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Thread: wisdom teeth

  1. #1

    wisdom teeth

    arggh 1 of my wisdom teeth is impacted and pushing its way through!!

    my face is swollen this sucks ass. i go monday to get it taken out.

    did i mention i facking hate dentist. i told them to knock me out.

    how do you feel when you wake up? when i have my hernia surgery i woke up felt fine but just wanted to sleep for days which is good. is it the same with the dentist? because basically i want to go in get knocked out, wake up, go home and sleep for 2 days and hopefully it would heal somewhat while i sleep.

    grr at least i get vicodin!!!

  2. #2
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    Dec 2004
    My dentist told me that mine will likely not come in and be a problem besides maybe one of them. He also said that if that one does come in it's going to be so impacted that I have to see an oral surgeon. I'm hoping that day doesn't come.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2006
    I got my wisdom teeth out the same day I found out that I am allergic to Loritab. So... I went home from the the procedure, all puffy in the face and out of it... a couple of hours later I was throwing up. It was one of the worst experiences of my life...
    sorry...on a better note..
    I hope everything goes well for you!

  4. #4
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    Jan 2006
    just make sure your zipper is not undone when you are finished

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    My dentist told me that mine will likely not come in and be a problem besides maybe one of them. He also said that if that one does come in it's going to be so impacted that I have to see an oral surgeon. I'm hoping that day doesn't come.

    dentist told me the same thing... and here i am since 16 (fullout by then) and they are a ok.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2006
    I had the 4 of mine taken out, I woke up and i didn't feel a thing. Then 6 hours later.......... Well my face was like a fuking balloon and i was in so much pain. Besdide that fact eating Chicken and a steak with hours of surgery didn't help. I just swallowed as many tablets as needed till the pain went away!


  7. #7
    Hopefully your experience goes better than mine. I had dry sockets in all four spots! Just make sure to keep the gauze in longer than you think you need to. Good luck!

  8. #8
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    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCollar24
    Hopefully your experience goes better than mine. I had dry sockets in all four spots! Just make sure to keep the gauze in longer than you think you need to. Good luck!

    Ame here, And the feeling of dry cotton in your mouth goes through me!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    My dentist told me that mine will likely not come in and be a problem besides maybe one of them. He also said that if that one does come in it's going to be so impacted that I have to see an oral surgeon. I'm hoping that day doesn't come.
    yeah mine told me the same thing about 2 months ago. lmao now its halfway through myface. in 2 days u can seriously watch this thing grow. the more i talk the fatter my face gets mom just argued with me about money and my shit go swollen and my right side of my lips wouldnt move..hahaha

  10. #10
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    Vancouver, BC
    i was lucky enough to have all 4 through the gums. they just froze em and pulled them. took about 10 minutes. i had two extra baby wisdom teeth that were removed - they were way up below my gums when i had the other 4 taken out but grew in and got pulled later. not sure if i'm extra wise or less evolved.

  11. #11
    i didnt get knocked out for mine...they gave me laughing gas and an iv...lemme tell you that is the most f'd up ive ever been lol...When they were done i proceeded to laugh hysterically for about a half hour or so...after the drugs wore off though it wasnt funny

    I was out of comission for a week...on the 7th day of sitting at my house being pissed off cause i was in constant pain and couldnt work out i said f it and went to the gym...for some odd reason (thank god) after i got done w/ my workout the pain was gone

  12. #12
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    Sep 2004
    a navy doctor pull out my 4 in the same probs but i was on bed rest for 2 days.....

  13. #13
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    Sep 2005
    apparently my two lower wisdom teeth are completely horizontal, pushing against my molars sorta liek a t-bone crash...
    im gettin them out soon lol

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    apparently my two lower wisdom teeth are completely horizontal, pushing against my molars sorta liek a t-bone crash...
    im gettin them out soon lol
    my friend had the same thing. thake care of that cause they will cause the molars to rot and my friend need rootcanal done because he waited to long to get them pulled. he said that sucked cause they were horizontal. they went in and crushed them or somthing hewas saying idk.

  15. #15
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    in the woods.......
    Quote Originally Posted by hocoathlete
    apparently my two lower wisdom teeth are completely horizontal, pushing against my molars sorta liek a t-bone crash...
    im gettin them out soon lol
    i had the same thing. damn teeth would hurt all the time and they were pushing all my teeth together. luckily i got em taken out and my teeth straightned out so i didnt have to get braces. But for my surgery they kowcked me out cold. went home and eat some soup and after that leaned forward adn blood started gushing out. is was sick as fvck. thank god for loritabs. pop two and it hardly hurts. hehe

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York

    that sucks

    Bro, I wish I could say it would be easy but its not, at least it wasnt for me. My teeth too were impacted and I had to take all 4 of mine out at the same time. The dumbass dentist didnt put me to sleep so I had 5 needles of local anistetic jabbed in my mouth. Then I got a motorized saw put in there to release the impacted teeth. Afterwards, my face swoll up like a chipmunk. I felt really beat up after the procedure but once the local anistectic wore off, I was in so much pain. The doc proscribed me a low dosage of tynonol with codeine. It was the most pain I have ever been in. I also consider myself a fairly pain tolerent person but this pain almost brought me to tears. I wish there is a good side of this but it was bad.

    Tho u should have it better cuz you will be asleep for the procedure and u got vics. Stick to eating jello and ice as much as possible. I wasnt able to eat for 2 weeks but once again ever dentist differs and the procedure differes so my best bet is that it wont be as bad as my experience.

