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Thread: Help My girl from puking.

  1. #1

    Help My girl from puking.

    So about a year ago, my gf developed an eating problem. She hardly ever ate, she would be weak all the time, and just plain tired. Well she got extremly thin, eventually got her shit together, and began to eat normally. Now though if she eats more then (practically nothing) she pukes her skull out...This happens about 3 times a week, how can i help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    This is a disorder that needs to be treated by a professional. I really admire you for wanting to help, but she'll see you as being entirely too biased to take your advice. Seek professional help immediately and then support the heck out of her through it.

    Good luck to you both.

  3. #3
    Well i told her she should try eating 6 times a day, get her nutrients in, and she wont be full alot, like small portions, this will get what she needs, but not the Bad sensation of being full. and i told her a multi vitamin before bed....i think shes passed the whole profesional part, she honestly is mentally completly by it, because i never see her holding back food, and shes constantly eating, but...if she eats a lil to much she gets sick, thats why i thought of the 6 meals first.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    Well i told her she should try eating 6 times a day, get her nutrients in, and she wont be full alot, like small portions, this will get what she needs, but not the Bad sensation of being full. and i told her a multi vitamin before bed....i think shes passed the whole profesional part, she honestly is mentally completly by it, because i never see her holding back food, and shes constantly eating, but...if she eats a lil to much she gets sick, thats why i thought of the 6 meals first.
    Dude, the last thing that I would be worrying about is what she's eating. The main issue is why is it coming back up? Could be some serious internal organ issues, or maybe even some serious mental issues. It needs to be addressed immediately. I would be extremely worried if I were you. My wife would be in the ER right now if this were happening to her.

  5. #5
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    When there's a fire, you call the fire department. When someone's potentially dying inside, you seek professional help. Especially when it's someone that you love.

  6. #6
    What if she'll never go, ive tried convincing her that she should get checked out. But shes naturally a tough girl, and wont dent her pride that much i dont think.

  7. #7
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    I tried to be tough back in 2001 by not obeying all of my doctors orders when I had cancer. I wasn't able to overcome what I had until I became obedient.

    It's too bad that most people have to be on their deathbeds before they show any sense of urgency.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    if she eats more then (practically nothing) she pukes her skull out...This happens about 3 times a week, how can i help.
    wowww...... shez pregnant dude, start lookin' for names. whoddy would be a nice name if he's gonna be a boy

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by whoddy
    wowww...... shez pregnant dude, start lookin' for names. whoddy would be a nice name if he's gonna be a boy
    Man, I hope that you're right. Hearing this scares the poo out of me for this guy.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    So about a year ago, my gf developed an eating problem. She hardly ever ate, she would be weak all the time, and just plain tired. Well she got extremly thin, eventually got her shit together, and began to eat normally. Now though if she eats more then (practically nothing) she pukes her skull out...This happens about 3 times a week, how can i help.
    Dude wtf.. smack her in the face and take her to a doctor. Or get rid of her ass for not having any self respect or value for herself.

    Should be the most obvious thing in the world. What do you expect us to do?

  11. #11
    I wasnt expecting anything from you, i was asking for medical advice. I was asking for diet and nutrition advice, like many others do on here. And dear god no, i hope shes not pregnant

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Well man, if she is pregnant, you have to be cool with it. Remember, you chose to engage in sexual activity with her, so therefore you've already accepted the fact that she could potentially get pregnant due to your actions.

    I really do hope that she is okay.

  13. #13
    She agreed to go to the doctor if it gets worse. Ill monitor it, i really wish i could help her, but i honestly cant, ive never been there personally, or delt with this first hand, so i have no idea what shes going through, all i really know is i love her, and want her to feel better. We'll see, ill keep you updated.

  14. #14
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    Definetly take her to see a professional. But if she wont go, have her eat small nutritous meals, and make sure she takes her time when eating. If it takes her half an hour to an hour to eat a meal, then so be it as long as she doesn't throw it back up. Also I'd advice her to take a multi-v everyday. Just so you know I'm a dietetics major, if you have any questions shoot me a pm. My advisor is a RD so if you want I'll ask her what should be done in this situation.

  15. #15
    Yea ill take ur advice, i told her she should have 6 small meals a day to allow her body to get the nutrients but not become extremly full, so that she gets sick. I also told her to take a multivitamin, anything else?

  16. #16
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    Nothing else I can really think of at the moment. I'll talk to my advisor tomorrow and let you know what she thinks.

  17. #17
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    aye boarder, very noble of you, however this is beyon you... its something profesionally... its the sort of thing where she has to know she needs the help in order to want it.

    my bro went though a drug addiction, not the same i know. but in respect to wanting to help it is the same, you cant do anything until the other person knows they really need to make a change..

    im not too helpful on this topic though, wish i could help... its not like you helpin me with electronics here.

    sorry to hear man!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    go get it checked it out.
    could have virus,infection anything .
    hopefully none though and she could be pregnanet its possibility.
    i do have to say try get proffesional as quick as possible, sometimes leaving something an extra day could cause someone worse that she doesnt know she is even doing.
    good luck to both .

