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Thread: Anybody else do this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    the gym

    Anybody else do this?

    Do you ever just stop and look around at a store or mall or something, and just really take a hard look at everybody surrounding you? All you see anymore is fat people, talking on cell phones, and only caring about materialistic shit. I mean, alot of this depends on where you are, obviously in someplace like Vegas or something people look pretty good. But I'm talking about normal places people go, I'll often just stop and think to myself," What a bunch of fat,worthless pieces of shit!!" It's like nothing but a bunch of fat robots walking around all doing the same thing, talking on their phones and buying worthless shit, or eating junk. Take a look at how many people in restaurants look thin. I'd say 70-80% of everybody I see is a fat ****er. I need to move, USA has some pathetic, lazy people. And what the **** is every**y so depressed about all the time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The worste place to witness this is a Walmart. Walmart is everything that's wrong with this country.

    I avoid walmart like the plague.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    same in UK man. me and the missis are always commenting on the ammount of obese unfit people around, and alarmigly lots of really fat kids.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 09:09 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    It is pathetic man. And you know the worse part of it all....they look at us like 'ew how about you go take some more steroids'

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Every day..

    Me and two friends were at the mall on monday and sat on a bench for a while.. just looking..

    might i also say alot of them had bad shoe fashion sense
    Last edited by Mizfit; 11-23-2006 at 10:42 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    What.....did you see me at the mall or something?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    What.....did you see me at the mall or something?
    alot fo chubbier ppl r sloppy. Pants draggin on the ground, not all the blubber covered..

  9. #9
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    Nov 2004
    My wife and i will sit there and make fun of people. We are so bad but ture there gross.

  10. #10
    Its funny that you mention this because i too do the same thing. My gf tells me to be nice, but like if i go somewhere and its just a mass of fat people..i cant help but think "thats what you need is some more ****ing french fries get your ass on a tredmill" i know its not nice, but **** that im sick of people just going "oh i have depression" and giving up on life. thats a waiste of space, americans used to be so strong, and driven, now there just looking to "get by"...Also your comment on walmart, i live in a town, thats extremly high class, then they brought in a walmart, then the town turned shitty, no the town is tearing it down, in hopes to kick all the middle and lower class families out...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Fat people have their own culture. They seem to shut us out. If they
    cared about us they would drop some pounds and start looking good.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myka
    Hey Mka! What up man??

    I really don't care what fat people do..
    It's there choice..

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    i'm staring at girls so fat people don't get my attention but there burgers do...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Fat people have their own culture. They seem to shut us out. If they
    cared about us they would drop some pounds and start looking good.
    You are truly a genius.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    i agree with the general consensus that the majority wallow in their self-pity, but for christs sake, let them live their life will you?! if they are happy being fat, eating things that wont particularly aid their nutritional needs, and talk on cellphones, who in the holy fvck are we to criticise and say they are "worthless pieces of shit"? there is such a thing as open-mindedness, clearly some of you are not.

    on the other hand, it really irritates me that people criticise bodybuilders, saying they look gross and "why would anybody want to look like that?" yet they see a 280lb fat mess walking by and say nothing

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    lol, have i killed this thread?

  17. #17
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    It's Thanksgiving in the states, so most are probably with there family..

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Getting fatter

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    hahahaha! yes good point, i didnt think about that

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    New Zealand
    You know i live in New Zealand, and if any friends or family travel to the states the first thing they comment on is how fat everyone is! And the food servings are Ridiculous. Everytime my sister returns it looks like she is holding water, her face looks puffy.
    I think the USA has a bit of an obsession with food! I mean Thanksgiving... FOOD... an excuse to eat even more food in one sitting. Sure have a meal to be thankfull BUT hell a feast!!

