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    LawMan018's Avatar
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    The Power of Prayer?

    This is an odd post and just something to think about, I'm sure it wasn't the reason but you never know. As you may have read, my girlfriend's ferret was deathly ill. She said he looked like her other ferrets before they died (sick, throwing up, lethargic, diarhhea, etc.) He had gotten a little better the second day, but things weren't looking to good. I had no idea at the time, but my girlfriend and her friend believed that this creature's time had come. I am an animal fanatic and love them so much, and seeing my little baby dying was the worst! We were force feeding him and forcing water down and he was just never hungry, it was looking very bad. So anyways I am home that night, worrying, because of course, I love this little animal, he is so friendly and so many memories and I knew him since a baby, I just wasn't ready to let go. Now, as of recently, I have decided that I wish to go down the path of faith and attend church (as soon as I found one within walking distance =p ). I was just sitting around and decided that I would pray for this animal. So I did... Afterwards I felt better, I don't know why, I just did. So the next day I go to work and about the time I get off I get a call from my girlfriend. Now, she knows what time I get off and this call could only be very bad or good, and it wasn't looking good. So I snuck into the bathroom and listened to the message and guess what! The ferret is way better now! He's running and jumping around, eating drinking, he's suddenly cured! Now this probably is due to himself getting over his sickness, but it just seems odd that it was so fast, when he was near death! I now am a firm believer in the power of prayer, whether it helped here or not. I believe it can work for humans and animals... After all, we are all gods children are we not? I mean, god didn't help create us and left the animals to be created by Mr. Miyagi, ya know? I do believe in Evolution, but I believe god is our true father...

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    prayer is a very powerful thing

  3. #3
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    In my experience its about as effective as scratching my ass.

  4. #4
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Except offcurse as meditation. I could imagine it beeing very good in that sense.

  5. #5
    ect0m0rph is offline Member
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    I have had several instances in which prayer has strengthened my life. I think the prayer is only as strong as your true belief in it. If you pray to a god that you dont think exists what chance is there that it will be answered.

  6. #6
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    I posted this in your other thread. The theme of this post was about prayer and how we should EXPECT our prayers to come true through faith.

    You know, we all too often hear people tell others how they are Christians and what not, but in today's society, I think the term "Christian" is used entirely too losely. Being a Christian is not just believing that there is in fact a God. It's more along the lines of our faith. Here's an example of what I'm referring to.

    What do you do when you or someone else that you know has a headache? You either take or offer to them an aspirin. But why? You take or offer the aspirin because you know that it works. You see, the aspirin is designed to fix specific symptoms, and we have faith in the fact that it will. So the aspirin that we offer is then taken and we often follow up our offerings by asking, "How is your headache?". We do this because we EXPECT the aspirin to fix the symptom. On that same note, how often have any of us prayed for something or someone and then asked them, "So how do you feel now?". Probably never. We should be doing this because if we have strong faith, then we should EXPECT our prayers to materialize.

    It's just too bad that most of us have more faith in aspirin that we do in our own religion. That includes me, too. Now I'm not saying that we're all bad Christians. I just know that I personally have to revisit the strength of my own faith before I tell anyone else that I am in fact a Christian. It's an every day commitment.

  7. #7
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    Prayer has been warped into the idea that it is seperate from you, as in "talking to God" or "praying to God"

    The idea of prayer is very similar to meditation, ie you focus on an idea and concentrate on ways to make it happen. God comes in when "He" decides to start making little things happen for you that boost your speed to ultimately accomplishing what you were praying for. it also gives solace in that someone is with you during your deepest thoughts and darket times.

    This is not just the power of prayer, but the power of self-suggestion. Some of the greatest businessmen and wealthiest people on the planet have used this idea to amass wealth.

  8. #8
    TinTin78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    In my experience its about as effective as scratching my ass.
    Because you don't believe in it, god is testing you, and you are testing god with all your universal studying.

    The thing is that you are to pride to admit there is something higher than you. You want proof that there is nothing and that you were one of those who neglected god and can laugh at the ones who did afterwards.

    It amazes me how people can study the universe and that enormous power and creation and still not believe in a creator?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    Because you don't believe in it, god is testing you, and you are testing god with all your universal studying.

    The thing is that you are to pride to admit there is something higher than you. You want proof that there is nothing and that you were one of those who neglected god and can laugh at the ones who did afterwards.

    It amazes me how people can study the universe and that enormous power and creation and still not believe in a creator?
    It amazes me with how much you claim to know that you come at one of the most intelligent members on this board with trash like this.

