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Thread: DUI update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    DUI update

    this is what happend.. I posted about that awhile ago..

    I was out drinking one night with a friend.. I got a little drunk so mt friend offered to drive me home.. Well on the way home the car ran out of gas. My friends did not see that the car need gas. So we pushed the car to the side of the rode. We kinda get into a fight bc my car is vrand new and I was mad that the car ran out of gas. So we called a cab and left. I was sitting in the car waiting 4 someone to bring me gas when a cop pulled behined me and stared asking what was going on.. tild him what happend and he asked me to stepp out of the car.. He starts doing field test on me and took me into the station and busted me 4 DUI..

    My proble now is my lawyer.. I an going to trail with this.. I have the everone ready to go but my lawyer it feel like he really dont care.. I call him and me never calls me back. I go into the offices and he says he is on the way to court and carnt talk now.. What should ZI do. should I get a new lawyer and if I do do I loss my money that I gave him.. Also how would I find a good lawyer where I live..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    A lot of lawyers take criminal cases expecting teh defendant to enter a plea. This way the lawyer has to do very minimal work and thus, lawyers will often encourage their clients to plea. Instead of making telephone calls a dropping by his office, try writing him a letter expressing that you feel he is not doing his job. This way, you have some documentation. Also, letters generally do a better job of getting an attorney's attention. As a last resort you could contact your State's Board of Professional Responsibility.

    Bottom line, if your lawyer doesn't seem to care about your case. . . he probably doesn't. You may be better off trying to find a different lawyer. Your original lawyer may give you a refund for some of the money you have already paid.

  3. #3
    Kick him in the ass, thats just bullshit, then threaten to counter sew for him not helping you. You dont have to, but maybe itll get his attention.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In Nj there is no pleas in dwi.. he told me we wants to go to trail on this. I have to go to court on tueseday and still no call nothing.why I am paying this guy all this $$ when I am doing all the work. I used this lawyer last time I got in trouble and he did the same thing and he got me off.. And also I know 4 a fact he is good friends with the judge and is well know in the town. If I got into it with him. He might srew me..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    if he is confident about your case he probably doesnt feel the need to keep meeting with you just to calm your nerves. He will be there in court, thats all that matters.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    if he is confident about your case he probably doesnt feel the need to keep meeting with you just to calm your nerves. He will be there in court, thats all that matters.
    Definately agreed!! My solicitor (lawyer) is well known as one of the top in the country for gettin people off driving offences, he charges a high price but its worth it to keep ya license!!

    He never likes meeting me and doesnt really like talking on the phone, he just knows his stuff and waves his magic wand in the court room!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-22-2006 at 02:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New York
    Is this your first time dealing with a lawyer ??? They never get back to you ... Dont worry it will take all of three minutes to prep you... By the way do you know how much it cost the tax payers for a trial ??? A lot !!! You should have just pleaded down and got on with your probation, now your lawyer is gonna milk you for every penny you got.. And Judges dont like the idea of wasting everyones time and money to go to trial over a stupid DUI.. You better hope you dont get a pissy Judge.. Good luck..

