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1. Language Selection
After you insert the first CD-ROM or DVD of SUSE Linux 10.1 into your machine, the graphical installation tool YaST will launch. Select your preferred language from the list that appears.
2. Installation Mode
After you accept the end-user license agreement, YaST checks your hard disk. If you already have installed an older version of SUSE Linux, YaST asks you whether you want to update your system or make a new installation. If you have an older version of SUSE Linux installed, choosing "Update" will preserve your existing files. Choosing "New Installation" will erase your existing work.
3. Graphical Desktop
After setting or accepting the suggested time zone, you need to choose your preferred desktop environment, KDE or GNOME. Both have elegant modern GUI interfaces and use state-of-the-art default applications for general-productivity tasks. If you want to try out both interfaces, you can. For now, choose one and later, in the installed system, you can install the other one. Then, you can easily switch between GNOME and KDE each time you log into the system. It's easy.
4. Installation Settings
YaST automatically checks your system and presents you with an installation proposal—to see more details of the installation settings that YaST has recommended, choose the expert mode. If you wish, you can easily install additional applications or change the settings. When you're satisfied with your choices, simply click Accept.
5. Network Settings
The next step is the configuration of the Internet connection. Network cards, modems, ISDN cards and DSL devices are automatically detected. An extensive list of preconfigured ISPs facilitates the configuration of your Internet provider.
During the installation, we recommend that you test the connection and update your system with the online update service.