    Sure there may be a creator, in fact I hope and pray there is, but it very well may be aliens as much as it could be "god". You're ridiculing him, yet your explanation sounds just as foolish as the next person's because you have zero proof of what you're claiming. Careful who you point fingers at.

  10. #10
    TinTin78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    In my experience its about as effective as scratching my ass.
    Would an intelligent man say something like this?

    The thing is that Johan says things about god that he can't possibly know. If you reject god, then you can't just expect him to go to you. You seek god, that's the only way. He will not come looking for stubborn people in denial, in fact he let them live their lives as they choose.

  11. #11
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    Because you don't believe in it, god is testing you, and you are testing god with all your universal studying.

    The thing is that you are to pride to admit there is something higher than you. You want proof that there is nothing and that you were one of those who neglected god and can laugh at the ones who did afterwards.

    It amazes me how people can study the universe and that enormous power and creation and still not believe in a creator?
    Nah I dont asumme there is no higher power. I just dont assume there is. There is no pride in that. Just rationality. There is a good quote from someone with a nobel prise in physics that goes like this.

    One of the great achievements of science has been, if not to make it impossible for intelligent people to be religious, then at least to make it possible for them not to be religious. We should not retreat from this accomplishment.

    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    Would an intelligent man say something like this?

    The thing is that Johan says things about god that he can't possibly know. If you reject god, then you can't just expect him to go to you. You seek god, that's the only way. He will not come looking for stubborn people in denial, in fact he let them live their lives as they choose.
    You make a bold assumption that I have rejected god all my life. I dont want to go into details. But lets just say I havent been a agnostic all my life.

    I dont make any absolute claims about god either, all I say is that there is zero proof that a god is around.

  12. #12
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    all I say is that there is zero proof that a god is around.
    Agreed.... in the UK we have a flat earth society which is a group that share the belief that the earth is flat and an interplanetary society who share the belief that aliens are coming to take us away... my point is no matter how hard you believe doesnt make it real.

  13. #13
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    In my experience its about as effective as scratching my ass.
    You took the words right out of my mouth.

  14. #14
    boarder034's Avatar
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    Dont get on Johans ass about not being religious. Im not, does that make me a bad person? No, not at all. Same as the next guy who isnt. Im not religious for many reasons. I had a councelor at a christian camp, who was a really cool guy...end up getting arrested for being caught in the bushes with a 15 year old. I cant comprehend how "god" can allow a women to be kidnapped, raped and murdered. If he loved us, as much as the bible says, then why would these things happen?

    Also, if any of you are religious, i heard through the grapevine, that the love you have for your wife and kids, when you go to heaven, will be fulfilled by god. Honestly who would want this? Think about it, you struggle financialy all your life with your wife...Then you make it to heaven, where im sure you would love to just bask and relax with your wife...But you'll only see her as a friend because ur love is fulfilled by god. I personally dont want this, and cant agree with it. But i could have been misinformed.

  15. #15
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    It amazes me with how much you claim to know that you come at one of the most intelligent members on this board with trash like this.
    Thanks alot mate

  16. #16
    beuleux's Avatar
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    i thought he meant me lol

  17. #17
    Hunter's Avatar
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    I have a strong faith in god, I have never prayed for anything like wealth just for the strength to accept things in my life that are hard for me to understand and deal with and to give me strength to do the things I have to. Ex in wrestling I never prayed to win simply to give me the strength to go and perform up to my capabilities and that neither me or my opponent got hurt. Some like Phreak calls its self suggestion but I believe god has given my strength in the worst times of my life. Either way whether you believe in a higher power or not everyone needs to strive to be the best person they can be
    Last edited by Hunter; 11-29-2006 at 11:04 AM.

  18. #18
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    It's actually very acceptable to pray for financial freedom. Because if you're praying for financial freedom, then you'll strive harder to be obedient, which in turn, makes God happy. When God's happy, he's rewarding.

  19. #19
    LC7 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    Dont get on Johans ass about not being religious. Im not, does that make me a bad person? No, not at all. Same as the next guy who isnt. Im not religious for many reasons. I had a councelor at a christian camp, who was a really cool guy...end up getting arrested for being caught in the bushes with a 15 year old. I cant comprehend how "god" can allow a women to be kidnapped, raped and murdered. If he loved us, as much as the bible says, then why would these things happen?
    God allows bad things to happen; God does not cause them to happen. Most bad things which happen occur because God gives free will to everyone. We are free people, not puppets on a string. But God does not cause bad things to happen. God loves us and grieves with us in our pain when bad things do happen.

    Would you really want a God who would intervene in our lifes anytime? I can understand wanting intevention when something terrible happens, but what about when you do something terrible, do you want God to hand down his judgement on you right then?

