Is there any anti depressants that can actually help with concentration? Im going to be taking organic chemistry this semester and with the depression, im going to need all the help i can get
Is there any anti depressants that can actually help with concentration? Im going to be taking organic chemistry this semester and with the depression, im going to need all the help i can get
You know what helps depression better than meds? Figuring out why your depressed and changing it. Did you know 70% of people on anti-d's confess to still experiencing the same exact depressed emotions as before and for some it actually gets worse?Originally Posted by justinandrews7
The other 30% *claim its affective. Just from what Ive seen, read, studied and experienced if you find a GOOD therapist, they will help you more than any pill in the world.
I understand depression is real and needs to be treated, I just dont agree with societies now widely accepted "just give me a pill" mentallity for everything. (again i know nothing about you, im just generalizing here so dont take it personal)
If you want to chat sometime pm your sn and Id like to ask you a few questions, than I can do more than speculate towards what would really be best for you. But if your not willing to do more than put your hand in a bottle and swallow a pill than Id save you and me sometime and not take me up on my offer. You got to be willing and motivated, as hard as it can be when your depressed.
you got aim?
My GF is on anti-depressants, and the difference is night and day. She is much more energetic, and a totally different person when using them.
Your best bet would be to talk to your doctor, and they can advise you on which anti-d/anxiety is best for you, or if you should seek out counseling, or maybe both?
yeah i have talked to my doctor and he is going to give me my RX this week and is going to give me a very good counselor he used for his daughter when she was depressedOriginally Posted by cfiler
Id love to speak to her sometime. Cause I cant agree or disagree with anything you say untill I myself talk to the person and witness things for myself.Originally Posted by cfiler
I could ask her A LOT of questions and Im sure thered be A LOT more to the story than what you said (as obviously in any situation in life). Like how depressed she actually was before taking the meds, how long shed been on the meds, what meds, placebo affects, how long youve know her, whether or not you knew her when she wasnt on meds and not just what she describes, actual maturation on her part that were attributed to the drugs etc, etc. Just a shitload of questions like that, than things become real clear at some point.
and msn, I can get to you either tommorow or def wed. let me know.Originally Posted by justinandrews7
Ironically ADD and depression are very closely linked.
If you end up taking something for depression (providing that you are clinically depressed) then it will most likely help with your concentration.
Yeah I have to agree that the combination of therapy and anti-depressant works well, and then eventually, you can wean off the meds, but depression can be crippling and sometimes you need the meds just to get motivated to get up and GO to therapy in my experience.I am not on anti-depressants anymore but still regularly attend therapy.
phenibut is a supp that can help you to relax and has been successfully used in many countries (russia being one) to treat depression. It is also said to improve mental function. It seems to me this would offer all the points you are looking for without the associated dangers of many of the drugs a doc would give you.
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