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Thread: fight at work last night with.... The police!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    fight at work last night with.... The police!

    Well was working at usual club last night. It is quite a posh club within a marina village complex. We had the usual regulars plus lots of christmas parties coming in. We had a group turn up of about 6 guys all in DJs and a couple of females in posh dresses. The guys were all pretty well built (rugby types) with shaven heads. As the group was mixed and they were polite we let them in.
    About an hour later i was called to the bar and informed one of the group had fallen asleep at the bar. Sure enough i found him lent on the bar with his head in his hands fast asleep. I nudged him and asked him to wake up. It was obvious he was V drunk so I asked him to get his stuff together and make a move home. He ignored me. I asked again nicely and he just said WHY? I repeated that he was too drunk and must leave and he refused. by this time one of my colleagues had walked over and the rest of this guys group had gathered. One of the group turned to me and said "**** it lets do the doormen" I said "erm.. I am the doorman". He looked shocked then took a swing. All hell broke lose. One guy rugby tackled my colleague and bit him on the upper thigh repeatedly. I grabbed him from behind and dragged him out by his throat. other guy was fighting with another doorman. Guy I dragged outside was putting up a fight but then ended up being knocked out and laid flat on his back. Big pile of bodies all fighting in the doorway. They took a bit of a battering and retreated away from the club to regroup while there friend was still out cold.
    Que screaming hysterical females....
    After much shouting ect the group carried there friend away. The female with them begged me not to phone the police as they WERE the police and did not want to get disciplined for fighting ect. The hotel they were staying at (also in marina) also verified that they were all police on a christmas party!!
    Pretty messed up huh!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    fvcking grass the ****s up! they'd do it to you and you know it! press charges! assault! screw the bastards over!

    man I hope you got some good digs in!

    Guy I dragged outside was putting up a fight but then ended up being knocked out and laid flat on his back.
    I hope you mean you knocked him out! Oh man I hate coppers, what I would do to have joined in!

    Man I hope you made porkchops outta the ****s!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Zagreb, Croatia
    Dumba$$es! Good work!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Fvcking pig cops! Why am I not surprised. You should call the local station. They are supposed to be keeping the peace, not disturbing it. Teach 'em a lesson. It's my tax money that's paying their salary, and I don't want guys like that carrying guns, supposedly protecting me! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    fvcking grass the ****s up! they'd do it to you and you know it! press charges! assault! screw the bastards over!

    man I hope you got some good digs in!

    I hope you mean you knocked him out! Oh man I hate coppers, what I would do to have joined in!

    Man I hope you made porkchops outta the ****s!
    I cant really write who hit who because i dont want to get in trouble!! We didnt call the police because it was all on the clubs CCTV and the police would have seized it and prosecuted everyone including us. Still they got a good lesson in manners!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    fvcking grass the ****s up! they'd do it to you and you know it! press charges! assault! screw the bastards over!

    man I hope you got some good digs in!

    I hope you mean you knocked him out! Oh man I hate coppers, what I would do to have joined in!

    Man I hope you made porkchops outta the ****s!

    YES!! They would press charges on you! YES!! Assault and battery! Call the cops NOW! PLEASE!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    i work at a bar also and there are a couple occasions where an off duty cop is getting tossed out for being a prick.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Oh well, as long as the cops got some ass-whuppings I'm happy!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Oh well, as long as the cops got some ass-whuppings I'm happy!
    LOL yes they got a good ass wooping.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    In the UK the SIA are a bunch of pricks, you gotta walk the think line wiv them or they revoke your license!!!

    You did well Beast, went in professional, tried to settle things reasonably and stepped up to them when needed!!

    Whats it like down your way?? Me and my mates were thinking of doing some south coast clubs, we end up going everywhere!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Any one acts a fool when they get enough to drink especially with females around....its science

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    In the UK the SIA are a bunch of pricks, you gotta walk the think line wiv them or they revoke your license!!!

