Some of you read this thread which is where it all started
And i got a new job the following saturday thanks to some good connections - also in a night club. This new place is different - the bussers have to do a lot more work than the bartenders. We even have to clean the place ourselves. I get paid more or less the same - but all in cash, for nearly twice as much work.
For now i will stick with this job and maybe i can find a better place as time passes by...
I miss my old job like you miss a relly good friend. I miss the atmosphere - some place tht was always clean and i strove to make it that way. It was a place that I was comfortable with and i strove to make things good and sometimes my efforts were lauded... but most often not. I miss the place that i did so many things for...
but most of all i will miss my coworkers (not the managers and the bartender) - the barbacks and teh bussers. I miss them al and despite our differences we were a closely knit group.
It makes me sad to say goodbye to a place i got so attached to, despite the ups and downs it was good to me... and it is my fault that things turned out teh way they did.
I still ahve a chance to go back... what would be the reprecussions? What would happen? What kind of rumours would spread and what kind of stigma would exist about me?