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Thread: Wisdmo Teeth out tomorrow + Bodybuilding Diet HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Busy Growing

    Wisdmo Teeth out tomorrow + Bodybuilding Diet HELP

    Well, tomorrow im getting all 4 wisdom teeth out. Ill be put asleep. Apparently I cant eat for 6 hours prior to surgury, so i'll be pounding back the food until then lol.

    Any tips for you guys whove gone through this on what Im supposed to eat for the next few days! Being as I can hardly chew!? I really dont want to start loosing weight as im trying to bulk up and I dont wanna go downwards. What should I do?

    Is it really taht bad as they say or is it not too bad (the pain/ability to not eat)

    Thanks lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Well when my borther got them out he was able to eat mushy foods.Like rice pudding and jello...

    So in ur case i would use oats (blended) and whey for majorits of ur meals.If you know how to make rice pudding u can add scoops of whey and use splenda instead..

    Just so you know.. some ppl are able to eat normally after their teeth are pulled.. I. E my brother was all swollen and had to eat liquid, mushy foods where as my sister experinced no pain and pretty much was eating normal on day 2.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I had mine out and i ate no problems. Dont worry about it.

  4. #4
    i was supposed to go a few weeks ago i bitched out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    i was supposed to go a few weeks ago i bitched out

    pussy lol
    i eat ice cream its hard to eat the first 2 or so days

  6. #6
    I was out of "commission" for about a week

    I lived off of eggwhites, oatmeal and tunashakes*

    *tunashake consisted of can of chunk lite tuna, a bit of mayo, and water...blend till smooth serve with straw and enjoy!

  7. #7
    bah i keep getting reminded i need to get mine out..

    All 4 are all the way in

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Canada eh
    when i got my wisdon teeth out, all 4 of them were removed. that same night i was eating solid food...not a smart idea tho lol. my mom made some roasted chicken and potates and i ate alot. 2 days after i got my teeth taken out i started back in the gym....also not a smart idea for me because everytime i would strain myself i would tase blood.

    The drugs that gave me for my surgery were also very amazing...i was somehwat coherent for the surgery and all i heard was cracking but the drugs i had made it all seem awsome.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by JC.1987
    when i got my wisdon teeth out, all 4 of them were removed. that same night i was eating solid food...not a smart idea tho lol. my mom made some roasted chicken and potates and i ate alot. 2 days after i got my teeth taken out i started back in the gym....also not a smart idea for me because everytime i would strain myself i would tase blood.

    The drugs that gave me for my surgery were also very amazing...i was somehwat coherent for the surgery and all i heard was cracking but the drugs i had made it all seem awsome.
    ohhhhh hell yeah! Actually getting my teeth out was fun...nitrous oxide mmmmmmmmmm...then for about an hour after everything was hilarious, i couldnt stop lau***ng! wasnt funny after that tho

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Busy Growing
    I think i got it better then all of you with the drugs. They put me heavy on the nitrous oxide. I was so stoned that the painting of a sailboat in the water infront of me started to move and there was waves comming from the water totaly ****ing cool. Then they put me to sleep through an iv. woke up 2 seconds later all done.

    Made mistkae of yanking one of my stitches out too early tho.

    This is what I was able to eat today tell what your opinions...

    9am - cup oatmeatl, protein shake, 6 egg whites with bacon (keep me full)

    (cant eat 6 hrs before operation)

    3:30pm operation

    5:30pm - Get home have a small bowl of soup and a meal replacement protein shake

    7pm- Fair amount of stir fry, not too too much with some chicken in it (was rly soft)

    9pm- Meal replacement protein shake with cup of oatmeal

    11pm- Cottage cheese with more stir fry


    This is the best I coulda done...not too bad eh. Going to take tmmrw off from gym to to relax. Will try to pound back as much food as humanly possible in my condition.

  11. #11
    i got one of my bottom wisdom tooth taken a back in spring 2005 and it hurt like hell. the tooth was crooked and it took the dentist a long painfully time twisting it out. but after it was pulled it healed quick and didn't hurt. i got the other bottom wisdom tooth taken out last december. i didn't hurt at all but the dentist (different guy) knicked a nerve while he was given me the shot. this left the right side of my mouth numb for 3 months. so know i'm got of worried about getting my upper wisdom teeth taken out.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mid west
    If you wake up with your fly open and a funny taste in your mouth, then you will more to worry about than just your diet.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    If you wake up with your fly open and a funny taste in your mouth, then you will more to worry about than just your diet.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Busy Growing
    Got operation thursday. Its now saturday. Think its safe to hit the gym again? Im anxious to get back. Mouth is still sore but im pretty sure i could get in a decent workout.

    Also, how would my antibiotics and tylenol 3's i take every 4 hours affect my workouts, if at all? I know the tylenol will make me drousy, but is it bad to workout on the two?

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