    You did well Beast, went in professional, tried to settle things reasonably and stepped up to them when needed!!

    Whats it like down your way?? Me and my mates were thinking of doing some south coast clubs, we end up going everywhere!!!
    Yep totally agree the SIA (security industry authority) have completely messed up our industry. We are there to stop trouble but if we do we get nicked! I can line you up with some work if you come down this way. It gets a little rough during the summer season and christmas new year as we are a popular tourist town. Other than that its not too bad. Moneys ok and plenty of hot chicks (and guys if your into that)!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Yep totally agree the SIA (security industry authority) have completely messed up our industry. We are there to stop trouble but if we do we get nicked! I can line you up with some work if you come down this way. It gets a little rough during the summer season and christmas new year as we are a popular tourist town. Other than that its not too bad. Moneys ok and plenty of hot chicks (and guys if your into that)!

    Sorry mate meant to vist for clubbing!! Although working would be fun for a few eeks in the summer. Might hav a think about it in Spring to come down for summer!! Rough is fine wiv me, I think Norwich is quite similar to your neck of the woods if I remember rightly, primarily white folk but not an abundance of trouble.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    Sorry mate meant to vist for clubbing!! Although working would be fun for a few eeks in the summer. Might hav a think about it in Spring to come down for summer!! Rough is fine wiv me, I think Norwich is quite similar to your neck of the woods if I remember rightly, primarily white folk but not an abundance of trouble.
    aha gotcha! Yes mate you should come down here. Loads of good clubs to choose from with every kind of musical taste catered for.

  15. #15
    I keep hearing all these stories about bouncers beatin the shit outta people, im startin to get jealous...maybe ill become a bouncer...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    I keep hearing all these stories about bouncers beatin the shit outta people, im startin to get jealous...maybe ill become a bouncer...
    yeah but sometimes we get the shit beaten outta us...

  17. #17
    now those are the stories i wanna hear ahahahha!

  18. #18
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    Dec 2004
    well one time when i was younger (about 20) I was working in a club, we had no radios or anything. I went to break up a fight and loads of other people joined in. I ended up on the floor getting hit with bottles and generally getting the crap panned out of me by multiple guys who didnt even know who i was or why they werew kicking/bottling me. While this was going on the other doormen were busy upstairs eating pizza. Lesson learnt - dont work with a bunch of lazy useless ****tards!!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    well one time when i was younger (about 20) I was working in a club, we had no radios or anything. I went to break up a fight and loads of other people joined in. I ended up on the floor getting hit with bottles and generally getting the crap panned out of me by multiple guys who didnt even know who i was or why they werew kicking/bottling me. While this was going on the other doormen were busy upstairs eating pizza. Lesson learnt - dont work with a bunch of lazy useless ****tards!!
    oh wow that sucks! I'm friends with all the cops that work the club here so pretty much if I don't like somebody I can f*ck them up and throw them out... then have them arrested for some bogus charge like public indecency or trespassing. that's funny that you mention the pizza... last night @ work a guy came up to me and gave me $400 cash to pick him up som hamburgers, so of course I left and got them. We only had one bouncer working last night other than me too so he woulda been screwed!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    u beat the shit out of some cops hell ya good job

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    oh wow that sucks! I'm friends with all the cops that work the club here so pretty much if I don't like somebody I can f*ck them up and throw them out... then have them arrested for some bogus charge like public indecency or trespassing. that's funny that you mention the pizza... last night @ work a guy came up to me and gave me $400 cash to pick him up som hamburgers, so of course I left and got them. We only had one bouncer working last night other than me too so he woulda been screwed!
    LOL well I wouldn't have minded getting the beating for half of the cash!!
    We used to eject ppl for fighting then charge them £100 to get back in!! 10 minutes later we had to throw them out again, sometimes they would pay again to go back in,bit naughty really but i dont mind if the moneys right!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z12
    Fvcking pig cops! Why am I not surprised. You should call the local station. They are supposed to be keeping the peace, not disturbing it. Teach 'em a lesson. It's my tax money that's paying their salary, and I don't want guys like that carrying guns, supposedly protecting me! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
    you know that stands for PRIDE INTERGITY and GUTS. Yeah lets stereo top all cops becouse a few screwed up the majority of cops get payed shit and do it to make your life safer, show some respect.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by big L 17
    u beat the shit out of some cops hell ya good job
    Really you should be more respectful the majority of cops keep you safe and get paid shit for doing. I can name 10 cops at least off the top of my head who have died in the line of service my brother being one of them, grow up

