Been a while bro's and ladies...
Off cycle now for a couple years (or less...) and feel good... finally back to equilibrium, which easily took over a year! Anyway, see a lot of new faces round here, so hello to newbies and vets alike, hope your programs are workin out for ya (pun intended) and to all you noobs... START SLOW AND READ READ READ and ASK QUESTIONS! You CAN seriously blow your first cycle and ruin it for later... done right it can be GREAT! Guys, start with test! Forget the 50 pound 2 week mega cycle!!
Enough preaching... anyway after reaching 215 pds at 5-9 at about 10-13% BF im sitting at about 205 chubby. I dont lift right now, and the joints have healed. Im getting back in, and likely i will aim at 190lbs 7% BF. Oh ya... anyone who's up to date on new PCT compounds, chime in on my sticky in the PCT forum... it might need an update
See you all around!!!