that mans physique is top-notch, better then builders was he on? was he just genetically blessed, like me where it counts.. or what ?
that mans physique is top-notch, better then builders was he on? was he just genetically blessed, like me where it counts.. or what ?
Originally Posted by odix
his arms are the best i have ever seen, still the best.
his genetics
Don't know how true this is, but I heard he used a lot of Eq. Again just what I heard
haha, anyone seen borat ? i'm reading dianabol and tren
err primobolan
get it mixed up with para
no one will ever know. end of story
i heard he was the south beach bulk
all he took was Cell tech/Nitrotech....
definately!Originally Posted by justinandrews7
He smoked a lot nof weed. no bullshit
i hate these threads. cuz the only person that knows what arnold did is arnold himself. along with the "waht do the pros take" again the only ones that know are the pros themselves. +great genetics and lots of $$ for food
lots of freaking cell tech too!Originally Posted by Haro3
he did var only 10 mg a day
Originally Posted by justinandrews7
Var , Celltech, Same thing?
It's stupid trying to guess what he took.
Back then compounds like primo, d-bol, deca, winstrol and test were popular. my guess is a combination of any of those.
But really, who cares? his genetics largely contributed to his physique. as did his dedication to the sport. he was dedicated and genetically predispositioned. I imagine steroids contributed a smaller role than you think.
he was the first to drink his winny.
I haveheard that HE CLAIMS if you add up all the cycles he did it only goes up to two years.That is some BS
Are you saying Jay and Ronny use Anabolic Steroids,Dont they know that they will shrink your penis and cause you to kill your family in a blind rage.Its true I know someone who took steroids and that is what happenOriginally Posted by Haro3
Originally Posted by Schmidty
Im seriouis they are bad.Originally Posted by gsxxr
I'm sorry but I'm so tired to people sayinf that the pros have superior genetics to most people. How the hell do you know that? I bet their millions (yes millions, there is 6 billion people on earth) who have better genetics than these guys. they just chose to take their life in that direction and therefore obviously spend more time and money on getting monsterly big.. i bet there are some fortune 500 CEOs whose if chose to be bodybuilders could be Mr. Olympia.
I heard that old Arnie took alot of EQ as well. He was a baller back then, maybe all those BB orgies in the gym's had something to do with it.
that was the dumbest post i've seen in a while. it takes great genetics to get where they are. yes chemicals are a big part of it but dont think that spending lots of $$ and taking monsterous amounts of gear will make u a pro. yea im sure theres plenty of people out there that have great potential to be bodybuilders but they never persue it. but majority of the guys on this board will never make it that far jus cuz of genetics. not everyone can be that big. i genetically hvae a smaller chest wtf can i do about it? all the juice in the world wont cause my chest to become my best body part...Originally Posted by bigfish
you are retarded.Originally Posted by bigfish
I didn't say they didn't have good genetics. I'm saying this whole thing about only a few people have the genetic potential to be as big as they are is bullshit. 6 billion people on earth and (let's say 3 biilion men) and you're telling me that only 20 have a legit chance to be Mr. olympia. Please be serious. i'm saying that there are a lot of people(and I'm not sayimg mysedlf)who if pursued this sport would have a good chance to beat those guys. I'm sorry but I don't hold these guys on a pedal stool.Originally Posted by Haro3
Why insult someone over a computer, it's like cursing me out in french and I don't speak French. It's pretty lame. now if you think my comment is retarded cool but calling me retarded over the computer is like using one of theseOriginally Posted by Polska
<---------------it's dumb. Face to Face doubt very seriously you would, and I don't care how bad you think you are.
There are IFBB Pros on certain boards, or former Pros, that say they do, and Pro's now, do less gear than many think. Genetics is the key in my book.
Marcus300 has stated many times they do short burst cycles. One's which he advocates. I also recall him stating Dorian cycled like this. Not sure how he knows but....
dude I wasnt cursing you out, just not agreeing with your statement. maybe wrong choice of words, over the net everything is subject to interpretation. in any case my apologies.Originally Posted by bigfish
Thanks for the apology. No problem. I'm simply saying that I personally believe that there are a lot of people out there who have as good or better genetics as ronnie or jay or markus
This is true. the way I read your post it sounded like you meant that steroids play a bigger role than genetics, and that nearly anyone anywhere could become pro. I agree that there are people out there with great genetics that could potentially become great bodybuilders, but I still think joe-average wouldn't have a chance. I, for instance, would never be able to make it to pro level. My body simply is not built to carry that much weight.Originally Posted by bigfish
My penis is genetically small, I mean, I work it out with dumbbells and nothing... I'm going to inject it with Synthol and see if that help...
He just megadosed Vitamin C.
Good genetics is having a good dealer(I said it
)(read it on a t-shirt before everyone gets pissy
I heard many times that the big oak was lovin the DECA/DBOL combo in the early days but who the F**ck knows what dosage he used, the guy is nuts, he looks sick, and I could only imagine what he would look like today in his prime, after all the technology advances --ssick ------
All of you guys are wrong...what he was on was CoCo Puffs..
Originally Posted by NYGIANTS21
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