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Thread: Anyone in the military?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Anyone in the military?

    I'm enlisting in the Army soon and would like to discuss some issues I have with someone who is either in the service or was recently in. The only people I know were either in a long time ago, or have biased answers (as in recruiters).



    [email protected]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Hi Mole. Nice to meet you. I was in the US Army for 4 years 1990-94. Enlisted. I was also in the 82d Airborne Divison the whole time. Overall I'm glad I did it. I went in because I was graduating high school and had nothing at home as far as a job and my dad had been laid off for a few years. My parents couldn't send me to college.

    I made some of the truest, bestest friends while I was in and we still keep in serious contact. I don't regret my decision. It's a good learning experience and gives you independence. It wasn't all great though. It has its BS like any other job and sometimes moreso. Lots of hierarchy and separation between the different grades of course.

    If you are going in as enlisted and a Private, you are considered the slime of the earth. But the enlisted is the backbone of the entire structure. PM me or post a reply back and we'll chat. I can fill you in on your questions even though I was in a while ago.

    I still have friends who are in and are high ranking and in very high places.

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