    Therefore, it would be best to respond by saying that God does not have in his will for bad things to happen in life. Rather, bad things happen in the freedom that comes with the gift of life. When bad things happen to any of God's children, God grieves and suffers with us, experienced most vividly in the hurt and suffering of Jesus Christ.

  20. #20
    Chemical King's Avatar
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    Here there and everywhere
    Prayer has no power, its only wishful thinking

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  22. #22
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    In my experience its about as effective as scratching my ass.
    Ok I literally laughed out loud to this one. Too funny. Now I gotta read the rest of the posts...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    It's actually very acceptable to pray for financial freedom. Because if you're praying for financial freedom, then you'll strive harder to be obedient, which in turn, makes God happy. When God's happy, he's rewarding.
    I agree with you, I just personally have never prayed for things such as that. I have always done my best to be self sufficient(not from jesus christ cause he is my savior) but from people etc. So I have always been very thoughtful about finicial things. I have always like I said prayed for strength to change the things I have to and the strength to accept the things that I need to.

  24. #24
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    I agree with you, I just personally have never prayed for things such as that. I have always done my best to be self sufficient(not from jesus christ cause he is my savior) but from people etc. So I have always been very thoughtful about finicial things. I have always like I said prayed for strength to change the things I have to and the strength to accept the things that I need to.
    I like the way you think. I'm very similar in that way.

  25. #25
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Thanks alot mate
    Well deserved my friend!

  26. #26
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    I like how the religious folk on ehre are so patient with all the "experts" on here that claim prayer and religion are nothing but fairy tales. Nothing wrong with having a different opinion, but I don't see the religious people on here calling your beliefs trash and calling you stupid for not believing in God.

    Prayer works. It works because of autosuggestion. If you repeat a prayer to yourself every night, you will eventually start seeing and doing little things that will help you accomplish what you are praying for. DOn't believe me? Read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It is one of the all time greatest sales and wealth building books, endorsed by everyone from Warren Buffet to DOnald Trump to Bill Gates. It's the same principles as prayer! Whether its God or you (or both), it works.

    Good luck to all you religious guys out there (especially you Mavs, you seem like a stand up guy). I may not agree with your specific beliefs of God, but I respect your dedication to the common good.
    Last edited by Phreak101; 11-29-2006 at 11:01 AM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    I like the way you think. I'm very similar in that way.
    Well I wish I could take credit but I have an excellent support system. I had two of the best parents anyone could ask for, excellent siblings etc. I have so much in my life to be thankful for.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    I like how the religious folk on ehre are so patient with all the "experts" on here that claim prayer and religion are nothing but fairy tales. Nothing wrong with having a different opinion, but I don't see the religious people on here calling your beliefs trash and calling you stupid for not believing in God.

    Prayer works. It works because of autosuggestion. If you repeat a prayer to yourself every night, you will eventually start seeing and doing little things that will help you accomplish what you are praying for. DOn't believe me? Read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It is one of the all time greatest sales and wealth building books, endorsed by everyone from Warren Buffet to DOnald Trump to Bill Gates. It's the same principles as prayer! Whether its God or you (or both), it works.

    Good luck to all you religious guys out there (especially you Mavs, you seem like a stand up guy). I may not agree with your specific beliefs of God, but I respect your dedication to the common good.
    Your short changing yourself also. Your a very understanding person yourself even if I dont agree with your beliefs with god. Your a stand up person yourself. Dont forget you deserve credit to

  29. #29
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    Well I wish I could take credit but I have an excellent support system. I had two of the best parents anyone could ask for, excellent siblings etc. I have so much in my life to be thankful for.
    I have Mathew 6:21 posted all around my house.

    "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

    I rededicate myself everyday to keep my focus on my eternal treasures. It aint easy, but it results in a life that's simple and meaningful.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    Your short changing yourself also. Your a very understanding person yourself even if I dont agree with your beliefs with god. Your a stand up person yourself. Dont forget you deserve credit to
    Thanks bro!

  31. #31
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    I have Mathew 6:21 posted all around my house.

    "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

    I rededicate myself everyday to keep my focus on my eternal treasures. It aint easy, but it results in a life that's simple and meaningful.
    I keep psalm 144:1 "blessed me the lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight" over my bed. My dad always included that in our prayers before sporting events. I think I will be adding mathew 6:21 to

  32. #32
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Is someone in this thread Charles Ingles

  33. #33
    tiger909's Avatar
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    believe in god? i think not

    a God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice and invented hell -- mouths mercy and invented hell -- mouths Golden Rules, and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites this poor, abused slave to worship him!...