    Oh and whats up with all the SODA every time ya turn on an american soap tv, they walk into kitchen and grab a soda. they probably have it next to them in bed so they can have a sugar hit in the middle of the night... no wonder they have so much diabetes.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Do you ever just stop and look around at a store or mall or something, and just really take a hard look at everybody surrounding you? All you see anymore is fat people, talking on cell phones, and only caring about materialistic shit. I mean, alot of this depends on where you are, obviously in someplace like Vegas or something people look pretty good. But I'm talking about normal places people go, I'll often just stop and think to myself," What a bunch of fat,worthless pieces of shit!!" It's like nothing but a bunch of fat robots walking around all doing the same thing, talking on their phones and buying worthless shit, or eating junk. Take a look at how many people in restaurants look thin. I'd say 70-80% of everybody I see is a fat ****er. I need to move, USA has some pathetic, lazy people. And what the **** is every**y so depressed about all the time?
    All the's unbelievable the amount of people who really don't care what they put into their bodies.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by LM79
    You know i live in New Zealand, and if any friends or family travel to the states the first thing they comment on is how fat everyone is! And the food servings are Ridiculous. Everytime my sister returns it looks like she is holding water, her face looks puffy.
    I think the USA has a bit of an obsession with food! I mean Thanksgiving... FOOD... an excuse to eat even more food in one sitting. Sure have a meal to be thankfull BUT hell a feast!!

    Oh and whats up with all the SODA every time ya turn on an american soap tv, they walk into kitchen and grab a soda. they probably have it next to them in bed so they can have a sugar hit in the middle of the night... no wonder they have so much diabetes.
    I had a good buddy from New Zealand..Do you play rugby??Where abouts are you at in New Zealand??

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    New Zealand
    I played rugby until I left school. A cousin of mine was an All Black for awhile.
    I live in the Waikato 30min south of Hamilton in a town called Te Awamutu.

    Where did ya buddy live?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    on the other hand, it really irritates me that people criticise bodybuilders, saying they look gross and "why would anybody want to look like that?" yet they see a 280lb fat mess walking by and say nothing
    Exactly, I used to date this one chic and I didn't see her for a while and she saw me and the first question she asked was "You don't want to get any bigger do you?" She then proceeded to tell me that it looks gross when you can see veins bulging out and the guy is too big. I replied "I can see your diet has been working out" she is still fat.LOL

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I agree on the fat people issue... but as far as the US goes I just visited San Diego for the first time and everyone there seemed to be in shape... even the ones who weren't necessarily HOT were at least in shape. I was impressed... cuz in Texas... it's a bunch of fatties.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Canada eh
    Its soo true.. I notice this all the time.. Then I feel bad because I know some people can't help it and I shouldnt be judging. What I notice too, is a few ex girl friends as they get older, or any girls in their mid twenties, really start packing on the pounds

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    I get really annoyed with fat people. I don't know why. They just take up too much room, and look ugly.

    It pisses me off when fat people get handicapped parking. I HATE that. There should be a fat section in parking lots, way in the back. Make those fatties walk abit to get into Wallmart. Maybe they could loose some weight, and stop looking so horrible.

    I hate Wallmart, and dollor stores. There is so many, over weight, smelly, dirty, white trash customers who shop there all the time. I try to avoid those stores.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotstuff
    I agree on the fat people issue... but as far as the US goes I just visited San Diego for the first time and everyone there seemed to be in shape... even the ones who weren't necessarily HOT were at least in shape. I was impressed... cuz in Texas... it's a bunch of fatties.
    Yup, when ever I have a trip to So Cali, everyone is in shape. They eat better, and work out.

