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Thread: Hiding Steroids from girlfriend or wife?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    your girlfriends house

    Hiding Steroids from girlfriend or wife?

    Anyone on here like me and have a loved one who doesn't know they use gear. I feel so bad about it. We started dating before I was on so its not that she wouldn't like my old body. Just she is real religious and really straight edge and turns her nose up at anything illegal. I'm not sure if she would break up with me but I don't know. She knows I *Edited. Please read the board rules.* and doesnt really care but i think this is different.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Well if its a wife i don't think hiding it is an option. If you aren't honest with your wife there is bigger problems. If its your Gf then i think it depends on how long you have been together and how serious you are. Any girl i have been in a relationship has known and it never was a problem. Also its different if you just don't tell her and if she asks and you lie.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Georgia and Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by HighandWide
    Anyone on here like me and have a loved one who doesn't know they use gear. I feel so bad about it. We started dating before I was on so its not that she wouldn't like my old body. Just she is real religious and really straight edge and turns her nose up at anything illegal. I'm not sure if she would break up with me but I don't know. She knows I *Edited. Please read the board rules.* and doesnt really care but i think this is different.
    Just tell her about the gear and quit *Edited. Please read the board rules.*, maybe they'll cancel out LOL

  4. #4
    depends on GF or wife...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    This comes up often and is a real judgement call. Only you know best how she'd feel about it, and if you don't talk to her without coming clean to get a vibe.

    Best to you,


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    sit her down and explain its part of ur lifestyle then try to educate her on proper steroid use and how it can be safe if done responsibly so she doesn't just think of all the media bullsh!t shes always heard and freak out on u. thats what i do when a gf trys to tell me that- "oo thats really bad steroids will kill u" or " steroids r really bad 4 ur health" hah i say ooo yeah? prove it lol show me a study or something most of my gfs usually r ok with it

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    sit her down and explain its part of ur lifestyle then try to educate her on proper steroid use and how it can be safe if done responsibly so she doesn't just think of all the media bullsh!t shes always heard and freak out on u. thats what i do when a gf trys to tell me that- "oo thats really bad steroids will kill u" or " steroids r really bad 4 ur health" hah i say ooo yeah? prove it lol show me a study or something most of my gfs usually r ok with it
    Yeah.. thats an option

    What really matters here is if your girlfriend is open minded or extremely stubborn. One that is extremely stubbord and no matter what you tell her is gonna believe the media hype, if it is a GF, i would not tell her.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Yeah.. thats an option

    What really matters here is if your girlfriend is open minded or extremely stubborn. One that is extremely stubbord and no matter what you tell her is gonna believe the media hype, if it is a GF, i would not tell her.
    Then what after you are dating for 2 years you tell her you have been lying and keeping that fact that you are on illegal drugs from her

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    lol i'd tell her bro- in a relationship HONESTY is ALWAYS the best option IMO

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    your girlfriends house
    It is my girlfriend not wife and we have been together for a year this past November. See I never told her I was and I never told her I wasn't on anything. I want to tell her about it but what role should i play

    1) try to educator her and then be like...oh by the way I'm taking steroids

    2) just flat out show her me sticking a needle in my ass

    3) ????

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    in a nice home or whatever...start by saying how you want to get a bit more serious in your training & workout regime..slowly introduce the fact that you are considering running some mild gear to take it to the next level. explain to her that you have been doing some research on it & would share it with her if it made her feel better & assure her that you would never do anything to really damage yourself & health-- bloodwork etc... unfortunatley you will have to diffuse all the negative hype the media has built up recently against juice..

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    your girlfriends house
    see it appears to be, not so much that its bad for you but that its illegal. She never really spoke about the whole "steroids kill you thing." Just that its illegal. O and is now a bad time to mention her dad is a pastor

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    well.... i personally think that you should sit her down and help her understand that you feel really bad about not telling her. . its been eating away at you etc.... just so she knows that you weren't trying to deliberately hurt her or lie to her.that is the only part of her reaction that you can control. if i have learned anything being married it's that last thing anyone wants to do is disappoint the person they love. it's terrible. the one thing you cannot control however is how she feels about steroids. you can educate her on proper usage etc... but when it comes down to it the one she loves is intentionally doing something that could potentially hurt him. and can potentially hurt you. would anyone like to hear that? do don't try to 'convince' her its ok. but you should definitely tell her

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by HighandWide
    see it appears to be, not so much that its bad for you but that its illegal. She never really spoke about the whole "steroids kill you thing." Just that its illegal. O and is now a bad time to mention her dad is a pastor
    Well her dad being a pastor shouldn't be that big of a deal I am sure he is very straight and narrow but big difference between gods law and mans law. I dont think my priest would be that upset becouse the bible preaches you not be lazy and to exceed to out due yourself. Honestly dont blame her narrow mind on the bible(if she is narrow minded)

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    I think you should be able to be totally honest with your women no matter wether GF or Wife.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I used to hide it in my office at work but I was fortunate to have enough privacy there to shoot at work also I had kids in the house, just tell her all the celebrities/athletes she thinks are clean are all at it and its really no big deal, I told a g/f if she can name at least two types of AAS then I will entertain her arguments against gear, that was the end of the argument and now she doesnt care spesh when she dicovered test boners LOL

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    i didn't tell my girlfriend about it till 2 months into the realationship.. i was too scared casue i thought she was going to dump me...but luckliy she didn't mind.. so i'm in the clear

  18. #18
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    Oct 2006
    I just went through this with my wife, it is the best thing I could have done. I explained as much as I could to her and then gave her the resources to do her own education. SHe is now very supportive and understands why which helps a great deal. Just tell her and educate her.

  19. #19
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ACE24
    I just went through this with my wife, it is the best thing I could have done. I explained as much as I could to her and then gave her the resources to do her own education. SHe is now very supportive and understands why which helps a great deal. Just tell her and educate her.
    i at one time felt as you do, but remenber should you ever separate she could use this info against you. mine threatens too, two children and twelve years between us and she would consider, well my point is if its illegal why give any one help to hurt you with it.

  20. #20
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    May 2006
    my gf injects for me and is cool with me doin it

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Russian liquer plant
    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    lol i'd tell her bro- in a relationship HONESTY is ALWAYS the best option IMO
    If it is not a new GF. She could be upset and call cops

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    One of my friends juices and he told his g/f before they broke up. Now the word is going around that he juices. Just be careful

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Training my ninja Degu
    I wouldn't tell her. If you are married, then sure, but just a GF... no way.

    I may tell my fiance, but haven't decieded yet.

    She doesn't know about my recent cycles, but my next one may be harder to hide.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    One of my friends juices and he told his g/f before they broke up. Now the word is going around that he juices. Just be careful
    Yup. Happened to my training partner too. He broke up with his gf, and
    she told everyone... ruined his rep.

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