  34. #34
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger909
    believe in god? i think not

    a God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice and invented hell -- mouths mercy and invented hell -- mouths Golden Rules, and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites this poor, abused slave to worship him!...
    ALL of your rant has been done by humans, not any type of God. Your reasoning that "God" has done this is just as viable as my reasoning that man has used "god" to justify actions that have created this sort of thing.

    There is a difference between atheism and agnoticism!

  35. #35
    ect0m0rph is offline Member
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    My religion views hell as a place of eternal darkness and the only way to enter eternal darkness is to sit with satan and reject the lord having knowledge of his existence. The saying goes "staring into the sun and denying its existence" meaning people like you and me cant really go to hell if we wanted too. There are no unforgivable sins, I view that there will be some restitution for your shortcomings but faith in Jesus Christ and will to change and then actually changing is our promise.

  36. #36
    rubix6's Avatar
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    wow, i'm staying out of this one

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by rubix6
    wow, i'm staying out of this one
    Thanks for sharing...

  38. #38
    Triple X's Avatar
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    This thread sucks!!!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    I posted this in your other thread. The theme of this post was about prayer and how we should EXPECT our prayers to come true through faith.

    You know, we all too often hear people tell others how they are Christians and what not, but in today's society, I think the term "Christian" is used entirely too losely. Being a Christian is not just believing that there is in fact a God. It's more along the lines of our faith. Here's an example of what I'm referring to.

    What do you do when you or someone else that you know has a headache? You either take or offer to them an aspirin. But why? You take or offer the aspirin because you know that it works. You see, the aspirin is designed to fix specific symptoms, and we have faith in the fact that it will. So the aspirin that we offer is then taken and we often follow up our offerings by asking, "How is your headache?". We do this because we EXPECT the aspirin to fix the symptom. On that same note, how often have any of us prayed for something or someone and then asked them, "So how do you feel now?". Probably never. We should be doing this because if we have strong faith, then we should EXPECT our prayers to materialize.

    It's just too bad that most of us have more faith in aspirin that we do in our own religion. That includes me, too. Now I'm not saying that we're all bad Christians. I just know that I personally have to revisit the strength of my own faith before I tell anyone else that I am in fact a Christian. It's an every day commitment.

    Well said

  40. #40
    TinTin78's Avatar
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    I did not say you were stupid or anything Johan, it's just that science have always been searching for proof that god don't exsist. Proof I know they will never find because I know he does exsist.

    Even a child wonders when a car drives by and asks his parent, "hey dad, were does that car come from" "Well my son, people made it so we can have a nice ride to work"

    So we know everything we use on earth is made by someone, every little thing and detail we use have a creator and that's not hard to understand.

    Why is it so hard for all of you to understand there is one who created all the universe? It's kinda ridiculous to believe otherwise, and with an attitude always trying to find he does not exsist will just drive him away. You seek god in space, you wonder why there is war if god really exsist? Why does he make all these people suffer?

    Well the answer is easy, he doesn't, because we are god and we have the responsibility, but we don't take it. We are so strung up by earthly attachments and fame that we forget to help our fellow brothers and sisters.

    We could fix this entire planet and live in bliss in 7 days, but every country are to afraid to loose power and wealth. We keep people starving and suffering because we protect something that ain't worth a damn to protect.

    If you seek god, look in your hearth, and be honest, because the mind will trick you to do things it likes, and not what is good for the wholeness of mankind.

    There will come a time when we all will act and feel like the gods we are, and if you are mad that you don't feel god and why you aren't there yet, ask yourself this.

    If I were god, would I let my pure kingdom of heaven be like this place on earth?

    Would I, if I had to choose let everyone in, even if they haven't proved worthy of this blissfull place?

    Would I want it to be a place full of lies and betrayals just like on earth.

    Would I make it easy for these sinners to find my sacred place?

    If you are true to yourself you will find that if you were god, you would probably not accept alot of things you yourself does. And that is were you start your travel, by being honest with yourself and brush away the bad sides of you. Until you are pure, and until you have an understanding that god is everywere. And that every man or Woman you meet are of equal value as you.

    Everything else is just an illusion, there is no price to be won if you make it til death first with most money. You can't win anything more than the person next to you. When you understand that you and your creator are one, then you understand that you are one with everyone else to.

    When that day come when we understand this, the love and vibration on this planet will be alot different, and we can make miracles happen on our own.

    God made it hard to find him, because he knew how selfish and ignorant people would be, and how much they will struggle for fortune and fame. That's why he placed himself were no one of low qualities would look, inside of him, deep in his hearth.

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