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Thread: My New Year's Message (Non-religious)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX

    My New Year's Message (Non-religious)

    Message Theme: A New Year = A New You (Living Life in "The Light")

    I spent the holidays this past week in Amarillo, TX where my wife grew up. I spent several hours in a local Barnes & Noble writing my messages for the month of January and an idea crossed my mind pertaining to the new year that's approaching. It seems as if most people establish a New Year's Resolution(s) as a personal goal for the up and coming year. While at Barnes & Noble, I interviewed 10 people (5 women and 5 men) and asked them about their New Year's Resolution(s). Out of the 10 people, 7 (4 women and 3 men) of them stated that they want to be a better person in 2007. (And on a lighter note, 6 of those 10 people thought that I was a bit insane mainly due to the fact that I actually cared about what their personal goals are!) I've read a couple of threads on this board where several people have said that they, too, want to be a better person in 2007. Which leads me into my New Year's Message.

    How many of you have seen a rainbow? Most, if not all of you have I would assume. What do you notice most about the rainbow? Do you notice its arched shape? The individual colors? Do you take notice of where it starts and begins? What I notice personally is that it is what it is (a rainbow). What we often fail to realize is that the actual rainbow stems from a single white light. This single white light is refracted by what is known as a prism which results in a spectrum of colors that creates a very attractive image to mankind.

    So how in the world does this pertain to my message might you be asking youself? More than you realize. Before I answer that, let me ask you a few questions. Have you ever found yourself asking any of the following questions:

    "I just wish that I could be more patient."
    "I just wish that I could be more joyful."
    "I just wish that I could maintain more self control."

    I have asked myself all of these questions at some point in time of my life. Heck, I think that I have even asked myself those questions all at one given time! I have often dedicated my energy and thoughts to becoming more patient. Not only have I failed miserably. I think I have even found myself being more impatient at the end of the day due to my ignorant efforts. I found myself saying, "How can I be more patient if I can't exercise more self control? And how can I exercise more self control if I can't be more kind? And If I'm not more kind, how in the world will I ever find more peace in my life?".

    You see, our personal characteristics that make us who we are such as Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control are like a spectrum of colors in our rainbow of life. Each of these characteristics represent a color with the spectrum of a rainbow. These characteristics, a lot like a rainbow, are most attractive and desirable when they're perfectly in line with each other. All of these characteristics carry the same weight and importance and never overpower or overlap one another. It's when we maintain a good balance of all of these characteristics is when we wreak the most benefits from life. And when we're maintaining an ideal balance in our lives, we experience life in "The Light". When the light is shining on us, we enable ourselves to be visible in the way one portrays the beauty of a rainbow.

    So how can we discover "The Light" within our own lives? It starts in the soul. It's when your soul (the white light in the rainbow) is in line with your heart (the prism of your rainbow) that we experience all of life's true colors. May the year 2007 allow all of you with heavy hearts to discover your own personal rainbow.

    Grace and Peace,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Great post my friend. Im gonna copy this down for myself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Very nice!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Very Nice mavs!!! Happy new year!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In your crawlspace
    let your soul glow baby!

    Happy new year
    don't be afraid to fly your "freak flag" let those colors shine!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Message Theme: A New Year = A New You (Living Life in "The Light")

    I spent the holidays this past week in Amarillo, TX where my wife grew up. I spent several hours in a local Barnes & Noble writing my messages for the month of January and an idea crossed my mind pertaining to the new year that's approaching. It seems as if most people establish a New Year's Resolution(s) as a personal goal for the up and coming year. While at Barnes & Noble, I interviewed 10 people (5 women and 5 men) and asked them about their New Year's Resolution(s). Out of the 10 people, 7 (4 women and 3 men) of them stated that they want to be a better person in 2007. (And on a lighter note, 6 of those 10 people thought that I was a bit insane mainly due to the fact that I actually cared about what their personal goals are!) I've read a couple of threads on this board where several people have said that they, too, want to be a better person in 2007. Which leads me into my New Year's Message.

    How many of you have seen a rainbow? Most, if not all of you have I would assume. What do you notice most about the rainbow? Do you notice its arched shape? The individual colors? Do you take notice of where it starts and begins? What I notice personally is that it is what it is (a rainbow). What we often fail to realize is that the actual rainbow stems from a single white light. This single white light is refracted by what is known as a prism which results in a spectrum of colors that creates a very attractive image to mankind.

    So how in the world does this pertain to my message might you be asking youself? More than you realize. Before I answer that, let me ask you a few questions. Have you ever found yourself asking any of the following questions:

    "I just wish that I could be more patient."
    "I just wish that I could be more joyful."
    "I just wish that I could maintain more self control."

    I have asked myself all of these questions at some point in time of my life. Heck, I think that I have even asked myself those questions all at one given time! I have often dedicated my energy and thoughts to becoming more patient. Not only have I failed miserably. I think I have even found myself being more impatient at the end of the day due to my ignorant efforts. I found myself saying, "How can I be more patient if I can't exercise more self control? And how can I exercise more self control if I can't be more kind? And If I'm not more kind, how in the world will I ever find more peace in my life?".

    You see, our personal characteristics that make us who we are such as Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control are like a spectrum of colors in our rainbow of life. Each of these characteristics represent a color with the spectrum of a rainbow. These characteristics, a lot like a rainbow, are most attractive and desirable when they're perfectly in line with each other. All of these characteristics carry the same weight and importance and never overpower or overlap one another. It's when we maintain a good balance of all of these characteristics is when we wreak the most benefits from life. And when we're maintaining an ideal balance in our lives, we experience life in "The Light". When the light is shining on us, we enable ourselves to be visible in the way one portrays the beauty of a rainbow.

    So how can we discover "The Light" within our own lives? It starts in the soul. It's when your soul (the white light in the rainbow) is in line with your heart (the prism of your rainbow) that we experience all of life's true colors. May the year 2007 allow all of you with heavy hearts to discover your own personal rainbow.

    Grace and Peace,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    JEREY bitches
    i wanna be a shittier person for new years. I have been to nice the past year and it got me no where. So this year i offically quit being nice...... bitches

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX

    Expecting perfection often leaves us in a state of denial. I'm not perfect. For example:

    I want more than I'm capable of. (I can't naturally father my own children due to my experiences with cancer.)
    I think I'm better than I really am. (I love the fact that I'm fit. However, I fail to realize how lucky that I really am for the fact that I can walk out of my house.)
    I think I'm invincible. (I've been to the end and back, therefore, I take for granted the things that I should appreciate.)

    I challenge you to explain to me how perfect you really are.
    Last edited by mavsluva; 01-05-2007 at 09:58 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    Just many people have actually read this thread and have found it to be worthwhile? If you have, please PM me.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Another great post Mavsluva, thanks for linking me to it !! Just finished reading it after a 18 hour day of traveling home!! THANKS

    Happy New Year !!

  11. #11
    This is a great post, thanks again.

  12. #12
    Its a shame you have to put "non religious" on the title.. Happy new years and good luck this year with all your goals.

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