  19. #19
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    How long has this (the puking) been going on already? IF it's been more then a week or two I would definitely send her to the doctor.

    Also - you say she has an "eating problem." Do you mean the physical act of eating or are you referring to an eating disorder? Or maybe you don't know and I've just opened up a whole new can of worms. Either way, you should tell her to see someone.

  20. #20
    Well she was anorexic. And yes the puking has been going on for more then a week, its kinda startin to scare me

  21. #21
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    Oct 2006
    My GF used to be like that... its a psychological problem and she needs to get out of this... might be cause by a trauma in her past (rape, beaten, fat in her past and she wasn't feeling beautifull, or any other things that really made her live a major pain).

    First of all, its not a matter of waiting if she gets through it... because if she does, she'll fall back when an insecurity period comes back...

    I bet you that your girlfriend is a very sensitive stressed person that is just not able to eat in a stressing period of time.

    I didn't give my gf the choice, I brought her to the doctor... she was mad at first, but she appreciated that I took the lead on this. At first she said no and to mind my own business, but I said "lady, you dont have the choice, I'm consurned because I care for you, and I just can sit here watching you like this without knowing whats wrong and if it won't get worst.... were going RIGHT NOW".

    Doctor said that for the beginning she needs to eat... no mather what... it doesn't matter.... she needs to eat (chocolate, chips, fries, who gives a shit)... (it could be good food too of course but dont push it) let her eat what and when she wants to eat and let her deal with the portions too... that way she'll keep the food in her stomack.

    When the appetite is stabilised, then you can get consurned about what she eats.... don't talk too much about this, it could make her stop her progression...

    Psychiatric help will be a consurned for making this thing not comming back... but let the doctor talk to her about this....

    Worst thing to do is to play the doctor or the psychiatric... your not qualified for it, and it won't help. She can think that you think your better than she is too... well my gf was feeling no self esteem at that period of her life... I guess yours is not either.

    I dont think that this situation can be fully cured... but you deffinatly can control it if your keeping an eye on her. Two years now, and she still eats 3 meals a day.
    Last edited by neardark; 11-29-2006 at 06:47 AM.

  22. #22
    See thats the thing, she eats, she'll eat 3 meals a day, and she is naturally hungry through the day, just sometimes she pukes.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    I'm sorry to hear this, dude. But like most of the people are saying on here, this is beyond your control.

    Try taking her to a clinic first so they can see if that what the problem truly is, and then consider conseling/treatment. Sometimes the victims of this disease don't realize WHY they're doing it, and aren't really trying to hurt themselves.

    Another question, what kind of symptoms do you see in her? This website may help you a little.

    Good luck, bro and my prayers are with you both!

  24. #24
    Thanks for the help...Symptoms...Honestly Shes a normal girl, very popular, very pretty, her body looks very healthy...But last night she was just liek "take me home right now" out of the blue, took her home, and she started puking...Then she explained to me that she used to have an eating problem, now if she eats to much she gets sick. Shes a really sweet girl, im crazy about her...

    thanks for the website, im gonna check it out..

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Running through your mind
    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    Thanks for the help...Symptoms...Honestly Shes a normal girl, very popular, very pretty, her body looks very healthy...But last night she was just liek "take me home right now" out of the blue, took her home, and she started puking...Then she explained to me that she used to have an eating problem, now if she eats to much she gets sick. Shes a really sweet girl, im crazy about her...

    thanks for the website, im gonna check it out..
    No problem. I had a really mild eating disorder, when I was about 17. But it cleared up on it's own because I wasn't too far in-Thank God. Just know that I overcame it only because it was so minor, and I have a strong mentality. (Not to say that your girl doesn't) But you just have to go about the proper precausions when dealing with someone else, and since she's suffered from it before, it could be more severe.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    See thats the thing, she eats, she'll eat 3 meals a day, and she is naturally hungry through the day, just sometimes she pukes.
    Then it will be easier to stabilise the situation...

    But don't play the damn doctor... bring her to someone who knows what he's talking about. You can get the situation worse.

    It can be physical too... but I doubt it, from what I've learned in the past with the issue. But i'm not a doctor and I think that even if there's one here, he won't be able to help her out without consulting your GF and ask her the appropriate questions.
    Last edited by neardark; 11-29-2006 at 06:56 AM.

  27. #27
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    I think everyone may be too quick to jump on the eating disorder. I went through this and people asked me if I was making myself sick. I would sometimes vomit. Was once a week then turned into once per day, and lost weight. Went to a gastroenterologist and guess what... crohn's disease.

