wtf is the matter with you??!?
not judging really, just absolutely, completely confused as to how any one can derive pleasure from killing something for sport.
wtf is the matter with you??!?
not judging really, just absolutely, completely confused as to how any one can derive pleasure from killing something for sport.
I used to go hunting when I was younger because all my uncles and friends did it. I gave it up a long time ago because I would rather hunt women. I never killed anything because I never even saw anything. I saw a couple of deer once but they were females and I didn't want to kill them.
i hunted when i was younger. by the time i knew what i was doin i didn't want to do it anymore. for something that was supposed to fun and exciting, i always felt terrible.
Yeah same here bro. I just liked the whole idea of being with the guys and playing cards and having laughs but it got to the point where I just didn't want to do it anymore.Plus sometimes I used to freeze my a$$ off in the woods.
I've been hunting since I was a child. Always taught that you never shoot anything that you cannot or have no intentions of eating. Never really considered it a sport. Was raised "country" and that was the way things were. I bow hunt, modern gun, black powder. It's how I was raised and find alot of enjoyment from hunting.
Last edited by StevePJC; 01-22-2007 at 06:48 PM.
but you can buy deer at the store... so...
That's not the point. Buying deer is one thing. The "hunt" is where the enjoyment comes from.
whats fun in killing somethin that was just chillin doin its thing. how is murder fun?
Dude I'm not trying to get into an argument about it. You asked for thoughts and I'm providing that from my point of view. It's your right to have an opinion that hunting is murder, it's my right as long as it's legal to enjoy something I've done since I was 7.
whats the difference in buying it or just hunting it yourself i mean you eat meat dont you somebody has to kill the animal for you to eat it some people just prefer to hunt for there food i love to hunt its alot of fun i have been hunting since i was a child
you don't feel bad for killin somethin cuz "its a lot of fun"? just sounds like a waste of life. plenty of animals are killed to supply countries with meat, there's no need to go do it yourself.
i guess i;m tryin to get somebody to pinpoint the "fun"
is this like a sex, fight, kill caveman digression...
The methods used when a cow is slaughtered is FAR more brutal than an experienced hunter harvesting an animal.
I wouldn't compare it to a caveman digression....
Lemme see if I can explain it better. Have you ever played a first person shooter video game?
are you kidding! a bolt in the head or a bullet from 30 yards... or worse, a bowhunter!Originally Posted by StevePJC
unfortunately no.Originally Posted by StevePJC
Well shit. There goes that explination. Gimme a few minutes to try and figure out a good way to explain the "enjoyment."
Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
If you're an experienced hunter and choose the right weapon, a kill from a rifle is actually quite quick.
Granted, a kill with a bow can be considered quite brutal. I'll give you that. It doesn't take the enjoyment away from hunting for me though.
Most hunting seasons are there to correct the overpopulation that we caused in the first place...Any ethical hunter respects their place in the circle.
I agree that I can't kill unless I'm going to use it. (And earn it, by killing and cleaning).
Seems odd that you have a problem with hunters yet, you'll still eat that ****ing cow that sits in a box all day shitting on itself...Well, maybe thats a little much, but still.
What about earlier ancestors?
Does the mode of hunting matter? Does a bow/arrow make it better?
Not challenging you bro, but I always ask these questions cause they help with the discussion.
The pleasure is derived from the whole experience. Getting out of the city away from daily pressures. To be focused on one thing. Very difficult thing to describe on paper....
So...I cut and pasted an article I found that does a better job of it than myself. The last part gets kinda philisophical.
Let me consider the issue of killing animals for fun in detail. If one understands the concept of fun in an appropriately broad manner, it might be plausible to say that hunting is fun. After all, a large portion of hunting is simply a matter of spending extended periods of time outdoors, frequently in a backcountry setting. A great many nonhunters regard this as fun. Similarly, shooting a bow and arrow is at least as fun as, say, playing golf or any of a number of other activities which rely on tests of one's hand-eye coordination. So, a lot of the individual components that go into hunting are fun; and, in that sense, it might be reasonable to say that hunting is fun. And without question if all of these components were not fun, but distasteful, probably nobody would hunt.
Of course, the point at which a shot opportunity arises can be extremely exciting. But very few people I know regard the killing of animal itself as fun. The death of the animal for most hunters is a pretty solemn occassion, though the solemnity is poised at the apex of a massive amount of effort and frequently a flood of visceral excitement. The corresponding emotions are extremely complex; sufficiently complex that they have given rise to all sorts of silliness on the part of hunters in an attempt to explain it. Someone who is serious about understanding the meaning and/or significance of modern hunting has to wade through this extremely complex psychological situation and make an effort to come to grips with the often imperfect expression of it by hunters.
