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Thread: after 2 months im back..

  1. #1

    after 2 months im back..

    okay guys and gals for some reason not 1 cpu in my house out of the 4 would let me on here since september, but today it worked

    alot has happend and has been a ruff 3 weeks for me i lost my best friend on november 4th its still hard to believe and not 100% real for me trying to come to peace with it..

    i did however go to vegas for a weekend to try and rest my mind and it was my 1st time there and damn i want to go back with friends instead of family lol..

    for everyone who knows that i smacked my cobra up in june...its fixed FINALLY

    thats about it

    have i missed anything over here?
    i had to of...please catch me up!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Yooooo my friend! I am sorry about your BF What happened to him? Things around have been good..same ol same ol

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Yooooo my friend! I am sorry about your BF What happened to him? Things around have been good..same ol same ol
    comming home from tracks out here on long island the driver drove into a wall on sunrise highway...3 in the car front seat passenger didnt make it, rear passenger finally released from the hospital a day or 2 ago still has no idea what happend, and the driver released 2 days ago and has to go to theropy...DWI on the driver its a shame we're all good friends and hes looking at time as well as sitting on his shoulder that he killed his best friend he grew up with...its ruff ive been over the kids house like everyday with his parents and brother cause we all miss him...loosing a younger person is never easy..he was 21

  4. #4
    [QUOTE=aadrenaline]okay guys and gals for some reason not 1 cpu in my house out of the 4 would let me on here since september, but today it worked

    alot has happend and has been a ruff 3 weeks for me i lost my best friend on november 4th its still hard to believe and not 100% real for me trying to come to peace with it..

    for everyone who knows that i smacked my cobra up in june...its fixed FINALLY


    Sorry to hear about your friend Bro., but welcome back. Nice car you got. It'd look good sitting next to my bright red 02 SLP SS convert.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    comming home from tracks out here on long island the driver drove into a wall on sunrise highway...3 in the car front seat passenger didnt make it, rear passenger finally released from the hospital a day or 2 ago still has no idea what happend, and the driver released 2 days ago and has to go to theropy...DWI on the driver its a shame we're all good friends and hes looking at time as well as sitting on his shoulder that he killed his best friend he grew up with...its ruff ive been over the kids house like everyday with his parents and brother cause we all miss him...loosing a younger person is never easy..he was 21

    Damn man..I take sunrise to hamptons

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