Hey guys, I have been a member here for a while. Thou I still think of my self as a newbe, I have learned so much from everyone here I feel more knowlagable than most of the people I know. So thanks to everyone for shairing, and teaching us. I got a job as a personal trainer and had to move closer to work. In turn I have not had access to the net for about 3 months. I have been going thru withdraws not getting to check and see how everyone is doing on here. I am going to start a cutting cycle of Tren/Winny in a month and I would like some advice.
This will be my first cycle.
I am 6'2" 200 lbs/ BF between 12 and 14% I want to get down to arround 9% and look hard as a fu*&ing rock
Week 1 150mg
Week2 150mg 150mg
Week3 150mg 150mg
Week4 150mg 150mg
Week5 150mg 150mg
Week6 150mg 150mg
Week7 150mg 150mg
Week8 150mg 150mg
I would like to get some advice on my food intake during this cycle like how many cals I should be taking in Protine and carbs so forth. Since I put my cycle on here I did not want to irritate people from the diet form, and since I am asking some diet q's I did not think it wise to post in the steroid forum. Any advice is greatly apreciated. Thanks in advance.