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Thread: 4 year Anniversary

  1. #1

    4 year Anniversary

    I have my 4 year anniversary the 27th, trying to plan something out with no luck, funny thing is I live in Las Vegas, and the truth is im sick of the cliche shit.

    any takers ?

    probably activity, dinner, show, sex.

  2. #2
    4 year anniversary for what, i missed the point to this thread

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    4 year anniversary for what, i missed the point to this thread

    Probably marriage. I don't think people go out and do an activity, shows, dinner and then sex for their anniversary other than marriage.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    Probably marriage. I don't think people go out and do an activity, shows, dinner and then sex for their anniversary other than marriage.
    i heard people have sex with pitbulls in america so i wouldnt be surprised.

  5. #5
    haha, ya, we do, that is what im talking about, I want to take my pit out, then **** it. you know, we as americans have standards, and having sex with our pits is one of them. No really thats funny because I do have a cinnamon+white red-nose and a kentucky blue purple ribbon champoin blue-nose. This is actually dating, not marriage, not even engaged.

  6. #6
    im still confused, have a good date with ur dog or girlfriend which ever be the case.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i heard people have sex with pitbulls in america so i wouldnt be surprised.
    yah, at least our chicks shave their armpits and wear deoderant

  8. #8
    so everyone is as clueless as me. what the **** should i do ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    you should ask a girl for help. if you guys are tired of vegas life try doing something that means something special to the both of you. suprise her by putting alot of thought into it. thats all most girls really care about anyway, not how much money you spend. howd you guys meet? how did you propose? where/what circumstances was your first kiss/date/whatever... do something that ties into/takes her back to those moments.

    be creative. try to think less in terms of money and entertainment (dinner/shows) and more impressing her with how much your marriage means to you by how much thought you put into the night.

    basically just do something you would be embarrassed to tell your friends about. i think thats the best advice i can give you. it should be so special/romantic/gay that you really wouldnt want to tell your buds because they would rag on you. good luck...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    by 4 years i assumed you meant marriage, now that im thinking though you would probably know all this stuff if you were married so ill assume its 4 years together, youll still be fine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    wut did u do on your 3rd yr anniversary ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    This is actually dating, not marriage, not even engaged.

    There's you idea

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