    She needs to go to a doctor. If it is crohn's and she has it just below the stomach in the small intestines it is potentially life threatening. Not only from malnutrition but from open sores called fistualas. These not only open the intestine into the body if left unchecked will work its way to the outside of the body. I know this sounds extreme but if not put in check this could happen, which in turn you would need feed through a pick line the rest of her life or have a colostomy bag hanging from the hole.

  28. #28
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    Well I think that past behavior is a pretty good predictor or future behavior, and he said that she used to have an eating disorder. Lots of people who go through that don't ever fully recover. She may be relapsing. But you're absolutely right. She needs to go to a doctor to determine exactly what's wrong.

    Good Luck with the whole situation, Boarder034! I hope she gets the help she needs!

  29. #29


    Thanks for all the help, guys and girls... i think shes just gonna have to bite the bullet, cause ill carry her ass to the doctor. I dont really care anymore what she says, i care to much about her to see her get seriously hurt....BUt thanks again everyone i appreciate all the advice, when i do find out, ill certainly keep you updated

  30. #30
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    what about bulemia? anyone think about that?

    have you ever seen her puke?. is it fingers down the throat puke? or just pukes randomly?

  31. #31
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    well from my experience....
    I was bulimic for about 6 years, it was wasn't too extreme though. i would through up about every other day. through counseling i learned that the only thing that would stop me from wanting to throw up was the image and excitment one day being a mom. when i thought about that, all of my terrible eating habits and wanting to be extremely skinny went out the window. consequently, when by eating disorder was at its worst.... (throwing up multiple times a day, bleeding hands, extreme weakness) i found out i was pregnant. my son truly saved my life. now that i am a mother, (and taking a nutrition course) i am living healthier than ever.
    anyways, my point,
    obviously she doesn't need to get pregnant to stop her from throwing up, but ask her to tell you the one thing that makes her forget about her disorder. it could be anything. at first she may not even know, but have her think about it. once she tells you, remind her of it, in little ways, when you know that she is not feeling good and wants to throw up.
    also, it sounds like she is a strong and determind girl. but, she is letting herself have a 'way out'. if she fails to eat nutritious things..she'll just go and throw them up. encourage her to be very health concious, and if she is going to eat something that she knows she will want to throw her recognize it so she can stop it. if could potentially kill her if it got out of hand. it's an addiction. and if she was addicted to a drug that you knew could kill her, wouldn't you do everything to help her stop?

  32. #32
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    by the way, i used to tell people that i ate too much, or the food i ate was gross and it was making me physically sick so i needed to throw up. it was a lie

  33. #33
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    My girlfriend had the same issue and she saw a psychiatrist about it and until she was with me was she clearly cured. My input on her body helped her alot (positive mind you) But I am sure the professional help worked better. And there's a difference between keeping your food down or wanting to puke it up, puking doesn't just happen naturally (in this context), unless she constantly stuffs her face till she can't hold anymore. The mind of a person with an eating disorder doesn't command them to throw up, it makes them feel fat and through that feeling they decided to stick their fingers in their mouths. If she didn't want to throw up she could stop herself. This is through my own personal speculation and listening to my girlfriend so... Yeh, lol.

  34. #34
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  35. #35
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    I'd definately check her into a doctor.

    In the mean time, ensuring that she is recieving proper nutrients is a good start. Making sure she is taking a good multi, and maybe some meal replacement shakes if she is having a hard time eating solid foods?

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    My girlfriend had the same issue and she saw a psychiatrist about it and until she was with me was she clearly cured. My input on her body helped her alot (positive mind you) But I am sure the professional help worked better. And there's a difference between keeping your food down or wanting to puke it up, puking doesn't just happen naturally (in this context), unless she constantly stuffs her face till she can't hold anymore. The mind of a person with an eating disorder doesn't command them to throw up, it makes them feel fat and through that feeling they decided to stick their fingers in their mouths. If she didn't want to throw up she could stop herself. This is through my own personal speculation and listening to my girlfriend so... Yeh, lol.
    Listen bro,
    She doesnt stick her fingers in her mouth, im right next to her and i watch her walk from the table, and run to the bathroom and puke, she USED to have an eating disorder...Now her body reacts differently from food.

    I dont know if this is clear to everyone but sHe USED, to be anorexic, USED TO BE. No LONGER...Her body is reacting to food now, when shes full.

  37. #37
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    I talked to my advisor. She said to try to limit her consumptions of meats and spicy foods. For her protien needs she can consume milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese etc. Crackers and breads are ok to consume. Try to keep her clear from high acidity raw fruits and veggies. Cooked veggies should be fine. Also keep her clear from high acidity juices such as orange juice. Apple juice, and grape juice should be ok.

  38. #38
    Thanks bro i truly appreciate it!!!

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    No problem bro. I'm glad I could help.

  40. #40
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    I would listen to some of the boys here.. get her to a docs, psych's, etc... U really care about her, which is obvious, help her out by getting medical help bro!!

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