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So I'm out w/ a few friends from the fire station and we're at this bar, the place is pretty busy, you have to brush up by people to get by. Not that I have a problem with somebody brushing against me to get by me, but this one little ****er basically tried to push me aside with his hand. I'm just chilling talking to my bro, and I feel this hand push my ****ing back. I know it was on purpose too, because the little shit looks back at me after he's about 10 steps past me. So I look at him, he walks over(still keeping about 8 ft between us,hahah) and I said "WTF was that for?" He yells out "I'm trying to get through, u got a ****ing problem!!" So I just stare back at this kid like WTF. So his girl grabs him and they quickly leave. I wanted to drop this dick head, I'm getting too old for this bullshit, no more nights out. And you know it's just some little frat bitch trying to impress his girl, "see honey, I showed that big steroid dork" ****ing punks man, I swear