    God Bless... and good luck

  17. #17
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    Northern Iowa
    HA HA HA I love it, I got mine taken out by the Navy doctors on 29 Palms base, all 4 or them at the same time, I got these awsome painkillers and I woke up once during the operation and It felt like someone had a pliers and was tugging on my tooth, from my head moving but I didnt feel any pain. During the Operation but aton of it afterwards. I cant remember what I got but I guess I went home and had this long conversation with my wife and passed out later, slept like 18 hours and woke up and didnt remember anything or even leaving the dentist office. One of my friends had to come carry me out with my wife. But it sucks for like 10 or so days afterwards, cause you have holes and food just keeps getting stuck in them, you need to carry a bent oral syring around and shoot warm salt water in them to clean them out. And i guess dry roots kill, but i didnt get them thank god!
    Last edited by dhriscerr; 01-17-2007 at 10:26 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    i didnt get knocked out for mine...they gave me laughing gas and an iv...lemme tell you that is the most f'd up ive ever been lol...When they were done i proceeded to laugh hysterically for about a half hour or so...after the drugs wore off though it wasnt funny

    I was out of comission for a week...on the 7th day of sitting at my house being pissed off cause i was in constant pain and couldnt work out i said f it and went to the gym...for some odd reason (thank god) after i got done w/ my workout the pain was gone
    I had the exact same experience. That laughing gas is a trip - I was laughing through the whole procedure...until an hour afterwards when my face became so swole I couldn't talk.

  19. #19
    all 4 of mine are all the way in.

    Is that bad?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    all 4 of mine are all the way in.

    Is that bad?
    im supposed to get all 4 taken out but this one is causing pain so ill deal with it 1st. ill let you know monday afternoon...iget the shit down at 11am eastern time

  21. #21
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    West coast of Canada
    I remember being like, 18 and havin my wisdom teeth pulled. I was so pissed off I had to go in there, they doped me up just so Id be easier to work with.

    had an old snapple bottle I packed around like a spitoon. was nasty....

  22. #22
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    How long does the pain last? I'm getting mine out tomorrow, eek. And I cannot take any prescription painkillers. I am getting anethesia though.

  23. #23
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    I actually had 3 taken out that were impacted and all my doctor did was give me general anesthetic. He didn't knock me out for it. He gave me like 1 or 2 stitches and then i had to go back in a week or so for him to take them out. Some cases are worst than others and as long as he gives you some Vicodin you will be fine. It's better that you get them out because wisdom teeth can cause other types of medical problems if not removed. Good luck!

  24. #24
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    Aug 2005
    its going to hurt for a good week or so i had my pulled last december worst pain i have been in in my life.i went out drinking two nights after and got infected so it made it 10times worse

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by prncezzml
    How long does the pain last? I'm getting mine out tomorrow, eek. And I cannot take any prescription painkillers. I am getting anethesia though.

    OUCH..why not?

  26. #26
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    OUCH..why not?
    I'm a recovering addict

  27. #27
    ohhhh...recovering if you dont mind me asking all pills or opiates?

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    im supposed to get all 4 taken out but this one is causing pain so ill deal with it 1st. ill let you know monday afternoon...iget the shit down at 11am eastern time
    Nice. The dentist tells me everytime I see him to get them out. They keep scheduling me for 7am and I dont wanna wake up that early so I never go. I was spost to get them out last summer, then thanksgiving, then xmas break.never did

  29. #29
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    I dont have any and I never will, evolutionarily I guess I'm ahead of you :-)

    I still have some baby teeth tho...(early 20s)

    I'm weird I guess

  30. #30
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    my doctor was a baller, had them out day 1 , went to six flags day 2 with no pain

  31. #31
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    ohhhh...recovering if you dont mind me asking all pills or opiates?
    Everything. Xanax, opiates, pills, alcohol. I didn't discriminate

  32. #32
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    Oct 2006
    I got my teeth out at 8am. It is 12:03pm and I am feeling fine, no narcotics. But my mouth is still numb, I'm waiting for the pain to come...THIS SUCKS. I can't eat anything because it tastes like blood, I think that's the worst part so far.

  33. #33
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    I'm 33 and have one coming through on the lower right side I have not been to a dentist since I was a little kid and have straight white teeth I brush and use mouth wash every day ( I floss about twice a week) I thought all your teeth came through in your 20's

  34. #34
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    They took mine out and I woke up and saw my lady sitting there. I jumped up and said "lets go"

    Well it wasnt a good idea. I started to tip and she literally had to push me back on the bench I was laying on or I would have hit the ground. I never took anything afterwards.

    I hated the bloody taste too.

  35. #35
    I just had to cavities filled which is nothing, but I have to get on of my wisdom teeth removed next week!

  36. #36
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    flying from the ashes
    two of mine are growing from back to front,rather than bottom up, been putting it off for a year getting all taken out in one sitting in a month, i feel your pain, not looking foward to it

  37. #37
    argh 14 hours till i go!

  38. #38
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    The first day for me was fine, the 2nd night was absolutely painful but I took no painkillers except ibroufen, so if you take anything besides that I don't think it will be so bad. Good luck!

  39. #39
    ok i bitched out..lmao i gotta reschedule my app. i woke up this morning and was like you know what it doesnt hurt anymore. lol

    yes ima baby

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Becareful about this!!!!!!!!!

    I went to my old family dentist and they where all women in there and stuck up. They said i needed all my wisdom teeth pulled and that i had 12 cavaties. I went back to get get it done, but they needed an updated address and updated information from me, they sent me on my way and never called back. I went in a couple weeks later and they said i needed a route canal.... I had a feeling i was being F*cked here, so i changed dentist and come to find out, i didn't need any teeth pulled and didn't need a route canal, and only had 3 or 4 cavaties....Shows you how much some dentist care about there career over money!!!

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