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Thread: diamond earings.

  1. #1

    diamond earings.

    hey who has diamond earings and what can u tell me about them?

    i got a pair i think its 1 carrot each ear, they cost like 1500$ i think.
    they are uni sex like 3-4 years old i think. my mum gave them to me. im looking at buying a near pair

    i want to spend arround 1500ish give me ur thoughts, people say that u can get them for that price but not good quality diamonds but realisticly all the people i know and see with real diamonds all look the same and prolly sure if u spend 10grand u see a difference but i dont think there is anything wrong with any diamond. just gimme a rough price what u seen. and know about them thanks

    need to get a pair before christmas!!! 5 weeks i got 1000$ and will get 1500+ by then so yeh anything i dont want to go into a store and look like a idiot of what i want

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    If you want good diamonds go to a reputable store. The only real way to know if you are getting good diamonds is if you buy a jewelers loupe and look at the diamonds yourself and know what to look for. I have looked at some diamonds before through a jewelers loop and you are able to see little black and white or other colored marks or spots in and on the diamond. You need to look for clarity, they use a chart with the letters of the alphabet here to determine the clarity of the diamond. Here this will help you some.
    This site is if you would like to buy a jewelers loupe, they are good to have. Get a 30x's one if you are going to get one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    for good diamonds u will need mroe dought..

    The amount u have listed is not enough cash for good diamonds - ur looking at 2 car total for both ears.. for 1500.00 buks NO WAy.. they r shit diamonds then.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    diamond earings for a guy??? Is there something your not telling us foska?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey
    if you can get 2 carat diamonds for $1500, let us know where.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    diamond earings for a guy??? Is there something your not telling us foska?

    hopefully he means diamond studs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I spent 7k on a 1 carat diamond.

    Also diamond earrings on guys are horrible

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I've got a pair of one carat each, they go for about $3000, but I seldom wear them. My ex-girlfriend got them for me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    i prefer hoops

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 09:08 AM.

  11. #11
    well my mum in the car today said some nice whiter and better quality she saw in geneva for about 4,000 and then some lower ones are 1500-1800. they are not for me. i already got a pair. i only got one ear pierced but im going to look at getting my other done soon. thanks for advice... i really cant afford more then like 1500-1800. so i will have to look at getting a different christmas presant

  12. #12
    basicly from that chart i think the below group is best. from what it says from the 2nd lowest to the highest there is not a great difference to the naked eye compared to the lowest. just hope i can afford them in time for christmas. might not see them christmas maybe new years so i got a bit of time to keep saving. and im watching every cent i got right now.

    Slightly Included (two grades). Minute inclusions more easily detected under 10x magnification.

    More affordable (and still a great choice) are those diamonds which gemologists call "eye-clean" - diamonds with no inclusions visible to the naked eye. These diamonds are SI1 and SI2 and unless the recipient carries a 10X loupe (a strong jewelry magnifying glass), she won't see the inclusions.
    Last edited by Foskamink; 11-23-2006 at 12:34 PM.

  13. #13
    umm i mean studs.. sorry now any further feedback

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
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    I like Diamonds..I have a pair myself..U can get some nice ones for 1500 hun..Just won't be too big or really good in clarity..

  15. #15
    if thats 2 earings at a combined total of 1.5c thats pretty good value and SI is what recomended to buy in that diamond guide. i will not be buying online but that is affordable. i got 1000$ right now and hopefully 2,000 before christmas.

  16. #16
    i will have to go look at the studs who knows 1.5 total may suit the person im buying for better then 2.0 but pray that i can afford somone wish me luck please im going to go browse this weekend

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    If you're spending that much on your new lady..
    That's ridiculous!Puppy love isn't worth that

  18. #18
    new lady? i dont got a new lady

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Oh, I thought you were buying them for you girl..For some reason..

