received my first shipment of gear on friday afterwork.can't tell you how excited I was. it was like christmas. so after I calmed down decided it was time........ what's it going to be, delts, quads, glutes. . . .. ..
well the glutes had it. dediced to take it easy on my first. everything went smoothly and have been walking around like i am a bad mother fkr. went out to a fund raiser for the shriners last night, and this old lady asked me how long did it take to get those arms. I told her about a year. she looked me straight in the face and said, "are you on steroids then" this lady had to be 80 years old. and I looked her straight in the eye and said NOPE just eating right. I walked away and went. huh, i lied and didn't even mean to. ooops.
the evening was a success we managed to raise aobut 20 grand for the burned and crippled children. which was a great thing. don't know if yall are aware, shriners is one of the few charities where 100% of the funds goes directly to the kids, no administration fees, or salaries. if you can I strongly strongly urge you to get involved.
also I need to send out thanks to a couple of the mods who helped me despite my newbyness. they know who they are. thanks guys. you definately steered me right!!!!!