I live in a building with 2 apt. My neighbor is complaining about my dog barking alot. My neighbor is extremely loud and it makes the dog bark, It annoys me too. My landlord called me yesterday to say the dog might have to go. My neighbor is calling him eod complaining. My landlord just doesn't want problems. My lease says i can have a dog.
Yesterday. I was home and her my neighbor and his sons come home. Again very loud in the stairs. So i opened the door and said if you were more quiet the dog wouldn't bark. That's when it all started. He got in my face and was begging me to hit him. I wanted to but new i would be in jail and sewed. Then he threatened that I'm might come home 1 night something could happen to me.And that he knows where i work and will cause problems there for me. I called the cops and he admitted saying everything to them. He said he didn't mean it just said it out of anger. I don't know what to do with this guy. And I'm sure my landlord isn't going to deal with this