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
    Oh, I thought you were buying them for you girl..For some reason..
    maybe i am? but there is no new girl

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    maybe i am? but there is no new girl
    New guy..Same girl..Doesn't really matter, too much money to spend so young

  22. #22
    u know what, ive lived in povety before and im going to enjoy having the cash while i got it, cause aint no body want to go back, i guess having real hard times make me more generous and want to give more meaningful presants and work hard to give other people good things. but i dont care i think its work it and thats what matters, call me crazy but we all done some crazy things in life and no regrets if this turns out to be one of them

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I have them, two diamond studs. Im thinking of getting my upper ears pierced and put a stud there. To many people have both ears pierced. Annoys me
    I really like to wear them with a baseball cap, for some odd reason.

  24. #24
    i want both ears peirced and i will wear combination both or just left and just right, people say ur gay if u just wear in ur right but i think tis cool cause no one does it and if somone dont like it they wont have the heart to tell me so thats there fault. but i got some 1ct each ear studs already that im going to start wearing again

  25. #25
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    I only have my left one in..I lost my right one

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    My only advice is not to spend that much money on someone. I always think when people spend so much they are over compensating, maybe when your married you can do somethin crazy like buy your wife a car etc. But at your age its just not worth it man trust me. If you have lived in poverty than you should know the value of a dollar and that money isnt what makes you happy or someone else happy, save it and keep saving so your kids one day dont have to live in poverty.

  27. #27
    well im not going to argue, but even without the actual relationship ect as a friend this person mean more to me and do more then anyone else. so i can justify the price. when i came here and my mum do well i knew no one, then met them and everything change. long story short they bring out the good and nice person from me and when im without im angry and agressive. its sad i have somone to make me better but im not going to deny it. im not going to embaress myself and go into detail what they changed and have done and do, but im sure we all had somone like that at some point come out and save you when u were in most in need.

  28. #28
    thanks for advice. but i will go without to give others more, because i want to.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Look for a smaller diamond, and get one with high clarity. You will not be able to get a good pair of earings in that size, at that price.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    Look for a smaller diamond, and get one with high clarity. You will not be able to get a good pair of earings in that size, at that price.
    yeh i got no idea what look good on a female. but 1c each ear is pretty huge on me so im guessing .5 to .75 would look best

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    Fosk, use that money for plastic surgery 'cause no amount of ice is gonna make you look good j/k

    Learn about the 4 C's... carat (diamond size) is the least important. Go with a .5, round ideal cut, VVS1-2, D to H grade. It will hold it's value over time better than a bigger diamond with greater flaws.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Frisco, TX
    Sport bikes, dirt bikes, ATV's, PS3's, diamond earings, car audio system, tatoo's, etc.

    Man, I feel honored because I know someone that has a wish list that's larger than 50 Cent's wish list!

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Sport bikes, dirt bikes, ATV's, PS3's, diamond earings, car audio system, tatoo's, etc.

    Man, I feel honored because I know someone that has a wish list that's larger than 50 Cent's wish list!
    well i burnt out my clutch on my car so the money i saved for my car system is now gone, i have one tattoo and dont know what to get next, ps3 wont happen for a while since my credit card company server been down 4 weeks and i cant top up my debit credit card, sports bike is still a issue with the licence, the earings are for a presant for somone for christmas, and we went looking at ATV/Dirt bike today. so realisticly my life is still uncomplete but in the process!

    yes my wish list is huge. slowly i will complete it. but my list isnt insanely big when u think about it.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Frisco, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    so realisticly my life is still uncomplete but in the process!
    And he lived happily ever after!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Some have to learn the hard way, good luck

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Some have to learn the hard way, good luck
    nothing to learn,

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    What do u guys think about guys wearing diamond earrings???

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by bossman_1986
    What do u guys think about guys wearing diamond earrings???
    i got 1ct studs. dont wear anymore but im about to get my right ear done and wear both. i think they are ok

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by bossman_1986
    What do u guys think about guys wearing diamond earrings???

    All you need is some pit stick (deodorant), a watch, and a wedding ring (if you're married).

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    North dakota
    Foska dont go giving your girl diamonds you two have not even been dating that long and living in poverty you should learn how to handle your money and be saving that money to go back to school then graduate so you can buy he all sorts of things(realistically you two wont betogether)

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