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Thread: wild animals

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    wild animals

    Have you ever been close to or just seen a wild/dangerous animal like bear, wolf, shark, crocodile, snake etc? I don´t mean an animal that you have seen in a zoo or on television.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    the cmost dangerous situation i've ever been in concerning wild animals would probably a few times in the carolinas and out on my cousin's place in florida when i've almost stepped on a water moc or rattlesnake. one time my cousin and i were out at their island house and we smoked a tugboat full of "tobacco" and after were walking down the road (which is all sand and oyster shells) and he turned around, looked behind me, got all bugeyed, and yelled "ah!" i sprinted like 15 steps, looked back, and there was this water moc just sitting in the road right by my footsteps. that would have been really bad because we were so far away from any hospital.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    ^^I've been near a tall hairy chick going tru an uber-crampy PMS.

    Doesn't get more dangerous than that... Never been more scared in my life

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigeater
    Have you ever been close to or just seen a wild/dangerous animal like bear, wolf, shark, crocodile, snake etc? I don´t mean an animal that you have seen in a zoo or on television.

    I've had run ins with snakes either hunting, fishing or working surveying. In the spring time and their mating season, water moc. will actually come after you. In the woods, I am more afraid of Yellow Jackets or Hornets though, those bastards will get you before you even know it.

    I've almost gotten gored by a cow, I was working bailing hay, and got between the cow and her calf, I had to jump onto the hood of the truck to get away from her.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2007
    surfing in florida you see sharks surface all the time right around you, usually spinner sharks hitting the surface and flopping around in the air. the water is often murky though so im sure there are plenty swimming underneath me. at least they arnt great whites like in s. africa or australia.

    in high school we used to camp in swamps and go spotlight for gators. ive caught a baby with my hands before. one time we threw in the water raw chicken on a huge trebble hook with wire leader and a tow strap attached to the truck. after about like an hour and a half we were inturrupted from our drinking by the sound of the truck jerking. we pulled out the gator and killed it. it was about 10 feet. you do some stupid sh*t in high school.

  6. #6
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    I was doing a trail ride with acouple of buddies I race with last year. we were about 30 min into the woods when we rode up on a bear. We had been moving at a pretty good clip and came up on him pretty fast.

    I guess we kinda startled him cause he just turned toward us stood up and roared. this thing was huge, I'm 6'3 and he was easily 3 feet taller than me. I nearly shit my pants. I had 3 guys and there bike behind me blocking my retreat, no room to turn the bike around and this pissed off bear blocking the trail. One of the guys I was with just pulled in the clutch and pinned the throttle, so the rest of us did the same, it must have scared the bear cause he stood down and ran off into the woods. I let everyone else lead the ride for the rest of the day.

  7. #7
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    Recently me and my girlfriend were camping and we had some fun using edible flavored lube and we went to sleep naked. While sleeping, I had a dream that she was giving me the best bj ever. In my dream she started using teeth and she growled at me. She kept using teeth and it started hurting so I woke up to see a wolf licking the edible lube off my very errect penis. I didn't want to wake her up because she would probably scream and this thing would take my dick off. After a few seconds he noticed I was awake, stopped and left. I was sad he stopped and kind of concerned at what this meant. Was I gay? It was a boy wolf. Was I into animals? I mean it felt good, minus the teeth it felt like a girl with a huge coarse tongue. Is it worse if your into gay bestiality? But the guy ones are probably better lickers anyway right? Needless to say I got a german shepard from the pound a few weeks ago.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12

    I've almost gotten gored by a cow, I was working bailing hay, and got between the cow and her calf, I had to jump onto the hood of the truck to get away from her.
    that's my experience as well, alot of domestic animals are effing psycho. i almost got gored by a bull on my uncles farm once, and the sketchiest animal i've ever been in contact with was an elephant.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    three brown snakes on different ocassions,heaps of funnel webs,red backs,one 7m great white while in a 5m boat (shvt myself) it circled us. and couple of red bellies.
    oh and a salty croc only a young one 2m

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta
    three brown snakes on different ocassions,heaps of funnel webs,red backs,one 7m great white while in a 5m boat (shvt myself) it circled us. and couple of red bellies.
    oh and a salty croc only a young one 2m
    have you ever been attack by a chazwozzer?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    have you ever been attack by a chazwozzer?
    wtf is a chazwozza

