What are some good books? I want to read a few over the holidays
What are some good books? I want to read a few over the holidays
fear and loathing- hunter thompson ( or anything by him)
incompetence - rob grant ( wrote red dwarf tv series )
factotum / post office - charles bukowski
watership down - richard adams
k-pax trilogy - gene brewer
anything by g m ford
american psycho- bret easton ellis
on the road - jack kerouac
alice in wonderland - lewis carrol
chopper - mark brandom read
those are some of my favorite books, what kind of things do you like.
I heard O.J. Simpson has a book out.
its been withdrawn by rupert murdochOriginally Posted by bazerk
seriously, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
What, all of a sudden Rupert has a counscience, MR. Porn industry?Originally Posted by donniebrasco
Rich Dad Poor Dad?....Sounds like it could be funny or....
'A Cure for a Common Life' by Max Lucado.
I recommend this to everyone.
This is one of them books to help you find god ?Originally Posted by mavsluva
Anything by Chuck Palahniuk, the author of "Fight Club" and many other great books.
No. It's a book that will enable you to decipher the unique gifts that you were given so that you can have a better understanding of your life's "sweet spot". Living in ones "sweet spot" is the cure for a common life. Hence the title of the book. There is, however, some scripture references in the book. So beware if that's not your cup of tea.Originally Posted by DSM4Life
I will say one thing, though. It's odd in that I see several threads on here daily that pertain to unhappiness, confusion, jealousy, anger, etc., mainly due to those who feel the need to always be in control. It's just a darn shame that some people will go through their entire lives and be forced to look back at all of those wasted efforts and emotions.
Okay, I'm done preaching. I don't normally speak out like this on this board, but I think (and hope) that I can reach at least one person by attempting to do so.
im listening!
Serious though
Blink~Malcolm Gladwell~ The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
When I was looking for this book I ended up borrowing a book by the same title about a kid who became phycic, it was a fiction (obveosly), but it was a sick read.
Scar Tissue~Anthony Kedis
I might give this book a look on Friday. The only thing that concerns me about this book is the scripture references because that is totally not my cup of tea.Originally Posted by mavsluva
tru dat.Originally Posted by bazerk
stick to the classics... they've been around so long for a reason.
i prefer:
jude the obscure or tess of the d'ubervilles both by hardy
david copperfield or great expectations by dickens
l'assomoir by zola
anything by hemingway
any Brett easton ellis book - rules of attraction ,lunar park, american psycho, less than zero
Or augusten burroughs- dry, running with scissors.
or a classic THE BIBLE
The Power of NOW - Eckhart Tolle
gravity's rainbow
I checked this book out and its all religion ! Once i seen the lady get it from the religion section i said to myself, "Here we go."Originally Posted by mavsluva
I read into it about 10-15 pages and its just too much religion. I really get turned off by that stuff, no offence to you. Like you said before it's just not my cup of tea. Thank you for suggesting it.
the satanic bible - anton lavey
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