I saw that!!!!! I'm definaltely gonna have to give that a try, after asking my brother about it and doing alittle more research. I'll let ya know how it goes.
alcohol is extremely flammable right? so.... if you put heat/flame to it and tried to "smoke" it..... wouldn't you in turn be inhaling some really insanely hot fumes...if not fire????
no fire neededOriginally Posted by rubix6
Originally Posted by Venomous Nemisis
Yup. No fire. It's a chemical reaction where the dry ice extracts the alcohol molecule from the vodka and vaporizes it.
wow that would be awesome!![]()
Awsome, where do you get dry ice?
interesting stuff...
don't grocery stores carry dry ice?Originally Posted by dhriscerr
this is WAY over my head
Ill run to Hy-vee and check! Ill let everyone know
This is so cool! I love to have my coctail sometimes in the evening to get a buz and relax before I got to sleep. Usually takes me 3 drinks and the calories definately kill any cutting diet. I heard about this a while ago but then couldn't find any information on it. Now how do I explain to my kids why I have a bong???![]()
Last edited by LAW; 01-02-2007 at 07:35 PM.
this was on news when they where bringing in the new 24 hr licensing laws in the uk. brewery's have been experimenting with it for a while. they said it was dangerous as it was so fast, and you couldnt really judge how drunk you where, you couldnt get full and could keep going and that you wouldnt puke if you did it to much, so you wouldnt be getting rid of some booze as you would with liquid.
I don't imagine that is good for your lungs.
that is awesome. guess its time to get the boyz and try this shit out. ill vidoe tape it and let yall watch
Here's another way.
but what was that that he picked up and drank...my friend has that breathalizer if u take a sip of beer or liquor hold it in ur mouth for like 3 secs swallow in like a min you'll blow around the same numbers...idk i saw him pick somthing up and drink it and then they zoomed the other kid..is this real?
Ok after some research, this seems to have the risk of injury. They also said that it takes 20 minutes to inhale 1 shot.
Cool stuff. The freaking out other people factor is worth trying it.![]()
thats awesome! gotta try that out
I remember seeing something like this a while ago. Some kids in Japan or something died from inhaling alcohol. This may be different.Originally Posted by LAW
going to try this tomorrow night....i'll tell you how it goes![]()
you guys are aware that alchohol poisoning can be fatal if not treated in time...and perhaps its better to die rather then wake up a vegetable...so carefull ..as this seems like an ultra fast acting way to get drunk.
i used to do that, but i've since moved on to mainlining it.
arent they just inhaling co2? ....
but there is that blood alchohol measure.....are they faking that ??Originally Posted by justinandrews7
I've heard this kills off brain cells like nothing else, way faster than drinking. IMO, this is in the same category as smoking crack or nitrous oxide balloons. Inhale for a quick, fleeting buzz. I've done both, so I'm not judging, just be careful - don't go crazy.
they measured 0.00 before inhaling and after he inhaled 5 times he got a reading of 0.14. To get an accurate number, they should have waited for 3 minutes because they are blowing all the alcohol they just inhaled directly into the breathalizer.
well if you think about it, no hotter than cigarettes, or even pot which has a higher temp to be reached before smokedOriginally Posted by rubix6
It might actually even be better off than cigarettes or pot. YOU would have to find out at what temp alcolhol becomes gas/vapor. probably a ton better than tobacco or pot
these guys are awesome
Read about this some time ago.very interesting indeed.
If you are still consuming the molecule though..your going to have to process it...wont it still have the same effect as far as catabolism/dehydration...etc.
What is worse about doing it this way though ? Lung damage ?
That was awesome!
never thought you could get drunck by smoking the crap.
as far as i know, if its just vapor, its not really too badOriginally Posted by Skullsmasher
good question. I am not entirley sure on how regular alcohol acts on the body, but i am sure someone here could prolly answer your queston becuase its an interesting oneOriginally Posted by punk_bbuilder
seems like alot of effort to get drunk, i would rather do it the old fashioned easy way, drink beer!
nothing replaces the taste of an ice cold millerOriginally Posted by Doc.Sust
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