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Thread: I think I have a problem...Or maybe Im just dumb

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa

    I think I have a problem...Or maybe Im just dumb

    Aright finally listening to my best friend and I finally see it. Heres the story...I have no trouble getting girls, im extremely picky and never settle for anything less than an 8 which is definately a fault. When I find one I like I definately hold onto her but somehow ruin it (always my fault). That doesn't occur on all occasions but this is what my friend pointed out and I've beeny denying it up until this week when I think hes right. He told me, you end things will girls before they even start...meaning...Ill tell the girl I really dont wanna see her anymore for honestly no apparent reason...and I kinda realized why now. I end it with the girl becuase I actually start feeling something more for her other than that the sex is really good. Now the girl on my hands.....Shes gorgeous a 10 knockout...blonde...tiny...nice body..cheerleader for the Tampa Bay Lightning and shes real into me..but she's one of those types of flirty girls who kinda puts herself out there I guess you can say but I dont think she does anything. I shouldnt have anything to worry about as im not the jealous type and she's also been sleeping in my room for the past month while having sex every night as well. She asked me to her sorority's formal which I said yes too yada yada...and it's just strange becuase im thinking in my head I should just end it here and move on. Its not to say I want or not want a relationship as I've never really had one that has lasted more than 2 months...but I'm just kinda stuck here. I mean I'm not scared of rejection, I was contemplating asking her to be my girl but at the same time I dont want to her to get spooked away becuase the sex is honestly the best ever haha. So now what to do guys..some serious advice on how I can cure this re-occuring problem with girls and I.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I think when you're ready to settle down, you'll want to settle down

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    I mean I think i'm ready...shes real great doesn't compare to my last girl in both aspects physically and mentally...but like I said, Im good at screwing things up.

  4. #4
    dude, got you right here...sounds cheazy but it works...This is what you night when she comes home...take her out, do something nice, were guys and were not always the best at it, but do something nice...Then at the end of the night, be honest with her...after the good sex...jsut be like "listen i have to be honest with you, everything is great, and im really starting to fall for you, but i need to know if ur looking for something more or not, because i cant help how i feel" If she doesnt want it, you got sort of wat you wanted, ur not commited...if she does, which i think if she asks u to her formal, it means she wants to show you off to her friends, which means she does like you...then if she does, it all works out, you got ur shit done, and we'll go from there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    My dad always told me the person you marry should be your best friend... so if you don't get along/ think alike... what's it for?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Im 19 years old...I dont want to thing about marraige until im well established and I got a Masserti in my Driveway. But boarder thats some good advice, im not a completely moron to actually that cheesy guy who can be sentimental one on one with a girl. Doing nice things isn't tough it's just..well I dont know....thats the problem haha. I mean no doubt in my mind shes into me...she wouldnt be bangin on my door, calling me and asking to hang out every day i she didn't. I think its maybe becuase in the back of my mind I'm not sure if shes like this with other guys as well...when I know it honestly would be tough and she'd have to be quite splinter cell to pull that one off since im with her most of the time.

  7. #7
    yo bro im the same way, my girl is a lil younger then me, and shes a blast man. When im with her, shes the only thing on my mind, Shes beautiful, shes got a banging body, she can drink her face off, and party with the best of them...and i know she loves me, but when she leaves and goes out man, i wonder sometimes, i hate it. I almost broke up with her,because i was worried about getting attached, and then getting screwed over in the end...i seem to have that problem.

  8. #8
    dude, your only 19. dont worry about it. just protect yurself be smart and when the right girl comes at the right time you will know. god gave us great instincts, maybe yours are better than others and you can sense that you need to seperate yourself from someone before it get to difficult. dont think of it as a "problem" it may be the best thing you have going for you.

    not to preach but, most girls nowdays are extremely shallow and are never happy with anything or anyone. thats just my opinion. stay single, protect yourself and enjoy life. dont throw it away on some silly female who will prolly only break your heart later down the road. you have insticts, use them. there is nothing wrong with that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Aright finally listening to my best friend and I finally see it. Heres the story...I have no trouble getting girls, im extremely picky and never settle for anything less than an 8 which is definately a fault. When I find one I like I definately hold onto her but somehow ruin it (always my fault). That doesn't occur on all occasions but this is what my friend pointed out and I've beeny denying it up until this week when I think hes right. He told me, you end things will girls before they even start...meaning...Ill tell the girl I really dont wanna see her anymore for honestly no apparent reason...and I kinda realized why now. I end it with the girl becuase I actually start feeling something more for her other than that the sex is really good. Now the girl on my hands.....Shes gorgeous a 10 knockout...blonde...tiny...nice body..cheerleader for the Tampa Bay Lightning and shes real into me..but she's one of those types of flirty girls who kinda puts herself out there I guess you can say but I dont think she does anything. I shouldnt have anything to worry about as im not the jealous type and she's also been sleeping in my room for the past month while having sex every night as well. She asked me to her sorority's formal which I said yes too yada yada...and it's just strange becuase im thinking in my head I should just end it here and move on. Its not to say I want or not want a relationship as I've never really had one that has lasted more than 2 months...but I'm just kinda stuck here. I mean I'm not scared of rejection, I was contemplating asking her to be my girl but at the same time I dont want to her to get spooked away becuase the sex is honestly the best ever haha. So now what to do guys..some serious advice on how I can cure this re-occuring problem with girls and I.
    Wait wait wait..... A hockey team has cheerleaders??????

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    i break up with girls alot and sometimes for also no reason, but then i figured out that im doing that because im not ready to make a commitment, and thats what most girls want, a commitment, so when ur ready for that you probably wont screw it up after all

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    The Tampa Bay Lightning do, and they are smokin'! Which one is it???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    yeah if youre 19, dont worry about settling down yet

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    just go with the flow man
    dont ruin - u said yourself thats what u would be doin if u ended

    some people would kill to be in your situation
    make the most out of it

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