    Meanwhile back where I live, everyone is fat.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    It pisses me off when fat people get handicapped parking. I HATE that. There should be a fat section in parking lots, way in the back. Make those fatties walk abit to get into Wallmart. Maybe they could loose some weight, and stop looking so horrible.
    A guy I work with his mother-in-law is around 300+ lbs and has a handicapped tag for her car. Whenever they all go out in her car he drives and bypasses the handicap spot and makes her walk. His wife always complains to him "You know we have a handicapped tag", he tells her there is no one here that is handicapped.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    What I notice too, is a few ex girl friends as they get older, or any girls in their mid twenties, really start packing on the pounds
    Or if they pop out a couple kids they tend to keep the weight on.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    I try to worry about myself and make myself a better person then look and worry about other people but yes there are aloto of out of shape people around.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    but yes there are aloto of out of shape people around.
    The one place asides from Walmart I noticed where there are alot of overweight people is Old Country Buffett.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    It's not that I should be one to judge, and as long as people are happy with themselves then I guess that's all that really matters, it's just a shame that people have gotten this way as a majority population. I guess it's bothersome to see so many Americans who just dont give a shit

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    It's not that I should be one to judge, and as long as people are happy with themselves then I guess that's all that really matters, it's just a shame that people have gotten this way as a majority population. I guess it's bothersome to see so many Americans who just dont give a shit
    It seems like a certain percentage of the general population has taken the easy route as far as our nutrition is concerned. One thing I have realized is that the mirror never lies.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    alot fo chubbier ppl r sloppy. Pants draggin on the ground, not all the blubber covered..
    is this not the truth. fat people seem to think, well, I look like hell, so why bother even tryin... sweat pants with worn out running shoes! classic. But wots with the fat women wearin spandex with their gunts haining out around their ankles?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rye_guy
    is this not the truth. fat people seem to think, well, I look like hell, so why bother even tryin... sweat pants with worn out running shoes! classic. But wots with the fat women wearin spandex with their gunts haining out around their ankles?
    I remember being in a restaurant with my girl and seeing this guy that was as big as a couple chairs. He couldn't even fit in a booth and his girlfriend was just about as big as him on sweetest day. I just kept thinking in the back of my mind is life worth living like this? Don't you want to feel better about yourself and your health?

  37. #37
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    Sep 2005
    Well last year my company moved me across the other side of the country and we were forced to share a villa with a stranger who also worked for the company. Anyway as this is about fat people I thought I would tell you about my "villa mate".

    I used to be proud that I had managed to get a 50" chest with my 34" waist when I was at my fittest. The guy I shared with was rather rotund to say the least and had bits hanging down where his lats should be. He just ate all the time shite and more shite...... He was fat!!!

    Anyway when his laundry came back one time I sneeked a peek at his waist size of his trousers and was shocked to find that they were 52" waist!!!

    How the fcuk does someone get that size???? Best thing is .... I am 6 ft tall and thought a 50" chest was good ...... he is 5' 3" tall with a 52" waist!!!
    Last edited by paulzane; 11-24-2006 at 11:07 AM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    It's not that I should be one to judge, and as long as people are happy with themselves then I guess that's all that really matters, it's just a shame that people have gotten this way as a majority population. I guess it's bothersome to see so many Americans who just dont give a shit
    thats for sure. it is actually quite saddenning to see this, never actually gave it much thought

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    i see this sh*t everyday. and it makes me sick. it annoys me beyond belief.
    More french fries anyone? woule you like to supersize that? i hate it when i order a chicken sandwich on wheat with extra chicken and they ask me if i want fries and coke. i'm like- Do i look like i want some fries cooked in day old grease and a huge 400 calorie drink? America is getting fatter and they love it! Disgusting bros. Disgusting.....and america used to be strong-it's going down the drain. people taking advantage of freedom of this, and freedom of that. Take the new superman---they took out truth, justice and the AMERICAN way...they replaced "american way" with "all that other stuff" can you believe they're selling out our country for a few extra viewers?
    been holding that in for a while. sorry bros.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    whadaya think about the people that but this pill and that pill and never lift a finger to really try and change their body? how bout when they try and be hot with clothes but again never really try to get fit...they just tuck it all it wherever it fits.......i feel for em cuz sooner or later the doc's gonna hit em with some messed up problems.....

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