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Thread: XBox 360 vs PS3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    XBox 360 vs PS3

    Ive been loyal to PS and have really never played in depth with an Xbox or a 360. Now I have been waiting for the PS3 to come out but $600 is really eating at me. I plan on buying a few PS3's on friday, but that is strictly for resale. Im not the hardcore gamer, I just like to play a few games. Mostly Madden, but I like shooters as well. Gears of War looks pretty good. So, my question to all you XBox guys is. For myself, the casual gamer, would I really miss anything by getting the 360 instead of the PS3? Honest opinions please. No Sony or MS fanboys ranting and raving.

  2. #2
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    you and me are the same person when it comes to video games

    casual gamer who mostly plays madden and shooters.

    I always went with xbox because shooters are all i play really besides madden and grand theft auto and a cool game here or there

    I always thought xbox was superior as far as games go for shooters, thats why i went with xbox. i had ps2 back in the day, and got pissed that all the good shooters were going exclusivley to xbox, so one day i got pissed enough and traded it for a box. havnt looked back so far

    and i have a 360 and am extremely pleased

    my honost prediction, which is just that, is that ps3 and xbox will be completely equal. the cost to the best of my knowledge is mostly because of the blue ray which is pretty much irrelevent to playing video games

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    thats good to hear coming from someone who has similar likes with games. what about xboxs has the left analog where sony has the D pad. and the D pad where sony has the L analog. is that a pain in the ass to use for madden? Im use to using the L analog stick and would think it would feel a little awkward using L analog where the D pad used to be. Follow me?

  4. #4
    cmon man theres no battle ps2 > xbox 360 now ps3 > god

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    ps2 isnt better than 360. I have PS2....cmon now...

  6. #6
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    you still have your 2 joysticks, its not very hard to get used to. I really really really think the xbox controller is more comfortable. esp the 360

    i like it better for madden. it feels natural

    you pull the trigger to sprint which is nice, instead of wearing out an actual button like i did big time on the ps2

    also, thats another thing

    when playing shooters, its so much nicer to have the trigger when you are playing xbox, from what i remember, their was no trigger on the ps2 controllers

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