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  1. #1
    beuleux's Avatar
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    how do I encrypt all the data on my pc

    Does anyone know of an app that will encrypt all data so that it cannot be acessed by anyone but the owner whatsoever.

  2. #2
    Triple X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Does anyone know of an app that will encrypt all data so that it cannot be acessed by anyone but the owner whatsoever.
    Buy a Mac and use FileVault

  3. #3
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Does anyone know of an app that will encrypt all data so that it cannot be acessed by anyone but the owner whatsoever.
    When not just lock the computer ?

  4. #4
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know he said 'owner' (implying a singular user) I still gotta ask is it a shared pc?

    i.e. is 'owner' collective?

  5. #5
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    Owner is just me... Im just worried if my pc is ever siezed I dont want plod reading my emails or my temp files... or any of my stuff for that matter, I know the windows password can easily be bypassed, Im after something that will 128 bit encrypt the whole thing so it wont even boot without a password

  6. #6
    rafael is offline Associate Member
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    if youre worried about leaving something behind on your HD...there is another solution....Not using your HD....yeah ..i know what youre is he babbling about...but..this is where a linux live cd can come in handy..this is an entire operating system...which runs of a cd. nothing is installed...nothing is saved to memory. Also..some of the best encryption comes with linux based OS.

  7. #7
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Owner is just me... Im just worried if my pc is ever siezed I dont want plod reading my emails or my temp files... or any of my stuff for that matter, I know the windows password can easily be bypassed, Im after something that will 128 bit encrypt the whole thing so it wont even boot without a password
    If your computer gets siezed from "da man" trust me your little programs are not going to work. Once you hear them pounding on the door you better hit that suckers with a hammer !

  8. #8
    pigrond's Avatar
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    there are programs that will autowipe but they take time best bet a large powerful magnet use a case that opens easy plop the mag onyour drive its toast you can even install a small electro magnet on the drive itself when the fuzz comes flip the switch and the drive is done

  9. #9
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Hammer or Maget is the only thing that will save you. Even if you wipe the drive your data can still be recovered.

  10. #10
    pigrond's Avatar
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    short of doin that they will get the info so a magnet si the only way to erase info so they cant get it .hard drives can be entered without them even running and the big boys know how to get all that info

  11. #11
    beuleux's Avatar
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  12. #12
    spywizard's Avatar
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    pretty good privacy is the one we install on bank computers.. 256 encryption, but withall products that are sold in the usa, the algarythym key must be provided to the Fed if requested.. so it's worthless if that is who you are attempting to keep out..
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  13. #13
    Jakspro's Avatar
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    yea, like everyone is saying, its pretty useless if your trying to keep out "da man" but, like rafeal was saying, a life CD will work great. Or, what i prefer is to boot from an external OS drive. A small travel drive, they have these mini drvies that use the HD's that come in iPods so they're really small. Do all your "Dirty" work one those, then just travel with it. If you know your gonna get rolled, then do what everyone else is saying...Beat the shit out of it. But that way if your comp get's seized your shit won't be on it. And you can travel with it, and boot from your friends comp, use they're ISP, ect...

  14. #14
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard

    pretty good privacy is the one we install on bank computers.. 256 encryption, but withall products that are sold in the usa, the algarythym key must be provided to the Fed if requested.. so it's worthless if that is who you are attempting to keep out..
    So without the key no one can access it not even god right? Whats worse geting busted for juicing or getting busted for not handing the key over?

  15. #15
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    So without the key no one can access it not even god right? Whats worse geting busted for juicing or getting busted for not handing the key over?
    Listen i dont care what program you use the feds will crack it. Case closed.

  16. #16
    charlieuk is offline Junior Member
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    Try this

    Ultimately "they" can probably crack anything, but this will give them a run for their money.

    They can't even see that there are encrypted files on the harddive with this,b so they won't try to crack it

    Best bet is to put all your dodgy files on an external HD and then use an encryption programme. Keep you extra HD somewhere different from your computer.


  17. #17
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link... Ill take a look. I read this thread about one of the vets getting busted, his pc got siezed and hes real screwed, just made me wanna take precautions

  18. #18
    Gear's Avatar
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    If they seize your PC and see the data is encrypted, it will make make them even more suspicious. It will raise their curiosity even more. I have an external HDD which I use for all my monkey business. If something was to happen, I can easily unplug the external HDD and store it in a safe place leaving my PC behind which is totally dirty business free

    Once you start locking files/folders, encrypting data etc, they will just come after your even harder because that gives them even more of a reason to think you have something to hide.


  19. #19
    hawkead is offline New Member
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    for sheer encryption? white canyons secureclean and my security vault package. Secure clean file overwrites (the only real way to delete files) and mysecurity vault uses 256 blowfish encryption. theres no cracking that unless the software company puts in a backdoor which as far as i know white canyon has not done. Just remember you encryption is only as good as your password select a strong alpha numeric pass.

  20. #20
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Depends on how secure you want to get and at what performance cost.

    I have a usb thumb drive. On it is a program called TrueCrypt. On the super secret portion of TrueCrypt (each virtual TC drive can have two passwords, one normal one supersecret)there is a VMWare virtual Machine. Once fired up and you log in with my 37 character password TrueCrypt is on there. Mount that drive with a 34 character password and you will find my stuff I want to keep secure and applications for stuff I want to do securely.

    Performance is a nightmare....

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