  12. #12
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by armbar83
    Recently me and my girlfriend were camping and we had some fun using edible flavored lube and we went to sleep naked. While sleeping, I had a dream that she was giving me the best bj ever. In my dream she started using teeth and she growled at me. She kept using teeth and it started hurting so I woke up to see a wolf licking the edible lube off my very errect penis. I didn't want to wake her up because she would probably scream and this thing would take my dick off. After a few seconds he noticed I was awake, stopped and left. I was sad he stopped and kind of concerned at what this meant. Was I gay? It was a boy wolf. Was I into animals? I mean it felt good, minus the teeth it felt like a girl with a huge coarse tongue. Is it worse if your into gay bestiality? But the guy ones are probably better lickers anyway right? Needless to say I got a german shepard from the pound a few weeks ago.

  13. #13
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by armbar83
    surfing in florida you see sharks surface all the time right around you, usually spinner sharks hitting the surface and flopping around in the air. the water is often murky though so im sure there are plenty swimming underneath me. at least they arnt great whites like in s. africa or australia.

    in high school we used to camp in swamps and go spotlight for gators. ive caught a baby with my hands before. one time we threw in the water raw chicken on a huge trebble hook with wire leader and a tow strap attached to the truck. after about like an hour and a half we were inturrupted from our drinking by the sound of the truck jerking. we pulled out the gator and killed it. it was about 10 feet. you do some stupid sh*t in high school.
    Sharks is the animal that I´m most afraid of. It wouldn´t be so fun if you were swimming/diveing and you see a big shark and it takes a while to swim to the beach.

  14. #14
    The worst thing I have ever encountered is snakes. I was boating one time and we pulled up to shore, got off of the boat and there was a rattlesnake not ten feet from my foot. Pretty scary

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    Dozens of times with poisonious snakes. Putting hands near them w/o knowing etc. The one that really made my hair stand up was I was about knee deep in an old creek and a copperhead swam by me and rubbed up against my leg. I knew not to move and after all they don't go looking for something that could harm them back. I've killed many poison snakes (not harmless ones, they help) before anyone starts bitching about this, let me just take a guess and say you never lived around them if you want to "hug the vipers" btw, opossoms are crazy as hell and cows can stomp the shlt out of you

  16. #16
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    Playing w/ tits
    Funny story: This lady decides to raise a little fawn and builds it a high fence and everything, so one day that fawn is now a buck and gorges (sp?) her to death. She was a city lady that moved to the country and thought she would be a "foster" mom. In my state it is illegal to keep wild animals w/o a permit so she died an idiot! I see people keeping raccoons as pets too and that is not only against the law but is stupid, those things can turn in a second

    Some people are the weakest links I saw a faces of death were this dude got ate by a grizzily while he was being filmed.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2004
    Lets see lots of snakes mainly rattlesnakes, water moc., copperhead, chickensnake, grass snakes. Seen lots of wild deer and wild hogs. Sounds funny but wild hogs are nuts man, you get around those things and they go bezerk on you. I've seen some wild trantulas, lots of black widows. Alligator gars - ugly big bastasges, thats about all other than the usual things like possums, raccoons, owls, hawks, buzzards, skunks, wooly mammoth

  18. #18
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I see people keeping raccoons as pets too and that is not only against the law but is stupid, those things can turn in a second
    We took in a small coon who's mother had been killed. We raised it for about 6 weeks till it was eating solid food, and gave it to a friend who owned a couple hundred ac. with a lake. We let it go at his house, keeping a old dog house for it, and feeding it for a couple of weeks. It began to stay away longer and longer, till we don't see it any more.

    When it was about 6 weeks old while playing that thing would bite the crap out of you.

  19. #19
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bigeater
    Sharks is the animal that I´m most afraid of. It wouldn´t be so fun if you were swimming/diveing and you see a big shark and it takes a while to swim to the beach.
    yah i saw something on the discovery channel where some guy was swimming at the beach and a bull shark bumped him. he started swimming to shore and got attacked 3 more times before making it in. he said he looked underwater to see it coming towards him and he put out his hand to stop it. all he felt was a bump and he pulled back and his fingers were gone. it attacked again and took the rest of his hand.

    you think about it though and sharks are like the only predator that wont attack you given the chance. crocs, tigers, lions, snakes, spiders, whatever... if you get in close proximity your getting bit/eaten. but sharks swim around people all the time and we dont even notice. its only when your in weird conditions or they are curious/mistaken that you get bit.

