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Thread: Question for bros with KIDS

  1. #1

    Question for bros with KIDS

    I was just thinking today about how kids so often take after their parents. I don't have kids right now, but for those of you that do: Do they pick up on your habits and try to eat right and/or workout? It seems to me like they would. And if you are eating 6-8 meals a day, it seems like they would start eating that way too.

    Just want to hear your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I know as a kid i would watch my dad workout and i would start doing some curls and pulldowns. And that was at the age of eight. I think if they see you do it they will probally do it too. Good or bad!!!!

  3. #3
    Yup they do !

    Right up 'til they get to their teens and rebel and do the exact opposite of everything you do

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    My kids HATE what i eat, my boy had to draw picture at school of least and most favorite food, least was chicken and rice! They hate eating what i cook

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    My son lifts with me at home with his little weights and shows off his big muscles and does the stairmaster with me sometimes, but doesn't always like eating chicken with me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Funny I was on Vacation last week. And getting some attention around the swimming pool etc and the usual "Do you workout..?" questions. Anyway heading out for dinner one night and my six year old daughter started flexing her biceps and asking me if she would get "big muscles like you daddy ?" "Because I want to be a body builder too" she even loves the food I eat too !.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    West Coast
    Sounds great, Bouncer! Teach her everything you know.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    Funny I was on Vacation last week. And getting some attention around the swimming pool etc and the usual "Do you workout..?" questions. Anyway heading out for dinner one night and my six year old daughter started flexing her biceps and asking me if she would get "big muscles like you daddy ?" "Because I want to be a body builder too" she even loves the food I eat too !.


    My kids 4 and 6 are always flexing and trying to show off the muscles they have, but they still prefer macdonalds over flank steak. Well so do I but I have to stick to the flank.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    yea i remember i saw my dad work out and it made me wanna get big too

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    My dad do my nine yr old tries to copy what I am doing in the garage. he also loves to do a big front double bicept.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    My parents were (are) fat and eat all the time, after I got out of the Marine corps the same thing happened to me. I know alot about anatomy and nutrition (newbie to AS though), but I'm still a gross piece of crap. I go to the gym every day 5-6 days a week, but hate cardio. Heck I'm so out of shape I sweat like a pig and breathe hard lifting. I had the willpower to quit smoking cold turkey a year and a half ago, but the junk food kicks my ass.

    My bro was in the same boat actaully weighed more than me and probably had a higher BF% too and he's 3 inches shorter, he got a divorce and is now looking good a year later, he doesn't have my strength or muscle size but because he's shredded most the fat he looks bigger and deffinately better.

    My daughter is almost 4, and she loves the junk food too, but when she hit three I told my wife it was time to kick it, I'm a hypocryte I guess, but If I let her grow up out of shape then I ruined her... It's my responsibilty till shes old enough to know better (teens).

    But shes walks around saying "I gotta eat more so I have a fat belly like daddy". I'll say "okay its time to lose this and put my body right.." and I start and after about 2 weeks I just give in and go back to crap.

    Kids emulate teir parents when they are yong she was 2 1/2 and she was walking around the house with a crayon in her mouth... I said "what are you doing you know better.." she said "I'm smoking.." That was it my wife and I quit right there...
    (we never smoked in the house always outside)

    The original question was if kids follow their parents, so I wanted to show how they do (at least mine does) at least when they are younger.

    I hope to get a lot out of this forum, including a little tiny bit of extra willpower to kick myself in the ass and eat right, for me and my daughter. It's all on me, I just have to do it, but a little bit of support always helps and from the many hours of reading I've done on this board you guys are great, and I will learn a lot..

    enough rambling...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Just near you
    it's better they would eat and work ... than do nothing, watching TV and drinking beer -) .............hmmm but if they would simply eat????

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