so i got a job!!! im the CEO. of 5 of my mums companies. i signed the documents today and they are being sent out tomorow. so basicly i just pay the bills for the companys. u know house payments / internet / telephone / ordering ect / maintaining all the mail / and registration of stuff, sounds really simple but in switzerland theres alot of bullshizz if ur not a citizen! so i cant just collect mail and be a signatory need to have somone appointed to the position, my mum uses the companys for what ever her business is. she gives all those orders being the owner of the bearer shares im just the front man that the public can see. i get 35,000 usd a year
which is good. because my mum has to pay that for a CEO reguardless of who it is by law so mayaswell give me the money since CEO is not a hard job. its 5,000 per company + i got a bonus
im happy. hope all the papers go through within the next few weeks. will really help my mum because i will have athority over all the accounts for day to day and buisness life, which she dosnt have access to because non citizen so its good we can manage our own stuff better without having somone else have to collect and read through our mail and pay our bills for us. so yeh its a milestone making our life easier!
wish me luck and pray no hick ups.. which there shouldnt be. but my passport my be a problem.