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Thread: just ordered new PC bits.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    just ordered new PC bits.

    gonna upgrade my pc. well i bought so many bits it looks like the only thing left from my old pc will be the DVD drive!!

    AM2 Nvidia 590 motherboard SLI ready
    Athlon x2 4600+ processor
    2x nvidia 7600gts in SLI configuration
    2 gig of OCZ "special ops" RAM DDR2 6400
    samsung spinpoint 250 gig HD internal
    maxtor 320 gig external HD
    580W hiper SLI ready PSU
    NZXT aluminium case with 5 fans, leds,lcd temp display, and clear window.
    zalman flower heatsink

    will be overclocking the RAM (from 800 to 1000mhz)
    and overclocking the processor too, not sure by how much yet though.
    What ya think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    might wanna consider liquid cooling instead of runing 5 fans. also..why are you you use your pc to work? bcse if its just for games and messing around...overclocking will shorten your pc lifespan drastically if not done correctly. also which BIOS are you runing? i sure hope its phoenix or better with this set up u mentioned. another fact..the external drive will most likely show up as 125gigs. u see windowz can only recognize ntfs up to 125 if im not would be a good idea to format it to say fat32 so you wont have such issues.
    Last edited by rafael; 01-22-2007 at 05:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    already running external under windows in NTFS and it is recognised no probs (320gig)
    dont use for work just for fun. I wont be overclocking anything too seriously, certainly not enough to require water cooling. Using phoenix bios.

  4. #4
    And I thought I was a computer nerd!!

    Mus be nice man, I need a new graphics card adn more RAM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    gonna upgrade my pc. well i bought so many bits it looks like the only thing left from my old pc will be the DVD drive!!

    AM2 Nvidia 590 motherboard SLI ready
    Athlon x2 4600+ processor
    2x nvidia 7600gts in SLI configuration
    2 gig of OCZ "special ops" RAM DDR2 6400
    samsung spinpoint 250 gig HD internal
    maxtor 320 gig external HD
    580W hiper SLI ready PSU
    NZXT aluminium case with 5 fans, leds,lcd temp display, and clear window.
    zalman flower heatsink

    will be overclocking the RAM (from 800 to 1000mhz)
    and overclocking the processor too, not sure by how much yet though.
    What ya think

    ooo sexy... i have no idea what any of this does... but im turned on lol......


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Im officially a nerd.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    riding styles donkey
    just hijacking a bit, as you guys seem to know all the techno stuff.
    is it possible to upgrade something on my pc so i end up with either an hdmi or dvi port. as i want to stream hidef stuff to my plasma.
    i thought my 570 gbs where gonna last, full with sh1t already.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    yes just by a graphics card with a DVI port.
    You will need to find out which graphics card will fit by checking which is used by the motherboard, common ones are pci express (newest) AGP popular in systems of 3 yrs old and older. If it is really old it may not have any availble slots or may not support the addition of a new card.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Wouldnt bother overclocking those specs are good enough. What bits you got going spare? I might make you an offer.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i have an athlon 2400+ system at the mo. it is ok but not really up to playing the latest games ect. 80gig HD, ati 9600 graphics, 1 gig ram. pretty mediocre im afraid.
    Last edited by perfectbeast2001; 01-23-2007 at 05:40 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    i have an athlon 2400+ system at the mo. it is ok but not really up to playing the latest games ect. 80gig HD, ati 9600 graphics, 1 gig ram. pretty mediocre im afraid.
    Similar to spec to mine, I was looking for a celron 1.8ish and some 2100 DDR to repair a mates PC thats been under my desk for months cos he is too tight to buy new bits, oh well it was worth asking.

  12. #12
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    gonna upgrade my pc. well i bought so many bits it looks like the only thing left from my old pc will be the DVD drive!!

    AM2 Nvidia 590 motherboard SLI ready
    Athlon x2 4600+ processor
    2x nvidia 7600gts in SLI configuration
    2 gig of OCZ "special ops" RAM DDR2 6400
    samsung spinpoint 250 gig HD internal
    maxtor 320 gig external HD
    580W hiper SLI ready PSU
    NZXT aluminium case with 5 fans, leds,lcd temp display, and clear window.
    zalman flower heatsink

    will be overclocking the RAM (from 800 to 1000mhz)
    and overclocking the processor too, not sure by how much yet though.
    What ya think
    ...Write down AR password.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    LMAO yes i will try remember this time. Final bits arrive this week. Woohoo new pc here we come!

  14. #14
    as a x fatty i knew you had to love computers! im guessing everquest 1 haha close?

    i got a new pc early 06, its a beast.

    amd 4000 64bit
    ati x1800 512 mg gfx card
    400 gig hd
    2gig kingston ddr ram

    i didnt customise this pc so i dont know the finner parts, but all parts are top quality, really good pc. socket 1064 i thibk with the 800+ mhz ram it really does fly at times. i dont play many games these days, but when i do it is nice to have a good pc, shame no good games released i feel in the past 2 years. what games you play beast and everyone else?

    i play warcraft3 a couple times a week if i got the time, dont play anything else right now.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by donniebrasco
    just hijacking a bit, as you guys seem to know all the techno stuff.
    is it possible to upgrade something on my pc so i end up with either an hdmi or dvi port. as i want to stream hidef stuff to my plasma.
    i thought my 570 gbs where gonna last, full with porn already.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    You spot on with the PC loving fat kid analysis LOL. Counterstrike was my game of choice, or Baldurs Gate.
    Im looking forward to being able to play some strategy games and stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    as a x fatty i knew you had to love computers! im guessing everquest 1 haha close?

    i got a new pc early 06, its a beast.

    amd 4000 64bit
    ati x1800 512 mg gfx card
    400 gig hd
    2gig kingston ddr ram

    i didnt customise this pc so i dont know the finner parts, but all parts are top quality, really good pc. socket 1064 i thibk with the 800+ mhz ram it really does fly at times. i dont play many games these days, but when i do it is nice to have a good pc, shame no good games released i feel in the past 2 years. what games you play beast and everyone else?

    i play warcraft3 a couple times a week if i got the time, dont play anything else right now.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    You spot on with the PC loving fat kid analysis LOL. Counterstrike was my game of choice, or Baldurs Gate.
    Im looking forward to being able to play some strategy games and stuff.
    haha good old counter-strike, yes we have all been there done that. not a actual bad game, its funny, people laugh and call you a nerd, but at there house the got somthing like 50 hours and all 300 cars on grand turismo 3 haha or need for speed cmon, seriously im not ashamed of my love for computer games, its just sad everyone wants to play them and most people deny it!

    warcraft 3 + expansion is all im playing right now, haha i love running arround with orcs killing people with my mates. my brother tried baldurs gate, i have played a few mmorpgs, and honestly once you play a few years, just cant stand it anymore. days of countless grinding strictly ment for early teens, i pitty the ones who do it for life.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I think that medievil total war looks pretty good. might give that a go. Also that GTR racing game.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I think that medievil total war looks pretty good. might give that a go. Also that GTR racing game.
    my mate got me a free cd key and copy, when he came to visit 2 months, i lasted a good 10 minutes on that game. its pretty tactical and interesting watching him play, but yeh, once you find a good solid game you like to play now and then its hard to sit down and learn to play a new game. but the gfx are great on that game watching people blow up and get hit by cannons, and elephants run over people and throw them i nthe air with there tusks, shit people run into other people and knock them down and stuff, really good game in that perspective. i just never good at choosing a decent army and i really dont want to learn another game haha, good luck with it.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    Nice. I know the people are professional video game players, whenever the new shit comes out they get upgraded for free, some rediculous rigs they have.

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