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Thread: audi rs4

  1. #1

    audi rs4

    this is offically the best car in the world!
    im going for a test drive on monday and im dam excited
    any one know the price of the RS4 in america, wrx over here cost more then america but i think the audi is alot cheaper here but a rough price would be nice in usa usd please if any one knows, and if anyone can read german my german skills are not good with reading only decent speak

    im totally psyched about testing this car, im not getting another car or nothing just having a test drive while my mum test drives the new Q7 (shes looking at all the new 4wd) anyone ever had the luxry of being in a rs4 going a decent 100 mph + or actually driven one. i love the hatch back looking ones not really a fan of the sedans, this car is a beautiful masterpeice, the old ones were v6 twin turbo i think, but the new ones are v8 non turbo a massive 420 hp, my cars 240ish atm so this will be fun.

    this badboy is offically unstopable on the highway, police catch it if you can
    they got same wrx model as mine the highway police jacked up past 300hp but damn this is 420hp. all the times i drive over 100 mph its always following a rs4 and watching them go is unreal how smooth and well they handel. im so exciteD!!

  2. #2
    holy shit basic is 105k USD, i was hopeing it was like 60k usd

    most beautiful car i ever seen, still gotta test drive monday.

  3. #3
    by the way i could never afford a car like this, my mum was looking for a good car to travel with, and the rs4 is really cumfortable and great on the highway

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    so hot!

  5. #5
    i went to audi today they only had a rs4 sedan, so on monday theyll have a hatchback, then after i was at the mall and i pulled next to a new v8 rs4, the same blue color, i was eye candying it hard and 10 seconds later the owner came, and we had a chat said its great, but dam the price is outrageous. so i really just get to have a joy ride on monday and simply nothing more but hey i can dream on cant i?

  6. #6
    vvvvvvroooom vvvvvvroooom i think im going to become a v8 addict in 2007.

  7. #7
    if u like station wagons i guess its cool

  8. #8
    it looks alot better in real life, less station wagon and more towards a small 4awd but its AWD, its just such a sexy car, all the audis look simular like a family car its really low on the radar visually with cops, but it will run over 200 mph easily like it aint nothing. everyone has a car and a dream car, i got my car and now have found my dream car, monday is going to be heaven!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    if u like station wagons i guess its cool
    imagine a station wagon blastin by a vette on the highway with 5 passengers
    I would stick with the sedan but the wagon is fairly hot!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    my friend had the convertible, he sold it back to audi after a year and made a 2 grand profit on it even with like 12k miles on it, the gas absolutely killed him, 50 quid would last about 120-150 miles!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    my friend had the convertible, he sold it back to audi after a year and made a 2 grand profit on it even with like 12k miles on it, the gas absolutely killed him, 50 quid would last about 120-150 miles!
    was it an S4 cab? why did he only have it for 1 year?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    this is offically the best car in the world!
    im going for a test drive on monday and im dam excited
    any one know the price of the RS4 in america, wrx over here cost more then america but i think the audi is alot cheaper here but a rough price would be nice in usa usd please if any one knows, and if anyone can read german my german skills are not good with reading only decent speak

    im totally psyched about testing this car, im not getting another car or nothing just having a test drive while my mum test drives the new Q7 (shes looking at all the new 4wd) anyone ever had the luxry of being in a rs4 going a decent 100 mph + or actually driven one. i love the hatch back looking ones not really a fan of the sedans, this car is a beautiful masterpeice, the old ones were v6 twin turbo i think, but the new ones are v8 non turbo a massive 420 hp, my cars 240ish atm so this will be fun.

    this badboy is offically unstopable on the highway, police catch it if you can
    they got same wrx model as mine the highway police jacked up past 300hp but damn this is 420hp. all the times i drive over 100 mph its always following a rs4 and watching them go is unreal how smooth and well they handel. im so exciteD!!

    no porn to be posted here! you should know better

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    it was the RS4 Cabriolet

    he only had it for one year because he's a rich crook and he likes to swap cars a lot, plus audi offered him 2k on top of what he paid!

    he's driving a q7 now, that thing is gangster. black, black tints, black wheels...everywhere we go we look like the mafia

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    it was the RS4 Cabriolet

    he only had it for one year because he's a rich crook and he likes to swap cars a lot, plus audi offered him 2k on top of what he paid!

