Fri, Oct 26, 2001
The Sun
LEE RYAN from Blue has made an astonishing outburst saying the attacks on New York have been “blown out of proportion.â€
The stupid boy — there is no other expression for him — told The Sun that instead of feeling sorry for New Yorkers we should be worrying about WHALES and ELEPHANTS.
As his horrified mates from Britain’s top boy band tried to shut him up, Lee insisted on speaking out.
The 18-year-old, who actually WITNESSED the September 11 tragedy, said during a visit to The Sun’s HQ: “Who gives a f about New York when elephants are being killed?
“Animals need saving and that’s more important. This New York thing is being blown out of proportion ... I’m not afraid to say this, it has to be said and that’s why I’m the outspoken one from the band.â€
The group’s bosses at Virgin were furious about Lee’s gaffe.
Lee and the rest of Blue — Duncan James, Antony Costa and Simon Webbe — were filming a video in New York at the time of the World Trade Center atrocities.
His outburst came as fellow band members recalled their horror at the tragedy.
Blue got to No1 with Too Close last month. Their new single, If You Come Back, is out on November 12.
They were doing a webchat for The Sun when he made his shocking remarks. Here is part of the transcript. For the full interview click the link at the top of the page.
We started by asking Blue what they saw in New York.
ANTONY: We saw the second plane crash into the tower and then the building crumble.
THE SUN: You witnessed all that? That must have been scary.
SIMON: Of course it was scary, it would be. It’s the biggest day of terrorism in history.
LEE: What about whales? (Everyone paused and looked at him, confused)
LEE: They are ignoring animals that are more important. Animals need saving and that’s more important. This New York thing is being blown out of proportion
SIMON: Shut up, Lee
THE SUN: That’s a bit out of order, don’t you think?
LEE: Who gives a f about New York when elephants are being killed?
DUNCAN: Shut up
LEE: I’m not afraid to say this, it has to be said and that’s why I’m the outspoken one from the band.â€
Later it dawned on Lee how stupid his comments had been and he feared losing his job.
A pal said: “He feels awful and is very worried.â€
But after a severe carpeting by Virgin, Lee last night apologised and pledged to donate his share of profits from If You Come Back to our Twin Towers Fund.
He said: “I am deeply sorry for what I have said and apologise unreservedly to everyone affected by the tragedy of September 11.
“I was trying to express my concerns for other issues close to my heart but I realise now I did so in a very foolish and offensive way.
“I will donate my royalties from our next single to the Twin Towers Fund.
I hope this small gesture will go some way to showing that I really am very sorry.â€
Lee may have apologised but he is 18, old enough to vote and to know better. What do you think? Should he be sacked