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    If he took your case he has to defend you. Every time you talk to him
    his clock starts up with 10 minute (increments about 15 bucks) he is
    doing you a favor. If he ****s you over you can file a complaint with
    the Supreme Court Judicary of the State you reside in. They are the
    ones that can take away their liscenses. I have filed a complaint against
    a local (crook) attorney. They made hime pay me over a grand. I would
    rather have had them grab his liscense.
    He will get in touch with him, they are money hungry scum bags..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    He will get in touch with him, they are money hungry scum bags..
    "They" meaning lawyers? I think I"m offended.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 08:35 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    If he doesnt show up to court just ask for a Continuance.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    I'm going to court over a (running a red light).. You doing the right
    thing by fighting your ticked. If you are innocent it would be wrong not
    to. Stand up for your rights, especially when you can beat the dam thing.
    First your fighting a ticket it takes all of two minutes, he's going to trial, big difference... I dont know about Jersey but in NY if you anywhere in the car with the keys and under the influence, GUILTY !! I do hope he has a shot in Jersey, i dont know the laws.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    "They" meaning lawyers? I think I"m offended.
    Yeah lawyers bro, Sorry !!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-22-2006 at 02:45 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Yeah lawyers bro, Sorry !!!
    money hungry scum bags huh? Hey, we gotta pay for our cycles somehow.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    I'm going to court (trial) over a (red light) ticket. I know what you are saying about anywhere in the car but; why do they have designated drivers.
    Cab drivers drive drunks around all night. I just hope he wins the dam
    thing. These can hang around for a long time. My ticket would only
    be $75. However, this will cost about $500. It will keep my insurance
    down. Some states have a clause in their constitution that allows a
    jury trial for any offence. The cop issued this on hear-say. He did not
    even see it.
    Dude wtf are you talking about ?? cab drivers, designated drivers, this guy was behind the wheel drunk he either failed or refused the test in any case he's guilty..Yes if you refuse you are guilty, i said this in his first post if you are anywhere in the car ( back seat front seat or even the trunk ) and you have the keys you gettin locked up.. Why ?? Whats to stop you from fallin asleep for ten minutes waking up, then starting the car and killing someone ?? If he didnt have the keys nothing would have happened... And i dont know what planet you come from that you go to trial over a red light, yes you might go in front of a Judge, you and 500 other people, but no trial, he got arrested you didnt... All in all i do hope he beats it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Is this your first time dealing with a lawyer ??? They never get back to you ... Dont worry it will take all of three minutes to prep you... By the way do you know how much it cost the tax payers for a trial ??? A lot !!! You should have just pleaded down and got on with your probation, now your lawyer is gonna milk you for every penny you got.. And Judges dont like the idea of wasting everyones time and money to go to trial over a stupid DUI.. You better hope you dont get a pissy Judge.. Good luck..
    I think it is the asshole cops that have to be dicks and arrest people for every petty little thing. How much of the tax payers money does that waste? It's a two way street brother.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    money hungry scum bags huh? Hey, we gotta pay for our cycles somehow.
    For real, like no one else goes to work because they want money...I'm sure you all do it because you just love sitting in an office!

    To the arrestee, I wouldn't get too upset about anything yet. A DUI is a fairly standard defense, I'm sure he's done hundreds of them and this is nothing out of the ordinary. There isn't a whole lot of prep work or background investigator/evidence collecting to be performed. I do defense work as well here in NY and I hate talking to my clients as well. It isn't anything personal, but to him its just another case (that he wants to win, remember).

    IF something does go wrong, you should report him. I would give him the benefit of the doubt, however, as he was like this before with you and ended up getting you off the charges. Sounds like he's a prick, but a prick that gets the job done.

    If the cop never saw you actually operating the vehicle, he is going to have a hell of a hard time proving that you actually drove the car drunk. I would subpoena the guy who was driving your car and have him testify that he was driving. I would also subpoena the records of whatever place brought you gas and the guy who brought it.

    There is no law against sitting in your car drunk. The key element to DUI is DRIVING. Your case sounds like you have a pretty good chance of winning. Good luck, let us know, and I'll forward you my bill

  20. #20
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    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    1. you helped the officer with an investigation into your guilt
    2. you were guilty
    3. you will be convicted.
    4. the attorney just wants his money
    5. sorry to hear that.. next time do not ever take a field test, or blow a tube if you have been drinking.. ever..
    6. the police can lie to you, but you can not lie to them.
    7. Here in minnesota, if you refuse a breath a lizer, 6 month suspention.
    8. But no dui, and if you are convicted, 3 month suspention..

    Good luck
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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    For real, like no one else goes to work because they want money...I'm sure you all do it because you just love sitting in an office!