Some anti-hunters will concede the foregoing points and insist that they are not saying that hunters think killing animals is fun, but that hunters kill animals for fun. The idea here is that one can detach the psychological impact of hunting and killing from the reasons for hunting and killing. In this sense, killing for fun is to be contrasted with killing for survival. But this seperation of psychology from motivation sets up a false dilemma: either one hunts for survival or one hunts "for fun". The rhetorical force of this move is obvious. The only reasonable interpretation of "for fun" is "not for survival", but the reliance on the term "fun" insinuates a triviality to nonsurvival-based hunting/killing. As if survival was the only nontrivial aspect of our existence! I, for one, don't buy it.
That's a flawed argument. If I shot/killed/cleaned/ate a deer, then I would most certaintly not need to buy any.Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
Mmm....My old roommate used to bring back venison sausage....Damn good stuff.
This is the stance I am going to have to take.Originally Posted by ebjack
At least the deer you hunted and killed had the enjoyment of living free in the wild for a while and not kept confined to wait to die.
How fookin retarded this sounds.
I dont see how you can justify eating, chicken, steaks, pork, or any other form of live protein source, yet you frown upon a person for hunting an animal and taking their kill for food.
I dont agree on shooting live animals for shits & giggles, but for food. It is all fair game.
Have you ever tracked a animal for 4 days on a hunt?
Do you know how cows are slaughted?
Have you seen the current living conditions for poultry?
I dont see how you can come on here and ask wtf is up with hunters?
Look who is calling the kettle black mr. blacksmith
With your idealogy, you would be a prime candidate for PETA
BTW...Do you know how much wild game meat is donated each year by hunters to the homeless?
don't mean to try and sound like a boyscout but several years I had a doe processed and donated it to the battered women's shelter in the town I lived.
Well he did say "For sport" not "To eat"........not sure if sport is necessarily to eat as well but eh w/e.
Well he may have prefaced it by saying for sport, but my upbringing calls hunting a sport. So..... I dunno. I respect everyone's opinion if they give mine half a look.
Sport as in target shooting?
Sport as in Hunting.
Hunting is a sport just as fishing is.
next thing you know it will be sacraligious to fish because of the inhumane ways we use artificial lures, depth finders, boats, and GPS.
I think hunting is fun, I dunno, just the chase I guess. I dont think its right to not eat it after thoguh.
I hate fishing though.
hunting isn't a sport. Yeah, lets just sit up here in this deer feeder and attract deer, and then as they come closer to the feed, bang!...yeah touchdown! give me a ****ing break. Hunting isnt a sport, and nowhere near it.
Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 01-22-2007 at 09:14 PM.
WOW.... That's all I can say.
Big Sexy... I'm not about to sit here and trade with you. You're entitled to your opinion and I respect that. My only real curiosity about you is if you're a vegan or not.
The last thing I would do is sit here and run down your upbringing. I would hope you would have as much respect in return.
Oh boy. We have a winner.
Predicting a lock pretty soon.
Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
I love it. Going out in the woods. Finding a deer path. Waiting for hours for that chance buck to come across your path and then making the perfect shot. If I could make a living at it, I would.
Its ingrained in men to hunt and gather bro![]()
Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
You sound like a woman. btw, my IQ is 129
I hunted lizards when I was a kid. That shit was fun as hell too.
I dont understand how people can get enjoyment out of killing for the sake of fun.sure some hunters eat their kill,but you cant seriously try to convince me that the people that go on hunting trips and competitions to get the biggest or most kills do it for food.especially the groups that pay up in excess of $100,ooo to hunt rare and endangered species around the world are doing it to feed womens shelters and homeless people,these people are trying to justify their actions by trying to say they help people.If you really need to kill something we have plenty of feral cats,wild pigs,wild dogs that are killing our native animals and destrying land and farms.
Originally Posted by auslifta
Now that I dont agree with. If your not going to eat it, dont kill it. Thats why I dont believe in hunting bears. You ever tasted bear its like eating a greasy turd.
ive never had a greasy turd beforeOriginally Posted by roidattack
Now see auslifta.... These "Safari" hunts I agree should not be permitted. Can you eat an elephant? Never heard of packaderm burgers. Lion stew? Baboon Meatloaf?
That I agree is a bunch of crap.
I have never killed anything I could not get out of the high country by myself. Never hunted bear. Don't want the trophy because it goes against how I was raised. ONLY kill what you intend to eat.
Went on a mountain lion hunt one year in Tucson, AZ. Had a shot lined up but couldn't do it. Just couldn't. Instead I pulled out my video camera and zoomed in for some great footage. I don't see myself eating a cat so I didn't take the shot. Don't even know why I went but with the video footage that I still have I am sure glad I did.
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