hey who has diamond earings and what can u tell me about them?
i got a pair i think its 1 carrot each ear, they cost like 1500$ i think.
they are uni sex like 3-4 years old i think. my mum gave them to me. im looking at buying a near pair
i want to spend arround 1500ish give me ur thoughts, people say that u can get them for that price but not good quality diamonds but realisticly all the people i know and see with real diamonds all look the same and prolly sure if u spend 10grand u see a difference but i dont think there is anything wrong with any diamond. just gimme a rough price what u seen. and know about them thanks
need to get a pair before christmas!!! 5 weeks i got 1000$ and will get 1500+ by then so yeh anything i dont want to go into a store and look like a idiot of what i want