  24. #24
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    Dec 2004
    no disrespect meant to your brother there mate. I know a few nice cops myself, unfortunately it only takes a few to give the majority a bad name.
    My story was not meant to bad mouth anyone but it is just interesting that they happened to be cops thats all.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    no disrespect meant to your brother there mate. I know a few nice cops myself, unfortunately it only takes a few to give the majority a bad name.
    My story was not meant to bad mouth anyone but it is just interesting that they happened to be cops thats all.
    you showed no disrespect at all, its that people need to grow up. Yeah some cops are dicks no doubt about it so are some aas users, doctors,etc. I just hate it when people show no respect to people who get payed like shit and keep them safe.

  26. #26
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    Yeh cops arnt so bad they are just people like everyone else and sometimes they fcuk up... but that is one funny story beast. I have been unfortunate enough to have been arrested a few times over the years and have been treated with dignity and respect by plod, lets wish them all the best in finding this nutter in Suffolk before he kills another hoe.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Yeh cops arnt so bad they are just people like everyone else and sometimes they fcuk up... but that is one funny story beast. I have been unfortunate enough to have been arrested a few times over the years and have been treated with dignity and respect by plod, lets wish them all the best in finding this nutter in Suffolk before he kills another hoe.
    yeah that is some crazy shit goin down, real serial killer stuff.

  28. #28
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    Thats the way to take no shit PB, no matter who it is!!!!!!!!!!

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    LOL yes they got a good ass wooping.
    Yep, That's all they needed was a good ass whipping and they got what they deserved. Serves them right. Don't know what they're like in the UK, but here they think they are bad asses and don't hesitate to abuse power.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    LOL well I wouldn't have minded getting the beating for half of the cash!!
    We used to eject ppl for fighting then charge them £100 to get back in!! 10 minutes later we had to throw them out again, sometimes they would pay again to go back in,bit naughty really but i dont mind if the moneys right!!
    damn! isn't that like $210 USD? where i live UFC is really popular so EVERYBODY thinks they're mr. billy badass

    so are british girls as wild as american girls in the club? Do they all start lezzing out after a couple drinks haha

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    damn! isn't that like $210 USD? where i live UFC is really popular so EVERYBODY thinks they're mr. billy badass

    so are british girls as wild as american girls in the club? Do they all start lezzing out after a couple drinks haha
    Yes it is about $200 but it was an R n B club and these guys were dropping £300 on bottles of champagne so they could prewtend to be Dr Dre so they didn't mind paying, its a status thing apparently!!!
    LOL about UFC, it is real popular here too. we have a couple of fight schools in the area and all these guys go for a couple of lessons then think they are Chuck Liddell. I have lost count of the ammount of times I hear "you can't throw me out I'm a cage fighter"!
    Well the UK girls are pretty cool, kinda depends on the club, some clubs attract all the hotties who lez off ect. Our club is in a posh area so we dont really get that, its more like middle aged divorcees trying to grab hold of you on the way out. The place I worked before I got loads of offers, slight problem though, it was a gay bar.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Atleast you are not getting in trouble for beating up the cops.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    as long as the people dont identify themselves as police officers they are just people..

    if they had identified themselves, and you laid your hands on them..drunk or not you would be in the shitter right now..

    you handled it well, and got a laugh out of it..

    side point..

    a man died from having a bouncer sit on him on the sidewalk outsid the club, bouncer was charged with manslauder as the patron died from suffication...

