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Thread: F.D.N.Y trying to make the department more diverse....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Brooklyn N.Y

    F.D.N.Y trying to make the department more diverse....

    I went on wed to a Fire cadet orientation which makes cadets eventually become fireman.....I noticed that all of the firefighters at the orientation were black.....( im in no way a racist but hear my thoughts ).... So the head firefighters talking about how this program was made to make the F.D.N.Y more diverse because its 95% white and the firefighters should be the same race as there neighborhood...
    Now theres only 60 slots and probably about 200 people are trying to become a fire cadet. THey select individuals if they have all the requirements which most will. Say theres like 160 who have all the requirements. Don't you think they'll only pick the black,hispanic and minorities over the white ones? i noticed that all the cadets i seen not one was white. Don't you think this is rather unfair...WHat if they select a lazy unmotivated person over another person who is highly motivated but just didn't select him for any reason..... Please your thoughts on this will help me out.. i find out end of august if i get selected and ill be really stressed if i dont......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    They should select the ones thats done best on the tests etc.
    Black, white, asian, hispanic shouldnt mather, the best qualified should get the job.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Brooklyn N.Y
    Theres no tests are the requirements
    must be 19 - 25
    have have highschool diploma and 15 college credits with 2.5 gpa
    have a drivers license
    be enrolled in a college
    be a new york resident
    They give no such tests or anything they just pick who they want i see that being unfair because there were so many people and theres only 60 could you pick one over the other? at least if they would have like a indoctrination program to weed out the unmotivated then it will be fair but just to select people i think is unfair
    Your right Palme the best man should get the job....

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