    To the arrestee, I wouldn't get too upset about anything yet. A DUI is a fairly standard defense, I'm sure he's done hundreds of them and this is nothing out of the ordinary. There isn't a whole lot of prep work or background investigator/evidence collecting to be performed. I do defense work as well here in NY and I hate talking to my clients as well. It isn't anything personal, but to him its just another case (that he wants to win, remember).

    IF something does go wrong, you should report him. I would give him the benefit of the doubt, however, as he was like this before with you and ended up getting you off the charges. Sounds like he's a prick, but a prick that gets the job done.

    If the cop never saw you actually operating the vehicle, he is going to have a hell of a hard time proving that you actually drove the car drunk. I would subpoena the guy who was driving your car and have him testify that he was driving. I would also subpoena the records of whatever place brought you gas and the guy who brought it.

    There is no law against sitting in your car drunk. The key element to DUI is DRIVING. Your case sounds like you have a pretty good chance of winning. Good luck, let us know, and I'll forward you my bill

    Not true, my brother in law just proved the point.. was in his home 1.5 hours, when the police pulled up to his home, took him outside of the home and gave him the test..

    guilty... with an attorney that is a defense attorney...

    common.. never ever help in your own conviction or investigation..
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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  22. #22
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    That's unheard of, how can they prove that he drove the car beyond a reasonable doubt? Did anyone actually see him drive it?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    In a bowl of rice
    Must have been caught on video...

  24. #24
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    Dec 2004
    my close pal and colleague just got off of DD (drink driving in UK). He was breathtested 30 mins after driving car (seen driving erratically on CCTV) and they arrested him in a bar he was at (car outside). He produced witnesses that said he had entered the bar sober and drank 12 shots of tequila in a row to celebrate a new job. He got away with it.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    That's unheard of, how can they prove that he drove the car beyond a reasonable doubt? Did anyone actually see him drive it?
    I agree. While in my state you do not have to necessarily be "driving," just "in control of the vehicle." Spywizard's story is possible I guess if the defendant agreed to come out of his house and admitted his guilt, but I would think a competent attorney would still have been able to get him off.

  26. #26
    In all my life i dont think i have ever heard of a guy being pulled out of his and being tested. Did they catch him on video or what? Very interested to hear this one...

  27. #27
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    That's unheard of, how can they prove that he drove the car beyond a reasonable doubt? Did anyone actually see him drive it?
    they had a reliable witness, that contacted them, he had followed my brother in law to his home, and made a statement to the police
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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  28. #28
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    In the Gym, if i could
    there are many things he could have done to avoid the arrest..

    1. not answered the door.. you are not required to answer the door to the police

    2. he could have answered the door with a beer, or whisky in his hand

    3. he could have refused the breathalizer like i advised him after his 1st dui

    4. he could have stepped back into the house and not allowed the officer entry..

    5. the cop would have then entered without cause just to protect himself, you never know what you will find, and then evidence gathered during the subsequent investigation would have been thrown out.. this was per the DA and the Police officer after the trial..
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DutchCowboy
    I think it is the asshole cops that have to be dicks and arrest people for every petty little thing. How much of the tax payers money does that waste? It's a two way street brother.
    Bro it could be someone in your family that a drunk driver kills, then how would you feel ??

  30. #30
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    Mar 2004
    True, but you forget that driving drunk isn't illegal for cops. Every one I know (and I know many) do it on a regular basis without fear of repercussion.

    I think that kinda stuff makes people say what DutchCowboy said. If drunk driving was THAT bad, they would lock up cops for it too.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    True, but you forget that driving drunk isn't illegal for cops. Every one I know (and I know many) do it on a regular basis without fear of repercussion.

