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Thread: Good article check it out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Good article check it out

    Quote Originally Posted by Arnold Jr @
    “Man, you’re pretty big. What are you some kind of bodybuilder?”
    “Yeah, I’m a bodybuilder….and oh yeah, I’m 100% natural.”

    Most have witnessed this discussion unravel at least once. However, in all honesty, was this emphatic exchange truly necessary?

    The bodybuilder is natural…congratulations! What an accomplishment! Even though it wasn’t brought up in questioning, he still felt it imperative to disclose this pertinent information. Why is it those who choose the “natural” path, are so adamantly determined to stand on their soapbox and vociferate to the world “look at me! I’m a bodybuilder! I’m natural! I’m a real bodybuilder!”

    It is paramount to understand, I have nothing against natural bodybuilder’s. I bare no animosity. I don’t have a strong repugnant distaste or hatred towards these individuals. The fact they’re natural makes no difference to me…and neither should it to you.

    It remains; the proverbial line between natural bodybuilder’s and those who opt for the alternative route has been unleashed. Who drew this line? I’ve yet to hear from the Führer of the Anabolic Regime, disclose his opinion, stemming from detestation; in a manner of vile refute demeaning the “natural” bodybuilder. Still, the battle between the two camps rages on.

    Natural bodybuilder’s have developed a loathsome hatred towards their counterparts. Formulated from jealousy; from misinformation; standing on a pulpit draped in a self-righteous cry of “holier then thou.” Here in lies the enigma. The natural bodybuilder has created an adversary that doesn’t exist. He has created an antagonist out of hate, for no other reason then by way of a simple personal choice. Countless cries are made implying what the enhanced user does is immoral, it’s unfair, and it’s in fact cheating. Well, is it? The natural bodybuilder chose other means he remained natural. Has the enhanced bodybuilder done anything that’s beyond the natural’s grasp?

    It’s an accepted truth that society doesn’t accept bodybuilding as a legitimate endeavor. Natural or not, this world will forever be alienated from the mainstream. The natural bodybuilder believes steroids are the fountainhead of the problem. The reason alienation exist, is by his conviction, created by the use of anabolic steroids…that and nothing more. Is this a truthful statement? Is the “natural” correct in what he’s ascertained? This would be dubious. Is there really anything natural about bodybuilding in the first place? Is there anything natural about forging a physique larger, harder, more defined then you would have “naturally” otherwise…steroids or not?

    The true bodybuilder is determined to build the best physique he can by any means he deems necessary. The bodybuilder who chooses to use chemical enhancement hasn’t taken the “easy” way out. He hasn’t chosen his path in order to reach his pinnacle by means of “less” work. After all, part of the desire to take these drugs is so more work can be done. Therefore, you recover faster. Then you can push yourself harder. Then you can be the most exemplary bodybuilder, you can be.

    The world of bodybuilding may never reach a level of equitable approval by society. This is a discouraging reality. In the end, if those who call themselves natural could find away to attain an understanding, we’re all bodybuilder’s, we’re all striving to accomplish the same goals. If the two camps could come together and let this insignificant technicality collapse, bodybuilding as a sport would find itself in a much stronger position. It’s an extremely arduous task to convince society that what we do is a commendable endeavor, when there’s an unremitting civil war among its population. Both sides should find a way to reach an accord. They may disagree on the means by which they achieve their success, but to bash the other side is a futile ploy that only hurts our community as a whole.

    The conversation would be more effective if it went like this:

    “Man, you’re pretty big. What, are you some kind of bodybuilder?”
    “Yeah, I’m a bodybuilder.” End of story
    Great Point
    Last edited by SVTMuscle*; 01-22-2007 at 11:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Maybe not?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    cool post mate.
    and yes im all natural before you ask.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Bodybuilding is a beauty contest

    "If the two camps could come together and let this insignificant technicality collapse, bodybuilding as a sport would find itself in a much stronger position."

    Is competitive bodybuilding really a sport? Is it a beauty contest?

    I wonder about the difference between a strictly quantifiable sport, like powerlifting, or running, or the high jump; sports where the winner's effort can be measured with a scale, a stopwatch, or a yardstick, and a sport where the judging is subjective; ie: ice skating, ballroom dancing, bodybuilding; the winner chosen by the opinions of a panel of judges.

    I always remember how the american judges at the Olympics would give high marks to american divers or skaters, and the russian judges would do the same for their own athletes. We've all heard stories how Joe Weider, et al, would choose their favorite "it-boy" to win, even though that particular guy was generally regarded as not the best competitor by the audience.

    It just makes it hard to take bodybuilding seriously as a "sport" when "winning" is completely subjective, not objective.

    So, isn't it really more like the "Miss America" Pageant?


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