    1 yr later the bouncer was found not guilty.. of coarse he has no money now, and ows $100,000 for attorneys..

    be safe..
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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Yes it is about $200 but it was an R n B club and these guys were dropping £300 on bottles of champagne so they could prewtend to be Dr Dre so they didn't mind paying, its a status thing apparently!!!
    LOL about UFC, it is real popular here too. we have a couple of fight schools in the area and all these guys go for a couple of lessons then think they are Chuck Liddell. I have lost count of the ammount of times I hear "you can't throw me out I'm a cage fighter"!
    Well the UK girls are pretty cool, kinda depends on the club, some clubs attract all the hotties who lez off ect. Our club is in a posh area so we dont really get that, its more like middle aged divorcees trying to grab hold of you on the way out. The place I worked before I got loads of offers, slight problem though, it was a gay bar.
    yeah it's crazy I don't know where some of these guys get that kind-of money! I've had some real ghetto-lookin black guys come in lookin really trashy and then tip me like $50+ just because "i'm doing a good job"... which really mean "if some shit goes down please don't beat ME up!" haha.

    yeah these guys are jokes... they seriously think they are bad ass. My buddy just got fired from the club because this "UFC fighter" wasn't going to be a pussy and leave. Long story short, my friend took him down and hit him in the back of the head like 30 times "UFC Style"... music stopped and lights came on and everybody was just staring in shock - this fool got owned. Too bad my friend got fired for it

  35. #35
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    Mar 2004
    being a cop is such an awesome job. one of my friends is a deputy and he only has to work 15 days a month, and he only works maybe an hour a day - the rest of the time he just sits at home and dicks around until there's a call or he'll drive around and play on his laptop til it dies lol.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    you showed no disrespect at all, its that people need to grow up. Yeah some cops are dicks no doubt about it so are some aas users, doctors,etc. I just hate it when people show no respect to people who get payed like shit and keep them safe.
    My dad was in vietnam, served two terms...then moved to Oakland and became a motor cop and eventually went to swatt, where he was a highly decorated officer. Heres the thing though, my dad HATES cops. When he grew up, police were there to help you with your day to day shit, see that your safe. Now police are just out for a quota or to just piss you off. There are some good cops, but where i live its all small town, theyd throw you in jail for a speeding ticket, and do the same for murder...but if you have a problem they are "looking into it" Its rediculous...

  37. #37
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    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    My dad was in vietnam, served two terms...then moved to Oakland and became a motor cop and eventually went to swatt, where he was a highly decorated officer. Heres the thing though, my dad HATES cops. When he grew up, police were there to help you with your day to day shit, see that your safe. Now police are just out for a quota or to just piss you off. There are some good cops, but where i live its all small town, theyd throw you in jail for a speeding ticket, and do the same for murder...but if you have a problem they are "looking into it" Its rediculous...
    Its the that true? Once again yoru basing all yoru aussmption off some police in your town and I have never heard of a police officer hating other police officers ever and law enforcement/military going back over 6 generations in my family. I think he may dislike how the police officers in your town behave but I highly doubt he hates all cops.
    Last edited by Hunter; 12-17-2006 at 06:24 PM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    you know that stands for PRIDE INTERGITY and GUTS. Yeah lets stereo top all cops becouse a few screwed up the majority of cops get payed shit and do it to make your life safer, show some respect.
    Maybe I didn't make myself clear, but I do respect cops, the majority of them. But there are always bad apples, no matter the profession. Those guys fvked up. I don't care if they are off-duty or not, they are still a cop and should respect the law. Perfect Beast was attacked! BEsides, the point of going to a club is to meet girls, not fight. SO if YOU go to the club and pick fights - FVK U!!!!!!!!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    calling people names is a good way to get banned....

    is that what you are looking for???


  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    sounds like you had a really long night...

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