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Thread: Any nextel/cell phone gurus?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Any nextel/cell phone gurus?

    Hey i have a nextel i930, that i had dropped in water quickly..i dried it out and it turns on and works perfectly, but it no longer gets service. A guy at the store told me nextel probably shut it off, cause it was listed as lost or stolen ( i found the phone ).. i thought he was not telling the truth b/c it was working up until i dropped it in water. Either way i was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible that nextel did shut it off.. or can it be fixed? any thoughts appriciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I doubt nextel shut if off. You have to call and file a claim saying it was lost/stolen for them to do that. It probably doesnt have service because it has water damage. You have to take it to a nextel service place and have it checked out. I would make sure you have the insurance plans that nextel offers before you do that. Its only an extra 5-7 bucks a month.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    I actually just ordered a New Nextel phone (i580) but only for the walkie talkie service, it's only $6 a month and i will need it for new buisness. I used to have Nextel service and left to go to Verizon because i'm not crazy about Nextel's phone service and then like an idiot i wanted the new razor that cingular came out with not knowing that Verizon was going to come out with one and switched to cingular. Cingular is the WORST damn phone service i EVER had in my life. Cingular claims fewest dropped calls and they are right, that's because the calls don't drop you just sit there talking to yourself with a frozen screen and can't hit end to end the call. I ditched Cingular and would NEVER in a million years go back. Now i have Verizon for phone and i will have Nextel for walkie talkie. Nextel phones are very rugged and durable, my friend works construction and dropped his nextel phone in a manhole filled with a couple of feet of water and when he finally fished it out, after it dried up it worked fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Nextel's service does suck ass IMO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    call 611 or *611 from ur phone and just ask nextel

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Network would only shut it off if you contacted them saying the phone was lost or stolen. I saw many water damaged phones while working in a phone shop and no signal was a common error after the phone had dried out. Unfotunately the only thing we could do was to replace the whole handset.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Guys im sorry i think u missed what i sed! I Found the phone, and put my sim card into it. It used to work. I dropped it into water and let it dry out. The guy at the store said the device came up as lost or stolen. It doesnt get service with MY sim card in it anymore..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    you need to have it re programmed. Some phone shops will do it but some will not, it is illegal so look for the small dodgy phone shops that are privately owned.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by xjmoochx
    Hey i have a nextel i930, that i had dropped in water quickly..i dried it out and it turns on and works perfectly, but it no longer gets service. A guy at the store told me nextel probably shut it off, cause it was listed as lost or stolen ( i found the phone ).. i thought he was not telling the truth b/c it was working up until i dropped it in water. Either way i was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible that nextel did shut it off.. or can it be fixed? any thoughts appriciated!
    No, i was a avid Nextel user. worked for nextel for about 2 years. there is no way the phone could of been "shut off" from a report of lost or stolen. Unlike most phone companys that run of ID numbers nextel runs off sim cards - (prob one of the worst ideas in the phone buisness ever) the only way the service would of been shut off if u called nextel and told them ur sim number or account number and had it turned off. the guy at the nextel store obviously has no idea what he is talking about.

    you probably damaged either your sim card in some way, or somthing in the phone that tracks service. I have seen a few i930's that got dropped in water and never worked properly again.

    I would either call up nextel tomo and ad a protection plan to your phone... wait a month or so.. (which sucks) then shut it off for 2 or 3 days. call nextel and tell them u lost ur phone. and they will replace your phone. well they will replace the phone u have registered under your account, not your i930 you "found"

    when i left nextel thats how they did it, dont no know how they do it with sprint now. goodluck with your phone bro.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    thanks for the help.. but yea its not a big problem, cause i have another phone. I just wanted to do what i can to get this one to work since its in perfect condition otherwise.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    ebay it as a parts phone, the board is prob f'd.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    all i can say is that i am glad that my nextel contract is up this weekend.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    skip, thats exactly what i was thinking..thats why i wanted to see if it was fixable before i put it on ebay!

    Yess and my contract has been up and ive considered getting a non nextel phone over and over i'm just not sure i can live without the walkie talkie-- alotta people around me still have them!

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