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I don't know... we bitched a lot about the politicians playing with our lives to get re-elected and the REMF'ing officers using us to get their medals/promotions. Bitching is a soldier's prerogative - we just made sure it stayed among ourselves. To say that soldiers don't care about politics sounds rather naive. I know I cared. But we cared more for our buddies, our squad and our platoon. I don't know of anyone who enlisted to protect US citizens - sounds like a Jerry Bruckheimer film. Many were looking for a better life, some wanted a different experience, and others wanted money for college. I just wanted to shoot guns and blow shit up 'cause I was bored.
Also, we could have cared less about people back home "supporting" us. With what? Little yellow ribbons on their car antennae or bumper stickers? Another country/western song? We needed that shit like we needed a 2nd a-hole. What we really needed was support in the form of better pay, bulletproof vests, armored humvees, and radios that actually worked. You wanna support the troops? Write your congressman or senator and tell him/her that our soldiers need better pay and equipment. Better yet, have your friends and neighbors and their friends and neighbors send letters. Organize fund raisers to help buy troops what they need.
And above all - don't forget to mail the porn!!