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Thread: Anyone a dentist?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Anyone a dentist?

    Going to the dentist is ****ing expensive so I usualy dont go

    Anyway in august something wierd happened to one of my tooth(or is it teeth a **** it).

    The gums on one of the teeth had retracted quite a bit and on the area now exposed I am very sensitive. For a day or two it hurt to eat but then it became better.

    Now it has been like that ever since. I dont feel anything when I eat. But a big part of the tooth is still exposed that should be covered by the gum and if I scratch on it with the toothbrush or my fingernail it hurts.

    Is this something that might go away by itself or do I have some kind of ****ing gum infection that needs treatment Anyone know?
    I realy dont have the cash to dish out for a dentist

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Dentists are very expensive and most insurance programs only want you to go to their dentists and they are butchers. I actually went to a participating dentist once that was on my list of dentists and he fvcked up my crown, i ended up having to go to another dentist to fix what he messed up. Now i just go to a good one and pay out of pocket even with insurance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I have removed a few peoples teeth but im not qualified or anything.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I have had something similar in the past (my mid 30's), sounds like your gum has receded once that happens it will never grow back you will just have to live with it, I had the gap covered with that white filling stuff which does the job but will have to be redone as the gum recedes further, hard to say why your gum is receded it could be a gum disease such as gingivitis or it could be a case of overzelous brushing, if thats the case its most commonly the premolars and canine on one side depending if your left or right handed aparantly this is due to excessive force and wrist angle, I am not a dentist by the way my dentist told me all this stuff when I had my gap filled, pesonaly Id pay, waiting will just allow it to get worse if it is anything serious.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yea, its called gingival recession. Once the gum recedes it won't grow back, but the only way to stop it from going any farther is to floss daily and get a soft toothbrush. I recommend the sonic care, that thing is awesome. As far as treatment you can either get the dentist to put composite at the site so it is less sensitive, or just live with it. i work for a dentist, so I see this stuff all the time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Dont you have insurance with yor university or work? At least it may cover a percentage of the costs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    maybe nerve damage?
    i know cost lot of money but you might have to go bro, you dont want to mess around with the teeth.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    Yea, its called gingival recession. Once the gum recedes it won't grow back, but the only way to stop it from going any farther is to floss daily and get a soft toothbrush. I recommend the sonic care, that thing is awesome. As far as treatment you can either get the dentist to put composite at the site so it is less sensitive, or just live with it. i work for a dentist, so I see this stuff all the time.
    Blah never grows back doesnt sound to good

    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    Dont you have insurance with yor university or work? At least it may cover a percentage of the costs.
    Nah no insurance. A examination is like 60$ so I guess Il have to dish it out in january when I have some extra cash. Dentists are the only part of healthcare not covered by the social healthcare in sweden. Stupid.

    Quote Originally Posted by collar
    maybe nerve damage?
    i know cost lot of money but you might have to go bro, you dont want to mess around with the teeth.
    Yeah having shitty teeth would be horrible

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    HEY!! You get paid to go to school, so stop complaining about the Swedish social system.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 09:44 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Haha, this is funny, I have a dentist question, totally not related to this though, but I asked for "Any Dentists On AR?" as well, without even seeing this thread, any dentists, PM me, I got a weird ass question.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    By the way, Johan, you go to university? I think they should have some form of insurance to cover dental work. I know in Canada they have certain insurance coverages, like 60-70% or there abouts. Ask your Student Councils.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    I have had something similar in the past (my mid 30's), sounds like your gum has receded once that happens it will never grow back true, but it can be grafted once the source of the recession is foundyou will just have to live with it, I had the gap covered with that white filling stuff which does the job but will have to be redone as the gum recedes further,it shouldn't recede further is the source is treated hard to say why your gum is receded it could be a gum disease such as gingivitis no, it's never gingivitisor it could be a case of overzelous brushingrarely. it's usually a parafunctional habit or malocclusion, if thats the case its most commonly the premolars and canine on one side depending if your left or right handed aparantly this is due to excessive force and wrist angle, I am not a dentist by the way my dentist told me all this stuff when I had my gap filled, pesonaly Id pay, waiting will just allow it to get worse if it is anything serious.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    Yea, its called gingival recession. Once the gum recedes it won't grow back, but the only way to stop it from going any farther is to floss daily flossing and recession are unrelatedand get a soft toothbrush. I recommend the sonic care, that thing is awesome. As far as treatment you can either get the dentist to put composite at the site so it is less sensitive, or just live with itthere are many topical agents that will work just as good as the composite. i work for a dentist, so I see this stuff all the time.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Going to the dentist is ****ing expensive so I usualy dont go
    Anyway in august something wierd happened to one of my tooth(or is it teeth a **** it).
    The gums on one of the teeth had retracted quite a bit and on the area now exposed I am very sensitive. For a day or two it hurt to eat but then it became better.
    Now it has been like that ever since. I dont feel anything when I eat. But a big part of the tooth is still exposed that should be covered by the gum and if I scratch on it with the toothbrush or my fingernail it hurts.

    Is this something that might go away by itself or do I have some kind of ****ing gum infection that needs treatment Anyone know?
    I realy dont have the cash to dish out for a dentist
    You probably do not have a gum infection. It sounds like you have a parafunctional habit such as bruxing (grinding) your teeth at night or clenching. This puts excessive amounts of uncontrollable stress on your teeth and the weakest junction which is the gum to the nick of the tooth suffers primarily. As long as you're grinding at night, it will get worse. You should invest in a night guard to wear at night. The prefab ones that you can buy in the store are garbage and won't help plus they'll be really uncomfortable. You need to have a custom one made by a dentist plus he can confirm the diagnosis, but this is the cause for at least 90% of recession.

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