    he's driving a q7 now, that thing is gangster. black, black tints, black wheels...everywhere we go we look like the mafia
    oh very nice! Oh, I see you live in the UK, I was confused how he got a RS4 cab for a sec. The Q7's are nice...they need to beef up the engines though...throw in a W12 TT

  15. #15
    s4 cab i was looking at in the same dealership in 2005 when my mum first moved here and i was 2 week visit. dam im so lucky i didnt let her buy it complete waste, RS4 CAB eww the wagon is the only way to go in my opinion i found alot of the rs4 sedans have a ugly BMW back i think its the 6/7 series looking back its disgusting, only saw a sedan rs4 today only found out they made sedan rs4 today like 80% of the audis which is a good 10% of the cars here were all wagons, so i kinda dont see it any other way. i followed a good half a dozen rs4s on highway doing 100ish to get to places and they all wagons mostly with the nice grey audi color they do grey very well. black yeh snrfmaster the new Q7 are great a bit too high for my mums likeing and the rs4 is roughly the same price so dam. the guy we met that owned a new v8 rs4 was a real sharp dark hair dark skin buisness man so my mum like melted to the car with the appealing driver haha.

  16. #16
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    he picked me up from prison in the RS4 Cab, you shoulda seen the look on the guard who escorted me to the gates face..he turned to me and said "what you in for?...when I replied drug smuggling he just rolled his eyes.

    pretty gangster way to leave prison tho, just wish it had been mine!

  17. #17
    No thanks, I'll buy a terminator that has more power to the wheels and is faster for 25-30k.

    Audi's are kickass though

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Unoid
    No thanks, I'll buy a terminator that has more power to the wheels and is faster for 25-30k.

    Audi's are kickass though
    quality over quantity

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I've beaten 2002 S4's before on the highway. They are nothing special unless modded.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    we're talkin about the RS4..420hp not 350hp like the S4

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    we're talkin about the RS4..420hp not 350hp like the S4
    We don't have the RS4 in the states I don't think.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    We don't have the RS4 in the states I don't think.
    we do now.
    2002 S4's only has 250hp TT but chip/intake/exahaust they move!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    we do now.
    2002 S4's only has 250hp TT but chip/intake/exahaust they move!
    Psst but before that American muscle pwns them

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    he picked me up from prison in the RS4 Cab, you shoulda seen the look on the guard who escorted me to the gates face..he turned to me and said "what you in for?...when I replied drug smuggling he just rolled his eyes.

    pretty gangster way to leave prison tho, just wish it had been mine!
    And you seemed like such a nice boy too...

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    one of my fav cars of all time

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Its a bit too sensible for Fosk it being an estate and all... I think I should have it.

    All donations appreciated.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Its a bit too sensible for Fosk it being an estate and all... I think I should have it.

    All donations appreciated.
    test drive will be the greatest thing ever, lets just pray they dont come with me and my mum.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    my fav car also

  29. #29
    all the fans of the rs4, what do you prefer the sedan or station wagon, personallyi could never imagen touching a sedan too ugly, totally love the wagon but whats your thoughts?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    sedan all the way, the wagon is a wagon!!

    soccer moms and workmen drive wagons

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Def the wagon Ive got 3 kids.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Def the wagon Ive got 3 kids.
    haha even without kids the wagon is clearly the king of the highway in europe atleast. seen atleast 50 rs4s on the road never once a sedan, saw my first other day at dealership.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I need somewhere to hide my enormous stash of geer too

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    considering how rare RS4s are, I very much doubt you've seen 50 Fosk, unless the same one drove by you 50 times.

    Most dealerships only get 1 RS4 a year

  35. #35
    audi's are as big as mercedes and bmw in europe. they been arround alot longer here then in USA and UK. everyone in europe travels alot, its easy to drive 4 hours and visit another city and see things and there alot more attractions and things to see i think arround east europe and centeral. i dont know the exact number, but its well close to 50. especially when your looking at every audi you drive by, and they are a very large chunk the audis on the population of cars.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2006
    nice car I'm still a BMW guy myself

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    It would be hard for me to decide between a wagon or sedan. I'm thinking yellow sedan w/ blacked out windows and dropped 1"

  38. #38
    black or blue wagon, fully stock

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I'd go sedan

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Isn't that a Wagon?? If you have a family and plan on going on trips a lot, then a wagon is the way to go, if not, its pointless!!

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