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Thread: Greg Valentino interview

  1. #1
    Big Show 23 Guest

    Greg Valentino interview

    Greg Valentino interview read this interview with bodybuilding freak Greg Valentino.In my opinion he is a disgrace to bodybuilding.And to be honest I'm not an all around fan of bodybuilders who use anabolics(I will respect them if they work as hard or harder than I do,& if one wanted to get to know me I'd give him the chance)Valentino even gives a bad name to anabolic users.Bleow are some quotes from his interview

    I had 18-inch arms in the 140's. Right before I started taking steroids I was like 185 with 21-inch arms. I don't do that anymore, but I still do mega sets.
    *First off that is impossible,18-inch arms at 140,who does he think he's fooling *

    It's nothing for me to do 60 sets for a body part. I love volume training.
    *For someone who knows so much about bodybuilding,I guess he never heard of overtraining and the concept of less is more*

    I used to have to drink soda and eat rolls while I was training just to keep the carbs up because I would train for hours.
    *No comment*

    In closing this guy is a F-O-O-L,someone should take a pin and pop those balloons and let the oil out.And how can he even deny that he uses synthol?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    man i really feel sorry for this guy, he cant be "all there"..damn that looks sick,
    oh and thanks man, ive always wanted too hear what this guy has too say about those bags of shame.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Re: Greg Valentino interview

    Originally posted by Big Show 23
    [B.And to be honest I'm not an all around fan of bodybuilders who use anabolics [/B]
    I definately appreciate your honesty...which brings me straight into my question, if you are not a fan of BBer's who use juice...boy, do you got a real wake up call when you find out that 70% of us on this board have, are, or are considering using AAS.

    No harm done though bro, good read.

  5. #5
    Big Show 23 Guest

    To answer your question PaPaPumP

    Originally posted by PaPaPumP

    I definately appreciate your honesty...which brings me straight into my question, if you are not a fan of BBer's who use juice...boy, do you got a real wake up call when you find out that 70% of us on this board have, are, or are considering using AAS.

    No harm done though bro, good read.
    Please I already knew before I joined this board that 70% of you people on this board have,are, or are considering using AAS But if you've read my first post you'll notice that I also said that, I respect AAS users if they work out hard,and I also have no problem talking to one if he wanted to talk and get to know me.

    Although in my experience most AAS users I've met are self absorbed muscle heads that to me come across as snobs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: To answer your question PaPaPumP

    Originally posted by Big Show 23
    Although in my experience most AAS users I've met are self absorbed muscle heads that to me come across as snobs
    Fair enough. But on the other hand, most natural athletes I have met turn their noses down at guys who use AAS and ciiam that they are lazy trainers looking for shortcuts and that they are cheaters. The naturals that I know are constantly shitting on AAS use and commonly fall prey to ignorant, misinformed, overly dramatized media reports about the consequences of AAS use. So it goes both ways brother. Before you reply, I applaud the way in which you respectfully presented your of the things I love about this board. BTW...I trained naturally for 17 years before starting AAS last year at 34yrs old, so I know what it's like to be on both sides of the fence and I train just as hard now as I always have.

  7. #7
    Big Show 23 Guest

    Thumbs up Touche Pete235 Touche

    Okay Petey you got me there you made a valid point.Who knows maybe if I ever met you or any of the other "muscle heads" ( j/k) we'd get along fine.You'd teach me some things and maybe I'd teach you some things.Point is I don't hate or judge AAS users

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    No worries mate...just playing devils advocate. I think you just haven't met any really "cool" AAS users yet, but you routinely interact with an entire board full of them

  9. #9
    Big Show 23 Guest


    Originally posted by Pete235
    I think you just haven't met any really "cool" AAS users yet, but you routinely interact with an entire board full of them
    Well I'm not so sure I'd call these people "cool" j/k
    Just a little joke

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