I by no means know it all, but so far i see some crazy ideas about how to lose fat or bulk up. I figured we should throw out some ideas we know are true for those that dont know.
You MUST add cardio atleast 35 mins at your target heart rate atleast 3 days a week to get good results in losing fat.
You MUST burn more than you eat if you want to lose fat.
You MUST learn to choose and follow a diet, without it you are wasting your money.
You MUST research what you are planning on taking, dying or screwing yourself up just isnt the smart thing to do.
You MUST collect everything INCLUDING anti-e's before you take or inject anything.
You MUST include your stats,diet and routine if you expect an intelligent answer to your cycle question.
You MUST put the time and effort in to get the results you want, NOTHING will give you the body of a god if you sit on your ass eating junk food and watching tv 24/7.
and most importantly
You MUST not believe everything someone tells you, Research it, read about it and research it some more.
Hope something helps