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Thread: 182 to 207 !!!!! ;]

  1. #1

    182 to 207 !!!!! ;]

    well boys, im up 25, with my abs still showing, from my test prop @ 100mg ed, deca @ 50mg ed(excluding sundays), 1-4 dbol, and 12-pct winstrol, 12 weeker, at week 8 and up 25 pounds. I was maxing about 265, now maxing about 315( on a good day ). I have to say I am extremely impressed. My gains shot up once i switched to one muscle a day, sometimes throwing in cores or traps.

    test,deca,dbol == the classic bulker.

    after pct, and a bloodtest, about 2 months off, on to test,eq,var,masteron.

    only side effect is my hair is thinning slowly.... on finasteride..just order spiro the other day.. winstrol makes me bald like a mofo so hoping the spiro will work.

    sorry for rambling.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    that pretty sweet...always nice to make solid gains like that...keep it up and work just as hard during pct...

  3. #3
    Good to hear..was the deca NPP?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    well boys, im up 25, with my abs still showing, from my test prop @ 100mg ed, deca @ 50mg ed(excluding sundays), 1-4 dbol, and 12-pct winstrol, 12 weeker, at week 8 and up 25 pounds. I was maxing about 265, now maxing about 315( on a good day ). I have to say I am extremely impressed. My gains shot up once i switched to one muscle a day, sometimes throwing in cores or traps.

    test,deca,dbol == the classic bulker.

    after pct, and a bloodtest, about 2 months off, on to test,eq,var,masteron.

    only side effect is my hair is thinning slowly.... on finasteride..just order spiro the other day.. winstrol makes me bald like a mofo so hoping the spiro will work.

    sorry for rambling.
    got any before and after pics?

  5. #5
    i will look, as for a pic now..taken about 2 weeks ago..what bf % do you guys think im at ? dont look very ripped in this but its the only one i have...

    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #6
    and no the deca wasn't npp, i shot the deca half a cc (200mg/ml/cc) to ease the prop pain, rotated quads and glute and sometimes delts but i hate those.
    I've noticed since I started 1 mucle a day workouts I've grown more, the only complaint i have is when i play basketball my shins/calves cramp up like no other and i never had this until i started AAS, so i dont know if thats lack of potassium or what but if ****ing sucks, to the point where i can't drive after.

    npp looks promising and in my cycle after next im running it, nandrolone is an awesome drug.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    to be honest u should have waited atleast another year and a half to two years before u juiced...

  8. #8
    huh ? how old am i?

  9. #9
    congrats i would love a solid 25 lbs kept on first cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    huh ? how old am i?
    I don't think he said because of your age. But because of your size. If thats what you look like up 20lbs then you must have been kinda skinny before and could have gained some weight naturally.

  11. #11
    I don't have good chest structure actually, and yes i could have put more on naturally, probably. that picture actually makes me look smaller, i will find before and after pics.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    And you recently broke up with your gf huh?

  13. #13
    Dont look ready IMO

  14. #14
    hey lets not rain on his parade, lets go to the members pics and cycle pages and find 100s of people in worse shape before and after cycle, atleast he has a good base now and low bodyfat to work from. only problem is now that you cycled going natural for more then a few months will kill you and make you wanna cycle again from the slow gains.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    New York
    Who cares what someone can do naturally. Most of the people taking juice do it because they want to improve themselves asap. Someone woman like botox and tit implants to improve their looks and some guys use juice. If he is happy with how his cycle improved his appearance then all is good.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    Who cares what someone can do naturally. Most of the people taking juice do it because they want to improve themselves asap. Someone woman like botox and tit implants to improve their looks and some guys use juice. If he is happy with how his cycle improved his appearance then all is good.
    First off implants should be standard with any girl. They should give them a certificate for tits at the same time they are handing them their HS diploma

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    New York
    haha...I am not natty but I prefer my women natty

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    haha...I am not natty but I prefer my women natty
    lol they should discontinue that model

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Fake tits feel to well....fake

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    Fake tits feel to well....fake
    not the good ones. The new girl I'm dating has them and i couldn't tell for over a month. Silicon makes all the difference.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    For taking Test, Deca, sure don't have a lot of bloat.....Are you taking any Anti-E's??? You should look more bloated IMO...

  22. #22
    letro ED

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The world in my head.
    what was your workout like... ???

    i will agree you should have worked out without the juice for alittle longer.. but since you have already gone that route, u might want to start working on your workouts alittle more...

    you said you don't have a good frame, you have a really good frame. just need to work on some areas that will help u fill out.

    when making your workouts think about your goals.. don't just think about what the big guy at the gym is doing.. for example there are lots of different types of lifts/workouts for the same muscle. some make the muscle more full, some are for a peak, some give separation and some might just be for strength.... all this has to be in your head when planing your workout

    POST YOUR WORKOUT so people can help you alittle more.

    u have a good frame.. post what your realistic goals are, and what is your workout break down look like
    Last edited by quarry206; 01-31-2007 at 07:40 PM.

  24. #24
    well it goes like this, and thanks for the interest, btw, im also on the last 4 weeks of my cycle, adding winstrol 100mg ed.

    Monday - Chest
    bench press 12x225 8x245 4x275
    incline 10x225 8x235 8x235
    machine(this sound bad, the one where your arms are extended all the way, starting outward and going in) 10x215 3 times until I can't do it anymore
    sitting cables
    dumbbell press 90 in each arm, 8 times, 3 reps
    End with with back on bench, weight over my head, body elevated, sort of stretching my pecs.

