anybody see a pattern here ????Originally Posted by Foskamink
Jessica Alba.
Yes, it would be F**king, we all want to go out busting one out, I would take britty spears at her hottest with 2 20mg tabs of cialis!Originally Posted by stuball
Yeah her to, I would let them tounge each other, not to the point where it takes away from my pleasure, hey I'm dyingOriginally Posted by Tesla
Id probably spend the whole 24 hrs thinkin of what Im gonna do... hmm, either that or Id try to kill my self by Over dosing on Mc donalds.
we could just teleport u thereOriginally Posted by C_Bino
I would meet my dad at our cabin for the day. I would spend the time talking things over with him, then i would swallow 200 sleeping pills.
you can't fire me... I fvkng QUIT!
i'd go over to france and take out the whole country cause its filled with pussys sooooooOriginally Posted by Foskamink
Last edited by BlInDsIdE; 11-15-2006 at 12:07 AM.
Originally Posted by Shang III
hahahah you'd probably die with a hard-on. They have to tape you cock down just to close the coffin hahahaahhaha
haha why u calling me a lair he's pretty cute.Originally Posted by C_Bino
but i would want to spend time with my bestfriend too (sister)
[QUOTE=mousetraps]I would meet my dad at our cabin for the day. I would spend the time talking things over with him, then i would swallow 200 sleeping pills.
you can't fire me... I fvkng QUIT![/QUOTE]
hahahaha i like it
Dam it. I just cant think of what i wont to do today.
Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
I would probably pick out some nice clothes. Hell if everyones coming to see me in a couple days I want to look good
I have a day to live remember? Anyone could do a day in jail, hell I already have spent a night or two....Originally Posted by Foskamink
I would take a shot of about 10,000,000,000,000,mg of tne and get a good pump and go get laid
Be ready for a visit from the Secret Service lol!Originally Posted by Foskamink
to many things to do I would prob confse myself
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