  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    Dec 2004
    I was searching for my golf ball in some taller grass by a swamp area in Hilton Head, SC when I came across a couple of 6-7ft alligators. They were worried about me and jumped into the swamp but it was still scary as hell. Needless to say, I never found my Titleist.

    Last summer, I was grilling a steak really late at night on my back deck and a baby skunk came up and started brushing it's tail against my leg. I thought it was some strange cat at first then I realized it was a skunk just trying to get some steak. I took the steak off and slowly walked inside. It just walked around on my deck for a few then took off.

    I made a mess in my shorts both times.

  22. #22
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    about 2 days before my son was due, my husband and i went for a short hike one afternoon. as we were walking along the trail we were laughing and joking the people who look down at their feet while they hike. as i looked up... i noticed that about 20ft up the trail was an ENORMOUS bull moose!!!! it's rack was huge! Moose are extremely aggressive, and aren't afraid to charge at anything and would kill you. we immediatly stopped and turned around. the moose started walking towards us, so we sped up a little. if you run though...the moose WILL chase you. i started crying because i was convinced that this huge moose was going to charge and kill me (at nine months of pregnancy)my baby, and my husband. i almost shivt my pants. luckily, we got down the trail and to our car safely. damn it was scary!!!

  23. #23
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    Nov 2006
    I saw a black bear right across a small stream from me in Whistler last year. just happened to have my camera with me too. got a couple of great shots of him. oddly.. I wasn't scared.. he looked so adorable!!

    my bf has the best story... coupla years ago.. he was out with his dad in a small boat fishing.. saw a croc in the water.. decided he was dinner...(though I'm sure its meant to be the other way around) so jumped in the water.. with just a hunting knife.. wrestled and killed him. and .. ate him for dinner. no shit. hes a bit nuts like that. his comment about the experience was "He got all mad too, thrashing around like crazy"... urrr.. ya think?

  24. #24
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Tru2
    I saw a black bear right across a small stream from me in Whistler last year. just happened to have my camera with me too. got a couple of great shots of him. oddly.. I wasn't scared.. he looked so adorable!!

    my bf has the best story... coupla years ago.. he was out with his dad in a small boat fishing.. saw a croc in the water.. decided he was dinner...(though I'm sure its meant to be the other way around) so jumped in the water.. with just a hunting knife.. wrestled and killed him. and .. ate him for dinner. no shit. hes a bit nuts like that. his comment about the experience was "He got all mad too, thrashing around like crazy"... urrr.. ya think?

    anywho, my dad saw a large black cat in our tree one morning. we have hundreds of big cat (pumas) sightings in shropshire, england

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro
    Lets see lots of snakes mainly rattlesnakes, water moc., copperhead, chickensnake, grass snakes. Seen lots of wild deer and wild hogs. Sounds funny but wild hogs are nuts man, you get around those things and they go bezerk on you. I've seen some wild trantulas, lots of black widows. Alligator gars - ugly big bastasges, thats about all other than the usual things like possums, raccoons, owls, hawks, buzzards, skunks, wooly mammoth
    man i hate those things. they think they rule all, as they were here before us

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tru2
    I saw a black bear right across a small stream from me in Whistler last year. just happened to have my camera with me too. got a couple of great shots of him. oddly.. I wasn't scared.. he looked so adorable!!

    my bf has the best story... coupla years ago.. he was out with his dad in a small boat fishing.. saw a croc in the water.. decided he was dinner...(though I'm sure its meant to be the other way around) so jumped in the water.. with just a hunting knife.. wrestled and killed him. and .. ate him for dinner. no shit. hes a bit nuts like that. his comment about the experience was "He got all mad too, thrashing around like crazy"... urrr.. ya think?

    Did he later get killed by a stingray? Crikey!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    that's my experience as well, alot of domestic animals are effing psycho. i almost got gored by a bull on my uncles farm once, and the sketchiest animal i've ever been in contact with was an elephant.

    My family's been into animal husbandry as long as i can remember.