    Tuesday - Triceps - basketball
    cable pulldowns x 3
    cable overhead extensions x 3
    cable(bending knees, one arm at a time, extend arm behind body, bring back elbow to 90 degrees) x 3
    back on bench, using 60 barbell, hands about 5 inches apart, go 10x extending elbow to forhead and up, then from bottome of ribcage, extending barbell up to failure-like bench press.

    Wednesday - Back
    barbell pull
    knee on bench, lats
    basically mostly any back machines for back.
    deltoids, using 20lbs each hand, extending out.
    35s each hand, starting like a curl then flaring out.
    25s each hand bent forward, extending out.

    thursday - bicep - traps
    standing curls using 45 x 3 reps
    elbow in knee using 35 x 3 real slow
    taking a cable from each end, standing, 30 lbs on each side, extending elbow out and in, keeping upper arms still. x 3
    one arm cable curls x 3
    reverse curls x 3 to end it.

    traps - mostly shrugs, behind and forward, 225 on bar. also some machines.

    Friday - basketball - cores

    Saturday - legs

    Sunday - off

    Sorry its so sloppy, and I thank anyone who sat down to read it, it probably needs some fine tuning.

    I'd rather not look like I weigh alot, I want that lean bulk look, curves(sounds like my gf), and hard as a rock. I'm not entering the worlds strongest man, when summer hits in las vegas, I want to look in shape, nothing like hard rocks casino pool party every sunday--rehab. What do you guys think, btw I've actually dropped 4 pnds already, which I intended to do, cutting out some food.
    Last edited by odix; 02-01-2007 at 06:38 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    Fake tits feel to well....fake
    Bullshit they do !!!! I can guarantee you the tits in my Avi feel fantastic !

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Bullshit they do !!!! I can guarantee you the tits in my Avi feel fantastic !
    I can voche for the them also

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    I can voche for the them also
    You fvcker !! If I catch you with her again your ass is mine !!!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    You fvcker !! If I catch you with her again your ass is mine !!!
    Don't worry you won't... I got the video I can watch over and over and over again

  29. #29
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    your ass is mine !!!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  30. #30
    wow my thread as hijacked about fake tits, somehow i dont really care ;] i love the subject haha.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The world in my head.
    maybe for chest days do dumbells first or incline, flat bench is great for people to see and fun to do but with your goal work the chest alittle different

    Triceps, you spend alot of time with cables, try throwing DB's in there, some kickbacks, skull crushers (thats what you are some what talking about with your workout)

    back- throw in some wide grip lat pull down, or pull ups. .. when you say barbell pull?? what are you talking about.. sounds like a up-right row, which is a trap workout for the most part... it also sounds like you are mixing shoulders and back too much to work either one of the really deep

    biceps- when doing curls the biggest thing KEEP UR ELBOWS AGAINST UR BODY!! if your elbows move forward near the top of the movement you are using your shoulders.. make sure a bicep workout works just that the biceps.... general rule of thumb, strait barbell curls for thickness and size, preacher curls for a peak.. also, BIceps, bi meaning TWO parts to the muscles, so when doing bicep movements play with your grip.
    example: on barbell curls, the closer your grip is works the short muscle, wider grip works the long muscle (i think i got that right, if not its the other way around)

    traps- shrugs are great, but find one or two movements or your traps will get use to it and not grow.. some say deadlifts are great for traps

    Legs, you didn't post a workout, since you love basketball we can see, stick to squats, lunges leg press can calf raises .. that will help you with that sport also....

    food for thought, move legs to the middle of the week, you have upper body back to back to back to back.. doing legs will help u rest and ur muscles to heal better, also don't do chest day one and triceps day two.. nor back and biceps back to back.

    try designing a workout more like this
    day 1- chest
    day 2- biceps
    day 3- legs
    day 4- tris
    day 5-back
    day6- rest
    day 7 rest

    also fit traps and shoulers in there somewhere
    Last edited by quarry206; 02-01-2007 at 08:43 PM.

  33. #33
    thanks quarry, I'm going to change my workout, I'll let you know how it goes, my weakpoints definately are my traps and general back, although I work the lat decently. I see people with killer backs to and i envy, time to start working harder.

    Also, like you said about bicep form, its my biggest pet peve watching other people do it, my elbows stay basically on my stomach, im not the one throwing my whole body in it to do the whole is that for you know, or standing curls people throwing there back into it, i just laugh, that explains why i look 10x bigger and were curling the same weight, cause i do it right. Thanks for taking the time to help me out bro. take it easy. I'll take a pic in 4 weeks.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    The world in my head.

    this website is an alright website for seeing workouts for different body parts.. it does have some workouts on there multi- times naming it something different.. but none the less u can see some of the different things you can try

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Good job bro keep it up. Im talkin about the Deca dick LOL

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I could be wrong but I thought your not suppose to use deca and dbol at the same time.

  37. #37
    why? dbol as a kickstart... trust me with with the prop, i wake up and go to sleep with a hardon.

  38. #38
    i posted better pictures in the members section

  39. #39

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Middle East 4 Now
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I could be wrong but I thought your not suppose to use deca and dbol at the same time.
    who told you that ?>

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