    I think that kinda stuff makes people say what DutchCowboy said. If drunk driving was THAT bad, they would lock up cops for it too.
    Oh my God i cant believe you think driving drunk is ok, and who said cops are allowed to drink and drive ?? AND DRIVING DRUNK IS ILLEGAL.. I cant believe you even post that nonsence, and i have two dwi's, almost killed a whole family because i though i could drive. Wake up bro. icon_piss

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Oh my God i cant believe you think driving drunk is ok, and who said cops are allowed to drink and drive ?? AND DRIVING DRUNK IS ILLEGAL.. I cant believe you even post that nonsence, and i have two dwi's, almost killed a whole family because i though i could drive. Wake up bro. icon_piss
    You've got two DWI's. . . almost killed a family. . . and you claim that lawyers are the scum?

  33. #33
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    You've got two DWI's. . . almost killed a family. . . and you claim that lawyers are the scum?
    Yup, didnt do shit for me i did the same amount of time i would have done without him, and ive been through dozens of lawyers, ive got money and i would rather get legal aid, ( if it were possible ) they are more hungry.. ( and at one point i also had lawyers on retainer ) But thats just MY opnion...

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Yup, didnt do shit for me i did the same amount of time i would have done without him, and ive been through dozens of lawyers, ive got money and i would rather get legal aid, ( if it were possible ) they are more hungry.. ( and at one point i also had lawyers on retainer ) But thats just MY opnion...
    Perhaps you should say, in your opinion, several lawyers you have dealt with have been money hungry scum. And I could say, most people with multiple DWI's who have nearly killed innocent families are scum? This way we are making our opinions based on personal experiences and not ignorant generalizations. Fair enough?

    Edit: Perhaps this is just the test talking. I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers who are scum, I just get tired of the generalizations.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    Perhaps you should say, in your opinion, several lawyers you have dealt with have been money hungry scum. And I could say, most people with multiple DWI's who have nearly killed innocent families are scum? This way we are making our opinions based on personal experiences and not ignorant generalizations. Fair enough?

    Edit: Perhaps this is just the test talking. I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers who are scum, I just get tired of the generalizations.
    No, i think lawyers are scum, and yes i WAS the biggest piece of self centered shit on the face of this earth, i will be the first to admit it, anyone who gets in a car drunk and drives and puts innocent people's lives at stake should f'n die, and i am at the top of that list. But i did my time and payed my dues and made piece with everyone i hurt ( including the people in the accident ) not an easy thing to due...

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    No, i think lawyers are scum, and yes i WAS the biggest piece of self centered shit on the face of this earth, i will be the first to admit it, anyone who gets in a car drunk and drives and puts innocent people's lives at stake should f'n die, and i am at the top of that list. But i did my time and payed my dues and made piece with everyone i hurt ( including the people in the accident ) not an easy thing to due...
    Alright then; I see this is going nowhere.

    Good luck with everything Girolamo.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    Alright then; I see this is going nowhere.

    Good luck with everything Girolamo.
    I wont even comment on the jerkoff thing..

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    The Bay, California
    If he is really good just let him do the talking. I'm sure he has everything under control

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Oh my God i cant believe you think driving drunk is ok, and who said cops are allowed to drink and drive ?? AND DRIVING DRUNK IS ILLEGAL.. I cant believe you even post that nonsence, and i have two dwi's, almost killed a whole family because i though i could drive. Wake up bro. icon_piss
    Perhaps you need to look up sarcasm and learn to appreciate it. Point I was making, and I'll try to keep it at the 5th grade reading comprehension level for you, was that cops/friends of cops/people with honorary badges or cards (at least around here in NY) are basically immune to getting DUI's as long as they don't kill someone. Hell, one of my friends got rear ended by an off duty cop who was drunk and they MADE the off-duty cop leave the scene and refused to test him. My friend made a big deal about it and they threatened to arrest him.

    THAT is what is ****ed up. Glad to see you almost killed a family though, good job.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    True, but you forget that driving drunk isn't illegal for cops. Every one I know (and I know many) do it on a regular basis without fear of repercussion.

    I think that kinda stuff makes people say what DutchCowboy said. If drunk driving was THAT bad, they would lock up cops for it too.
    So your tellin me that this whole statment is ment to be sarcastic...

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