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So the gf and I got in a fight. Basically she's driving (I don't have a license yet cause I'm lazy). She's late to work and taking me home. She has not been really affectionate towards me lately and she's been really busy helping her friend who got kicked out of her house and stuff. I had asked if if maybe she could come over tonight for a little and she said yes. I asked if we could make love, since we haven't for a while. She said no. Now given, she ran out of pills and hasn't got anymore and our last condom broke and she had to use Plan B. Another thing, it doesn't seem like she's taking much initiative to get more pills, but again, she is a procrastinator and so am I. Now back to the car ride. She brought up the Plan B and everything so I suggested condoms. She said no again. Then I ask if we can just fool around and she's like well you didn't say that. So we go back and forth and we get to my house. It's quiet so I break the silence. I tell her that I know she's busy but I also know that she could make time for just her and I. Then she goes off saying what about my friend, etc. I say she can stay at your house for like an hour, then she says she doesn't like being there alone. I tell her to drop her off at the mall for like an hour and give her some money or something. Then she gets all sarcastic and crap. Then she goes, "Well I'm late to work are you going to kiss me or not?" But in a very mean and uncaring way. And I'm just thinking wtf, I know your late, but you could be nicer. So I just got angry and left without kissing her. That has never happened, even through our other fights we would always kiss after an argument even if still angry. It just really ticked me the wrong way how she said it. We've been together for a year and a half and I'm hoping this is just an awkward time in our relationship. What do you guys think?