    Pigs for one eat EVERYTHING... and they seem to be insatiable.

    Goats are supposed to be herbivores but they act like omnivores.. and they try to eat everything.

    They also butt; bite; kick and trample... and they're pretty effing fast.

    Cows are pretty psycho as well. I had some childhood near scrapes. We used to play in the fields during summer. Flying kites and such.

    The bulls would be fiesty around that time. Charging about doing the whole male domination thing.. The territorial thing. and they'd chase us kids.

    A friend of mine teased one and got butt head on. We had to distract the bull and drag him out and take him to the doc.

    His forehead's shape was changed from the blow.. No joke.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    Did he later get killed by a stingray? Crikey!

    ha! he told me that story about a week before Steve Irwin was killed.

  29. #29
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    me and my best friend were chased by a mountain lion in the mountains. we were near a creek and we heard rocks falling down a sandy slope nearby and a huge ass mountain lion was sliding down after us, so we took off and it was behind us and we got on top of this log and were yelling at it and stuff, then it went away in about 5 min. scariest moment of my life.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    in the woods.......
    We used to hunt snakes in the creeks during the summer almost got bit bye one and my friend did we had to rush him to the hospital. My dad was fishing and got chased around the pond by a water moccasin. During mating season they mean as fvck. At my old golf course i worked at before i transfered is on the river and has alot of them and alligators. We have to run the alligators off the greens and would throw sticks at them and only be like 5 feet away and when weed eating a tee box one day a water moccasin slithered right between my feet. i almost shitted myself. I was hunting last year at my cousins and in the morning had a group of coyotes run up on me. Pulled out my pistol and shot a few times and climbed a tree right next to me nevertheless i still pissed myself. theres alot of stupid things we do as kids.

  31. #31
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    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by bbplaya21
    We used to hunt snakes in the creeks during the summer almost got bit bye one and my friend did we had to rush him to the hospital. My dad was fishing and got chased around the pond by a water moccasin. During mating season they mean as fvck. At my old golf course i worked at before i transfered is on the river and has alot of them and alligators. We have to run the alligators off the greens and would throw sticks at them and only be like 5 feet away and when weed eating a tee box one day a water moccasin slithered right between my feet. i almost shitted myself. I was hunting last year at my cousins and in the morning had a group of coyotes run up on me. Pulled out my pistol and shot a few times and climbed a tree right next to me nevertheless i still pissed myself. theres alot of stupid things we do as kids.
    do you still suffer from weak bowels?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by yngnastyman
    me and my best friend were chased by a mountain lion in the mountains. we were near a creek and we heard rocks falling down a sandy slope nearby and a huge ass mountain lion was sliding down after us, so we took off and it was behind us and we got on top of this log and were yelling at it and stuff, then it went away in about 5 min. scariest moment of my life.
    Man. I would be scared to death if I would be chased by a lion or a tiger.

  33. #33
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    Did he later get killed by a stingray? Crikey!
    LOL. I also thought that he´s like steve Irwin was when I read it.

  34. #34
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    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    do you still suffer from weak bowels?

    Have you ever seen a cotton mouth? You might just have an accident too They are very aggressive. Copperheads are not as bad and only bite if you mess with them Cotton mouths will follow you (more like displays than anything) but since they are usually in water, it is harder to out run them.

  35. #35
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    Playing w/ tits
    Here's a trick I used many times to trap poisonous snakes: take an old rubber truck mat and lay next to a quarry or other places. Make sure to have a rope tied to the corner and jerk the mat away early in the morning and alot of times we would find dozens of snakes under the mat since they like the heat that a black mat keeps. They move slower when it's cool too, just be ready with shotgun or a pistol loaded with cci snake shot Now that's red neck fun

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    in the woods.......
    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    do you still suffer from weak bowels?
    If u ever had a water moccasin go between your legs im sure you would shit yourself.Them fvckers will chase you around if you get to close, and the coyotes are the same thing i knew they were close but **** they ran right up on me
    Last edited by bbplaya21; 01-25-2007 at 08:44 PM.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    I once fought a wolf.

    j/k. actually I have a friend who is like 5'6 170 pounds, and he *honestly* believes he could take a wolf in a straight fight. He's always saying "nah put me in a cage with a wolf, i'd beat his ass" and he's serious!

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